View Full Version : I am going to be away for a bit: check out my list and comment please

03-28-2006, 02:33 PM
Ok first things first, To the flock I need to let you know that I am going out of town next Monday the 3rd and wont return until the following Monday the 10th so I will be MIA for a bit.

I didn’t want anyone to think I had abandoned the flock or anything. Until then my time is limited as I am having to piggy back next weeks work on tops of this weeks (I do well over 60 hour work weeks as it is) not to mention trip preparation.

My grandfather called me not to long ago and told me his journey was ending and to come say goodbye. At the end of that trip I have to meet Karen at a Conference she is attending in Orlando.

Next order of business. It is my hope that some of our new Lovebird owners or those considering purchasing one, can be helped with the information I am providing below. A commitment to a lovebird is well beyond the demands that dogs and cats place on our lives. Hopefully this will help someone become a better lovie companion and help some lovies have better lives. :)

While Karen and I are gone (I leave Monday she leaves Thursday) Lenny and Heather are staying here to watch the business and more importantly my little Trixie Bunny.

Our neighbor Melissa (who has always been a part of Trixie's extended flock) is going to put him to “sweepy time” and get him up in the mornings . Trixie loves Melissa and it has worked out well in the past when Karen and I have had to leave for a day or 2.

Heather is going to be his main velcro buddy during the day/night and Lenny will play 2nd string.

Trixie sees them on an almost daily basis so this should be fine.

Heather is well initiated into the fine art of food preparation, water watching (can't have Trixie’s “cooking experiments” that end up in his water dish used for baths) and cage duty. I just need to have her watch and give a bath or 2 before we leave, because as many of you know, Trixie loves his baths.

There is a booklet I am making complete with pictures concerning every aspect of Trixie’s care (food prep, toy usage, games played, gym usage, a list of rules and procedures… nothing to chance).

There will be NO cooking or any other potential threat allowed in the house while we are away. They can use the downstairs microwave to warm up food and Heather can cook at her house and bring it back here for Lenny) and Lenny or Heather will be on site 100% of the time.

I have begun an exact itinerary for each day and I will be in touch via phone 3 or 4 times a day and will never be away from my cell. (Im starting to sound like I am anal retentive even though I am far from that lol )

I am also putting together a list of contacts (including 2 vets plus emergency facilities) as well as all the numbers where I am going to be plus Karen's families, Mellissa's (she lives directly across the street) as well as our other friendly neighbors.

I will be on speakerphone when I call so me and Trix can call to one another and so he can hear my voice. I hope this helps with the daddy withdrawals.
I am even considering mounting an internet cam so I can watch him from my laptop while I am away.

I am going to miss my little buddy. I have never been away from him for more than 24 hours before. When all that crazy stuff happened last year he was with me (known to you who remember as the “great adventures”), and since I am flying I am not going to put him at risk.

I had originally explored his breeder (who is awesome by the way and runs an Avian store) for boarding options but decided against it.

1) No quarantine opportunities
2) Limited amount of socialization (only an hour or 2 a day)
3) He would be taken from HIS house (its not Karen’s or mine anymore) and since he will be apart from me, the bonded one, I think this is way tooooo much stress on my little buddy

I also investigated boarding opportunities at the vets, and came to the same conclusions as before because of similar conditions, although if I had to I think the avian store would be better for him.

I cannot express the dread and worry I know I am going to experience and this alone freaks me out. :(

For those that don’t know me well, In my crowd I am the rock star, rough and tough guy. Nothing shakes me! Business problems? HAH! Bring it. Family issues... piece of cake. Life's ordeals? A walk in the park.

Separation from my Trixinator? Instant Trauma :(

I might cry when I leave. :cry: I don’t cry at anything.. not when I watched Bambi, get sad news from people I care about, not even at funerals. How pathetic and selfish does this make me? You decide but I don’t care. ;) I love my Trixie Bunny and wish I didn’t have to go. :(

For those of you who are more experienced than I , I welcome any and ALL critiques, comments or suggestions. My ego doesnt matter, only the care and happiness of my one and only, the original and most specialist.... Trixie Bunny

03-28-2006, 02:38 PM
Hi Perran,

I honestly can only say "Wow", in the most admiring tone, that is :). I think you really have thought of everything and I'm sure Trixie will be well taken care of during your trip. I'm sorry you're feeling sad about leaving her but I think you should derive a bit of consolation from the fact that you have honestly tried everything in your power to make sure she'll be fine and I'm sure she will :) .

Have a nice trip!

03-28-2006, 02:43 PM
Perran, I'm sitting here crying at my desk...co workers wondering what the he** is wrong with me. Trixie has got to be one of the luckiest lovies on the planet and it's so obvious how enamored you are with your baby. Sounds like you have every bit of ground covered and all you'll have to do is some extra spoiling when you return and everything will be just fine. ;)
Don't worry about your pal, Trixie will be using every minute of your time away manipulating her caretakers for extra treats, millet and attention.

Have a safe trip, both you and Karen!

03-28-2006, 02:50 PM
I agree Trixie is a lucky one to have parents who care so much. We are going away for 5 days at the end of April and like you I am drilling caregivers to know my birds are taken care of. I never thought about the speaker phone option and now I like that idea alot. You have helped me alot in thingss I need to remember about leaving for a few days.


