View Full Version : Lovie vs Tiel

03-27-2006, 02:01 PM
After a clean bill of health from my vet, I placed the tiel's cage across the room from my lovie's. So far... they function like a flock, eating whenever one sees the other eating. The teil whistles while my lovie chirps. The Teil's more vocal, but it's mostly whistles.
It's been a week and a few days since then, and I placed the tiel's cage on the same table as Mikey's cage sits on. There's a few inches between the cages so no one's tempted to grab toes or feathers through the bars. The Tiel's more shy, and would rather do his own thing. Mikey hops from his cage to get near the tiel. They aren't fighting, just the lovie is more out going about figuring out the "new" bird.
I think they're doing well. >o Mikey's not going out for blood like I thought he would. I don't trust them alone together though... usually, when I'm filling food cups, I let them out together. Mikey's first thought is to get on the teil's cage and try to socialize, while the tiel will be cool until Mikey gets too close.
Mikey chirps to Birdie, bobs his head, ruffles the feathers and tries to get close... Maybe Mikey thinks Birdie is a potential mate?

Anyone of ya have a lovie that acts like this towards other animals/birds/people?

03-27-2006, 02:31 PM
Amanda, I know that there are cases of lovies and tiels who do get along and can even be caged together but don't forget that Mikey can kill the tiel. I would not turn my back on them, when out together, for a second. Chances are that they will be friends but only living in separate cages. I think more often than not, it's not a match made in heaven so watch them carefully and don't trust Mikey.

03-27-2006, 02:50 PM
We have lovies and tiels and I don't trust any of the lovies with the tiels. I'm sure there are cases, and yours might be one, of them getting along famously, but my lovies are so aggressive toward the docile tiels, that even youngsters (2 months old) will chase a cockatiel just for the fun of it.

03-29-2006, 02:26 PM
Yeah, I wouldn't trust them fully together, either. Playtime out of the cage may be all right, but it must be supervised. One of my lovies LOVES Sunny, one of my budgies, and although they do get playtime together, they are definitely not housed together. But it's nice that they can be friends.

03-29-2006, 03:16 PM
Hi Asue,

I've also heard that you can never trust lovies with tiels, as they might very well kill them in a fit of aggression. But I guess living in the same room in separate cages like you're doing should be okay :). That said, I'm sooo jealous of you. A member of the bird club I attend raises tiels and she sent me these two pictures, seriously, just to mess with my mind ;).

First, how can you possibly resist babies crying for food, especially when one of them has his tiel curl already showing in his little head:


And then, just look at this one:

Just look at that baby's curl and at his tail, and at his round eyes *sigh*

Everytime I look at those pictures, I have to remind myself: I don't have space, I have lovebirds, I don't have space, I have lovebirds, over and over again...

Please do post some pictures of your tiel when you can. I so need help to resist and tide me over until we finally move into a house :).
