View Full Version : The Dreaded Well Bird Visit.....

03-25-2006, 12:46 PM
Not for me, but for Bela and Lacey. Lacey is very good, but you would think they were chopping Bela's head off, instead of just clipping four flight feathers:rolleyes:

Gram stains pending, but overall Dr. Anderson said they look very good. Both have maintained their weight, in fact, Bela gained a couple of grams, but Lacey still weighs in at a whopping 56 grams.

Lacey was having a little problem around her preen gland area, but it wasn't the gland, she had most likely chewed off a feather and there was a piece that was as he put it, ingrown???? Anyway, he pulled that out, gave me some Baytril just incase the picking had caused any infection, and some Metacam to help with any discomfort she may be having. She took it all like the the WOMAN she is, and they were all very impressed:)

All in all, a good check up, and the best part was Bela throwing kisses to everyone as we left. Think he was telling them something?????:rofl:

03-25-2006, 01:03 PM
Lori, I'm so glad that he found something that was easy to correct with Lacey's little ingrown feather! :) I'm sure she's already feeling better.

Glad the visit went well for all three of you! :D

03-26-2006, 11:45 AM
Yep, no surprise from me either on the good results of the vet visit :), but it's very good to know that both Bela and Lacey are doing okay, just the same.


03-26-2006, 02:35 PM
Congrats on having such well-behaved little birdies and another successful well-bird exam! :D

03-27-2006, 12:18 PM
56 grams???? Another "tiny" hen!!! :lol

Glad all went well at the visit and I would have loved to seen Bela blowing kisses...I agree, he was telling them something alright!

03-28-2006, 09:15 PM
Glad to hear the exam went well. We've only had one, and I hope not to have another one for a long while.

but Lacey still weighs in at a whopping 56 grams.
Also just wanted to say Wow! on the 56 grams! I want one of those!!!