View Full Version : I just need to get this out of my chest...(long)

03-26-2006, 09:20 PM

I went today to a pet store to look at birdie toys and check out their selection of cages (I want to get a bigger one) for my birds, and I stopped by to look at their birds...
Mind you that before I owned a lovebird I did extensive research on their species, behaviour, I purchased 4 books on lovebirds and read them all page by page, and subscribed to Bird Talk magazine, and I joined this community/forum 1 full year before I finally purchased my first lovebird, so I guess I can say I'm well informed about lovebird needs.

At the pet store, as I was looking at some birds, a couple approched the lovebird cage and they were interested in one, and I so wanted to just burst out and tell them all about lovebird care for this couple, but I hesitated, hoping that the sales person would provide a lovebird care-sheet. As I was looking at the cages, this couple were looking at cages for their new lovebird, and the guy picked up the dinkiest round canary cage and went to a sales person to ask how much it was. The thought immediatelly crossed my mind "what the heck is this guy doing???". As I hoped, the sales person informed the guy that the CANARY cage he picked up was not appropriate for a lovebird and that lovebirds like to climb and there were hardly any horizontal bars on the canary cage. So I approched the girl and asked if she was getting a lovebird, and she said "yes", and I added:"oh in that case I agree with the sales lady, that the round cage is not appropriate for a lovebird because lovebirds not only like to climb but they also like corners so they can feel safe". Before I could finish the word "safe" the guy immediatelly cut me off and said very arrogantly: "no, they don't, I have one lovebird for 6 years and this is the exact cage I have". So, I wasn't sure what to say, because I have my birds under 2 years...all I could think of is that his birds is alive by luck!!! And I said: "oh yeah, cool, but do you let your bird have time outside the cage?" He, hesitating, said "yeah" but I don't think so...
I swear that the cage he picked out was 1 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot!!! There's barely space for toys and food dishes...He probably works an 8 hour/day job plus he said he owns a dog. I'm guessing that there are hardly any toys for his lovebird, and that it only sits on the cage's swing...

I left the store >: . If I could I would prevent this guy from owning the lovebird...I felt like putting this guy to live in a 100 square feet apartment, without furniture and see if he survives!!! I can bet money that he has never taken his lovie to a vet, and I'm afraid the lovie might be obese...

I'm so sorry, I just needed to get this out of my chest...It was bugging me all day.

Thank you

03-26-2006, 09:36 PM
Don't you really hate it when this happens!!! >:

Janie & I find this a lot when we are the birdsfairs, but we just bu** right in (no pun intended ;) ). Even when the breeders (who we know are wrong) don't like the fact that we are giving advice to a potential buyer. We just do it anyway. Although we can't save all of new bird owners from incorrect information, we try our best to supply it when the need arises. You did good suggesting and I'm really surprised the customers didn't stop and ask you for anymore advice. Seems if they could tell the sales person was so rude to you that they would've gotten the picture. But you feel the same way so many of us do too. :)

03-26-2006, 09:49 PM
If this salesperson hadn't been so arrogant, he would have realized that your suggestions would have resulted in a larger sale than had this couple purchased the smaller cage! I, too, tend to offer advice when I come across what's obviously a new bird owner. It's in my blood and that's not a bad thing. No, we can't save every single bird but we sure can make it easier for those that happen to cross paths with us. You have to start at the beginning and pray that the word spreads outward from there! Just keep right on talkin' everyone!

03-26-2006, 10:07 PM
I fully understand how you felt. When I was looking to get my first bird I ran into people like that. I was lucky enough to find this board and knew better. My type of personality I would of gotten smart with him and got myself in trouble..lol. I am sure you made that women think again though.


03-27-2006, 02:29 PM
I understand how frustrating that is! It makes me sick to think of how thoughless people are about any pet they choose for their home. I read a book and got a care sheet, and I was still not quite prepared for the amount of work Peter would be when I first got him. I was so obsessed with the little buggar, it didn't matter. Hopefully IF that woman did get a bird, she'll fall in love with it and learn all she can about it.

03-27-2006, 02:41 PM
Totally frustrating, I know. I always say something. It is usually not well received by the salesperson (most are CLUELESS) but I don't care. Sometimes the person buying does listen but for the most part, if it's going to cost them more $, they don't want to hear about it. I spend as little time in chain pet stores as possible. I do buy my dog food there and that's it.

03-27-2006, 04:07 PM
The sales person was trying to tell the boyfriend that the cage he picked out was not appropriate for the lovebird, and after I bu**ed in, the boyfriend was arrogant towards ME AND THE SALES PERSON. Claiming that he owns a lovebird for 6 years in the exact cage... My guess is that he was buying the lovie for his girlfriend and he didn't want to spend more than the bare minimum for the lovie!!!
How cheap! Big cages exist for a reason!!!

03-27-2006, 04:14 PM

It is an after the fact suggestion, but just in case you find yourself in that position again, please give anyone looking for a lovebird this site. Tell them that there is a wealth of information here, and someone is always around to answer any questions they may have after getting their little one home.

Pet stores are notorious for selling items that birds don't need, or should not have. They also have very poor information sheets. PetSmart has one, but it is very vague and does not cover much but the minimal basic care. Hopefully this couple will do some research on their own. At least you put a bug in their ear, and hopefully it will prompt them to investigate further on proper care for their new lovie.

Oh, and don't worry about upsetting the sales people. They may get a little miffed, but there are actually some who appreciate the information;)

03-28-2006, 09:03 PM
Daniela, I know I would've appreciated your input when I was buying my bird and all his stuff. I went to PetSmart first, and they were no help at all that time. I feel like it's hit or miss w/ them, depending on who's working.

