View Full Version : Taming Progress Help.

03-29-2006, 04:00 PM
My peachfaced is now 4mo. old and I have had him for 5 weeks. I would just like to know if we are making progress in taming each other because I have never owned a bird before. After a month, he seem to be pretty well stick trained. He is not a biter and realitivly quiet, he does get loud but not all the time. I live in a studio and the only place I can take him for training away from his cage is my bathroom. In the bathroom he will step up on my hand and allow me to handle him (pet, turn over, ride on shoulder etc.). He will ride on my finger or back into the living room all the way to his cage. However, if he gets off my hand in the living room he will not get back on it. I then have to use the stick to get him to ride and he will not jump from the stick to my shoulder. Is this normal for the process.

Secondly, he eats a good varied diet of pellits and seed, fruits and grains and dosen't seem to be too pickey. He will not take anything from my hand, even in the training area (read: bathroom). Is this normal?

Finally, his cage is placed near my computer where I do alot of work. This puts me in close proximity to him without messing with him. In the last week I have instutited the open door policy on his cage. He seems to spend alot of time out of the cage gliding and exploring bookshelves and such. Can they spend too much time out of their cage and should I regulate cage time and free time.

I know this seems like a lot but much help is appreciated.:whistle:

03-29-2006, 04:47 PM
A wing clip can go a long way in helping to tame. That way he can not get away from you as easily when the training session is done. Your doing alot of right steps to building his trust. It might take some time for him to take treats from your hand. I have one bird who will take treats and the other will not.Just be paitient it can happen. As for to much outside of cage time. I am not sure there is. Many here have their birds with them out almost all day long. Just be sure he is getting enough dark/sleep time at night.


03-29-2006, 09:38 PM
Some lovebirds just don't like hands, but it sounds like your lovie is pretty tame as long as you're in the bathroom. If he's fully flighted and does this well, then a wing clip may be your answer. Have a modified clip done (the first 3 or 4 flight feathers on each wing) by a vet, breeder or pet store if you've never done this yourself. Usually after a clipping, they become more dependent on you and it changes their attitude about training. Right now he sees himself as being in control and he needs to see that YOU are leader of the flock.

As far as time out of cage, on the weekends, I let mine stay out as much as possible and most of this depends on you. Make sure he goes back to his cage often for food and water. If he doesn't do this, then you will want to limit his time so he does. :2cents:

03-30-2006, 09:04 AM
It sounds like your training is really coming along -- for both of you. :) Good job!

I don't know that I would feel comfortable with an open-cage policy while I'm doing something else. There are many ways for a little bird to get hurt or otherwise into trouble, that we just can't foresee. That's the only thing I would advise you to do differently, for safety's sake. Don't let him come and go as he pleases.

Best wishes,