View Full Version : Spitballs

03-29-2006, 06:53 PM
Does anyone else have a lovebird that will chew up paper, go to the water, and make a spitball?

Very odd behavior.

03-29-2006, 07:20 PM
I can't say my bird, Kameko, has ever done that but you know i would really like to see a bird do that, i would think that would be hilarious :lol . Kameko dips her seeds in water and makes a mess, but thats about as close as it comes lol.

03-29-2006, 07:25 PM
Not my birds. Whisper and Baggy make strips. Bandit I have no idea not tried paper yet with him.


03-29-2006, 08:10 PM
Does anyone else have a lovebird that will chew up paper, go to the water, and make a spitball?

Very odd behavior.

No, but my Meyer's parrot Cookie likes to chew on our house:cry: :cry: .

03-29-2006, 08:21 PM
No, but my Meyer's parrot Cookie likes to chew on our house:cry: :cry: .

I feel for you! If my lovebird can do the damage she is doing to my house, I can only imagine what you are going through with Cookie.

Steve, my lovebird is not a paper chewer. However anything wood, she'll chew and destroy. She likes to dip popsicle sticks in her water to soften it up and then chew the popsicle sticks into a bunch of toothpicks.

03-29-2006, 09:29 PM

I have two males who can make more spit balls than I care to see. The only thing is they don't take them to the water dish. Everything they chew up becomes a spit ball. Now, my girls :rolleyes: Olivia is a champion stripper of paper!! Daisy is learning fast, but I try not to let them have any paper for fear of nesting behavior :eek:

03-29-2006, 09:34 PM
I forgot about this, Kameko actually will make little spitball type things out of strands of string she pulls off her toys. She sits and chews them like gum, especially when she is in a mating type mood ;). Then she will stick them in her feathers so we end up having to pick little balls stuffed deep in her feathers which initially makes us think she has a growth :eek:. She hasn't done this recently but we had to pick 3 out of her back in one evening, not an easy task :).

03-30-2006, 09:53 AM
Two of mine love to put chewed popsicle sticks in Oliver's water dish (poor Oliver, he is so neat and they are so messy in his space) and they do love to chew paper but so far, that has not gone into the water dish. I'm sure it will before long. I used to change Oliver's water dish a couple of times a day, now.....about 10 times a day because of the mess Big Boi and Shy make in his dish! They have a water bottle in their cage so they can't make a mess with that! :D

03-30-2006, 11:10 PM
None of mine make spitballs, nor strips out of the paper. They only chew holes around the entire edge of the paper. And Laharl is terrible for making a mess in his water dish. I think that boy needs a water bottle, too!

Luckys mom
03-31-2006, 08:35 AM
:) Lucky makes spitballs all the time. She loves chewing strips on papers and needless to say....my house is full of strips of paper and spitballs by the end of the day. I must say, it is quite cute to watch but omg, the clean up that has to be done. Oh Well, anything for my little spoiled brat! Wouldn't trade her in for a million bucks!