I ended up at a local pet store and they seemed to know everything about birds. I was very disappointed to find out later that they didn't give me good diet info. or even good basic care info. They were really pushing the cockatiels too, when I already knew I wanted a lovebird. At least they did steer me towards a decent cage.

03-29-2006, 10:56 AM
BettyAnn, was that Pet Supermarket?. I think their knowledge is just as bad as most. The Aviarium is the only pet store where I've been given correct pet bird info. If I ask a question and the guy is more into the fish instead of the birds, he'll find someone there with more bird knowledge to help me and say right off that he doesn't know as much about birds as fish. I would always rather a sales person say, "I don't know" than to give me a bunch of BS. I think you're right, it all depends if there is someone working that day that knows about birds. I found a sales person at a PetCo, right after I adopted Oliver, and she was GREAT. She told me no grit, fresh veggies, big cage, etc. She actually owned a lovebird and knew what proper care was. She also told me that she'd just turned in her two weeks notice and that the bird care, in general, at PetCo was terrible. For the most part, these sales people have no bird experience. They might like animals but they don't have a clue what's best for them.

03-29-2006, 11:18 AM
Janie, I've never heard of the Avarium. I'll have to look that one up. Is it in Atlanta? I love to visit new pet stores now, but I always drive by the same ones. There isn't a PetCo near me, but there's a PetSmart that I go to. There's actually one employee that owns a sun conure, and he was very helpful. A Pet Supermarket just opened up near me too, and the prices seemed a little better. I got Milly from Animal Atlanta (or is it Atlanta Animal?). Lots of birds in there, and the employees were really nice & knowledgeable about birds. I spent a lot of time in there before I got Milly. So I was disappointed when they told me just to feed Milly seed and to use the crushed walnut at the bottom w/out the grate... stuff like that, and then I find out that's stuff not to do. Who knows. They were all bird owners too, so that really bothers me. Where do you go to get Oliver & company's wing/nail trim? I need to do that soon.

03-29-2006, 06:07 PM
BettyAnn, unfortunately the Aviarium is located right next to Gwinnett Mall. It's a mom and pop store and they only have one store. They used to be located near my avian vet on N. Druid Hills Rd. but moved to the Gwinnett area a while back. My dog vet who also has birds told me about them and then, when I found the Aviarium, they told me where to find a board certified avian vet. They do nothing but birds and fish and almost always have someone there that knows a lot about birds. Jackie and I were there last Sat. and one of the young employees told Jackie that one of the lovebirds was a "tiedye" lovie. Jackie did correct her and told her it's a PIED lovie! :D But still, most of them are knowledgeable and if they aren't, they find another person who is. The sales people are kind of split....some work with bird customers and others with fish customers. Since finding the bird fairs I do not buy as much there as I did before but if I ever get in a pinch, they have what I need. I only buy my millet from them. If you want their phone number or directions, let me know. I know that Marietta isn't close but still, it might be worth a little trip out of your way. :D

03-29-2006, 07:23 PM
BettyAnn there is a avian vet on Bellsferry road. He is not adverstied on the list of avian vets though for some reason. He is Dr. Rivera and he is at Bells Ferry Animal Hospital and the number is 770-926-5311. He might be close enough to you to use.


03-29-2006, 07:31 PM
Oops....I forgot to answer the wing clip/nail trim question. I have the wing clip done (sometimes) at the Aviarium and sometimes by my avian vet. The Aviarium doesn't charge me because I bought a big cage from them....my vet charges $12. per bird. Lucky me, Rubygem (the breeder for my other two) has come over and done the last two clips on Big Boi and Shy. Oliver is in full flight and loving it! As long as it works for us, he'll remain flighted. As far as a nail trim, my avian vet clipped Oliver's once and every single nail bled. She knows what she's doing and still, they bled. So, she marked his chart, "file only" but he really hasn't needed it. I have a concrete perch in all cages and I think that helps keep the nails and beak in pretty good shape. My younger two are 10 months old and have never had a nail clip.

03-30-2006, 09:08 PM
Some people are interested in learning or listening and some are not.....I refer people to this site and they can absorb what they are interested in for themselves.

Diangram....you did what you could and speaking out or speaking up takes guts....most people will replay the day when they get a chance to slow down....I'm sure she will be thinking about what you said especially since her boyfriend was rude....and even though it didn't appear to have caused any affect....I'm sure it will in the life of her lovie anyway.

TyeDye....very cute....kind of sounds like a new mutation a teenager would come up with. Gotta watch them nomenclatures. ;) Ya know.

04-01-2006, 03:40 PM

I wish you had been at my Petsmart when I bought Finny. I would have welcomed any and all information. It is so lucky for me (actually for Finny and now Aiobheann) that I found this site!

I think it should be manditory for all pet stores to provide accurate and detailed information on all pets they sell. But until that day... keep telling people what they need to know and hope they have the sense to listen, that way we will have happier and healthier feathered and furry friends!

Finny and Evie's Mommie

04-01-2006, 07:38 PM
:x Whenever I go in a pet store, I get sick of those little, tiny cages which are probably okay for 1 finch only but they advertise them as alright for canaries, lovies and budgies, it makes me feel just awful. Also, those stupid round cages, birds aren't helicopters!!!:(

04-03-2006, 12:07 PM
Janie & Steph,
Thanks for all the great info. I'm going to check out Dr. Rivera. The avian vet. I went to was kinda far. I just moved out here last summer, so still finding my way around. I'll check out where Gwinnett Mall is on mapquest-- I'd love to check out the Aviarium someday.