03-28-2006, 03:39 PM

It sounds like you have everything covered. I'm sure Trixie will miss his Daddy, but he'll be fine. You've made sure that his routine will not be altered, and I'm sure he'll be spoiled rotten by the time you get back, not that he isn't already:)

I hope you have a good visit with your Grandfather. Have a safe trip.

03-28-2006, 03:54 PM
Perran, sounds to me (too) like you've got it all covered and let me tell you, you are lucky to have a couple who will come into your home and take care of him. I could find dog sitters all day long but finding a bird sitter is no easy task. I've begged my neighbor, a wonderful woman, to get interested in my lovies so that she could look after them if I have to leave but birds are just not her thing and if they aren't, they aren't. Most people are uncomfortable with birds because they've never been around them and most birds are not comfortable with strangers. And the covered cage at night and uncovering at the same time every morning is an issue, too. The coupe of times my son has looked after Oliver, he set his alarm clock to be sure Oliver got uncovered in the morning but I always worried. I think Trixie will be fine and dandy and it's great that he can stay in his own home. I couldn't think of boarding Oliver anywhere, at his age. Just not fair to him. I did take Big Boi and Shy back to Rubygem's when I was gone for a week in Oct. and that worked out very well. They are young, didn't mind change, and stayed in her daughters room and got lots of outside playtime.

I'm glad you'll be getting to say a final goodbye to your grandfather. I think that is so important for both of you. You take care and try not to worry about Trixie. I know you will but try not too worry too much and call home every hour! :D

03-28-2006, 06:11 PM
Hi Perran,
The first thing I'm going to tell you is that you are one of the most caring lovie parents I know! Trixie Bunny is very, very lucky to have found a home with you! :) While we don't like the thought, there are times when our fids cannot go everywhere with us. (Same thing applied to my kids when they were babies.) It sounds like you have all your bases covered and you are leaving Trixie with responsible people that you trust. That's an important thing. A non-bird person would probably think "Oh, it's only a bird! What's all the fuss/concern about???" Those of use here in this community feel the same way you do! Our lovies share our lives and have an important place in our hearts! I know you are going to miss Trixie and he's going to miss you but I think you have a sound game plan.

There's just one more thing I need to tell you. If you are going to be in Orlando for any length of time, I live just about an hour west of there and you'd best at least give me a call!!!!

03-28-2006, 06:57 PM

*sniff-sniff* You are brave cause I'd do the same as you're doing if I could, but that's why I don't go anywhere on vacation. I'm glad to hear you've got informative friends who understand Trixie's needs. The only friends nearby who have any knowledge of birds are Janie & Rubygem, but they are at least an hour away from me. Sounds like Trixie has the of best care cause his daddy & mom have very trusting friends. You two have a safe trip call Trixie often :D

03-29-2006, 07:52 AM
Perran, I can only offer one comment. Prepare your birdy caregivers for your phone calls, where you demand to have the phone held up to Trixie's cage so you can talk. Make them sign a confidentiality statement so that the baby-birdy-talk cannot be used against you at some future time. ;)

03-29-2006, 10:16 AM
That bird is spoiled rotten! :happy:

03-29-2006, 10:29 AM
A non-bird person would probably think "Oh, it's only a bird! What's all the fuss/concern about???"

Linda, BINGO! I received a flyer for pet sitting. A real company, not just a kid looking for summer work. I called and they gave me the rate for my dog, coming in two or three times a day and when I asked about Oliver, they said, "oh, no charge for the bird, not much care required with a bird." :eek: We all know better but non "bird people" do not.

Dave, :D, Ditto ain't a bit spoiled, right? :whistle:

03-29-2006, 10:40 AM
Dave, :D, Ditto ain't a bit spoiled, right? :whistle:

Not at all. Just ask him, he'll tell 'ya. :lol

03-29-2006, 11:17 AM
I think Trixie is going to have to mention to you that birdies like to fly by the feathers of their pants every now and then, so to speak. That is a pretty regimented life you got goin' on there. But, I do understand that to arrange all things means a worryless trip, and a safe and healthy birdie.

I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope your farewell is bearable, and you can find some pleasant things in your visit.

I think you did forget one important contact to share with your birdie-sitters. ***US***. Please give them our web address. As well as enjoying updates about Trixie, we will always be here to lend a hand or advice if there are simple questions a Trix-sitter may be too embarassed to ask a daddy.

Have a nice trip, and we look forward to your return.

03-30-2006, 01:08 AM
Hey everyone! I just wanted to drop in and thank you for all the nice responses. I will give you all a good update and reply all proper like soon. I pwomise!

Thank you all again so much for the feedback! I read each and everyone of your replies and I am so touched by you all.


PS: Trixie sends snuggles and kisses for all his extended flock!

04-03-2006, 10:03 AM
Hey All,

Well it is time. I am now on my way to the airport. Heather and Lenny (They are in y band and are NOT a couple :P ) are going to login and give updates.

I have done my best to prep the world and my little Buddy. I know he is in good hands and I am still worried.

I will try to pop in on Thursday after I leave my Papa's house. He doesnt have the net so I wont see anythign until I hit the hotel in Orlando.

Peace be with you all,