View Full Version : Glowing eyes of a lovie hen

05-22-2005, 09:05 PM
Has anyone ever seen the glow some lovie hens get? Mine get it when they are really hormonal and while it looks sweet I'm always leary of a hen attack. Spike does it, CuddleBunny does it, but Basil, normal green/OF, is the worst. She is a really really sweet lovie and doesn't really ever bite my husband or I, but those eyes, when they glow, still have me a comin' at her slow :D. Now if you're another lovie, you defiantely want to stay two steps ahead of her, because she knows where you are, what you're doin' and how many milliseconds it takes to wrap that beak around some birdy butt :eek:.

05-23-2005, 12:12 AM
My Nereus does that. She sits on my shoulder and if I turn my head to look at her those little black eyes start to glow. It scares the crap outta me, because I am afraid she will lunge at my lip and latch on. I have to shoo her away when her eyes glow. I'm a coward.

05-23-2005, 08:15 AM
I've never noticed a glow per se, but I have noticed Gracie sizin' me up before an attack. Maybe there was a glow that I didn't notice consciously. Do their pupils dialate?

05-23-2005, 08:20 AM

I don't know if it's a glow or not either, but I do know they get a very wide eyed excited look. I guess maybe they do glow :)


05-23-2005, 11:29 AM
I think the glow might be...especially in the case of biters; what is called pinning in larger parrots. Don't quote me, I just recall reading something about this as of late and it had to do with African Greys and parrots with Lighter eyes. You can actually see the pupil dialate and it generally means "Stand Clear or Else" LOL.
I've never seen the eyes flash on any of the lovies that I can recall, but luckily, I can read the body language well enough to know when to get away. ;)

05-23-2005, 06:34 PM
I think the glow might be...especially in the case of biters; what is called pinning in larger parrots. Don't quote me, I just recall reading something about this as of late and it had to do with African Greys and parrots with Lighter eyes. You can actually see the pupil dialate and it generally means "Stand Clear or Else" LOL.
I've never seen the eyes flash on any of the lovies that I can recall, but luckily, I can read the body language well enough to know when to get away. ;)

I've seen an Idian Ringneck do that, right before he/she talked. I was standing there admiring it, they eyes dilated, then he said, "how 'ya doin?". :cool: So I researched it and ringnecks sometimes do that right before they say something. :D Much better than an attack warning. :p

05-23-2005, 08:32 PM
Do their pupils dialate?

YES they do !!! LOL
Just like a CAG or a TAG's eyes get all freaky lookin when they're excited !!!

05-24-2005, 09:30 PM
My vet has some older parrots in his office as permanent residents. They are in their 20's and set in their ways. When I talk directly to them, their eyes "pin". The pupils get large and then very small. I always stand clear because these guys have big beaks and I know what little old Peter can do with his little red beak! They do seem to like me and my attention to them, but I'm not taking any chances! Once I was standing too close holding Peter (in his carrier) and felt one preening my hair. I realized that HE could reach WAY further out of his cage than I'd guessed. So glad he was not looking for a snack (like my ear or something!).

05-26-2005, 10:13 AM
You guys are cracking me up! Just remember, fear is a healthy emotion: it keeps us from being birdy-bitten.

The glowing eyes image makes me want to do a photoshop... Gracie with... eyes o' fire! :eek:

05-26-2005, 01:36 PM
It keeps us from being birdy-bitten.

Or preened to within an inch of our lives. :o