View Full Version : Those with both Masked and peachfaced birds

03-25-2006, 08:26 PM
Was there any type of things you did diffrent getting them use to you? I know that masked are supose to be more timid then peachfaced. Is there any hints I should know? Bandit will let me stand next to cage and talk to him. But thats all right now. I am opeing his cage in afternoons and letting him come out if he wants. So far not even came to the door. I am starting to wish I had not put him in this cage yet.lol. I could not even catch him if I wanted to in such a big cage.


03-26-2006, 08:36 AM
I have a peach-faced and I sang to her (I put music on and then sat infront of her cage singing with the music). I also played "peek-a-boo" with her. It's such a simple game, but I think it helped. I also just sat infront of her cage, when I read or watched TV.

03-26-2006, 08:49 AM
Was there any type of things you did diffrent getting them use to you? I know that masked are supose to be more timid then peachfaced. Is there any hints I should know? Bandit will let me stand next to cage and talk to him. But thats all right now. I am opeing his cage in afternoons and letting him come out if he wants. So far not even came to the door. I am starting to wish I had not put him in this cage yet.lol. I could not even catch him if I wanted to in such a big cage.



My blue fisher is a cross between mask and fishers. I don't know if that counts. Blu was absolutely timid when we first got her. She didn't make a peek for almost 2 weeks. Very shy. But absolutely curious. What I did is put toys and treats on top of the cage, including a tinkertoy play pen. She had absolutely no problems getting out to the top of her cage to explore. And that's how we started things up.

03-26-2006, 12:05 PM
I don't have peachies but, for what it's worth, from my experience masks do tend to take more time to warm up than what I've read peachies do. My first mask was exceptionally shy, and it took a good month before he even adventured outside his cage and a lot more time for him to dare to fly out of the bedroom where his cage was to explore other parts of the house. To get him to get out of the cage I tried with millet on the door, toys hung outside but what finally did the trick was when we hung and taped a big willowbranch from the window in front of his cage and made kind of a play area for him there. He loved to strip willow branches so in the end the big one hung just outside his cage proved to be too much of a temptation for him to resist :).

Good luck with Bandit!
