View Full Version : Please make is STOP!!!

03-29-2006, 09:02 PM
Okay, there is some sadistic cosmic force out there that is trying to make me break down:roll: :roll: . I am sooooo overloaded with birds I can't even deal anymore. We all know the bad breeding luck I've had and the fact that I've had to deal with almost 20 baby lovies over the last four months. Then there was the adoption of Chubs (Indian Ringneck) and the three parakeets that were brought to my door. For those newbies, this makes my current bird count at 18 permanent lovies, 8 baby lovies, 3 parakeets, 2 Meyer's parrots, 1Indian ringneck, and 1 CAG:x :x :x :x . Well the chaos has moved beyond the feathered kind. Last week I was walking to my car and almost stepped on a water turtle that was walking in the road. Well, I scooped it up and took care of it for a few days before I found a turtle person to love and care for it. Well now two bunnies have showed up at one of the residential homes I work at. They have showed up over the last few weeks and separately, but it went from them cruising around the neighborhood to living under the bushes in the front. I finally broke down today and bought them some pellets and brought them fresh veggies the last couple of days. I am worried as there are plenty of mongoose, feral cats, dogs, and children around to take these sweet bunnies down in a second. Of course, I don't want to call the humane society either because they get a lot of bunnies and it would not take long for them to put them down if they aren't adopted immediately.

HELP!!!!!! I know they are cuddly but I don't want NO bunnies!!!!

03-29-2006, 09:09 PM

You just have too big of a heart. That's not a bad thing, but it sure can weigh you down at times.

Any chance you could find someone willing to take the bunnies in? Try that first, as I have a feeling, you won't be able to leave them there much longer without giving in and scooping them up.

I'd love to be able to back you up and say,"Hey, you can't save them all" That's what my hubby keeps telling me, but it's just not in me, that's how I got all my cats. Yep, all strays:rolleyes:

03-29-2006, 09:20 PM

Honey, you've got to pick up your head and put it back on your shoulders. No more letting it spin around and falling off or people will think you're crazy :eek:

Now, Can you try advertising at a vet's office? or free local papers? I can't move out to Hawaii and help you as I still have two homeless lovies in my bedroom :lol It will be alright it just seems impossible right now. With Easter coming it may be easier than you think to find a home for them. :happy:

03-29-2006, 10:27 PM
Heh, I know how it is (maybe not your number wise...) but if I could, I'd save everything I could, too. Advertising is a great idea - vet offices, supermarkets, newspapers, or anywhere else you think would be suitable. I wish I could take them, but I live waaaaaaaaay far away. But I wish you good luck.

03-30-2006, 01:06 AM
You can also try advertising on craigslist.org and harmonycentral.com to find someone to care for the bunnies :). I have found those two places t be really good resources where I live :)

I hope this helps and I admire the love you have in your heart. I just have a kweschun. How do you get a heart the size of Kansas in that little human body of yours? ;)

03-30-2006, 07:39 AM
Yikes. There is definitely a thing as being too good-hearted. Bunnies reproduce like bunnies for a reason. They are relatively low on the food chain. And we need that food chain. Because if we save all the bunnies, you lose the snakes and the hawks and the small wild cats and a lot of other predators. It may break your heart, but it's part of life.

I had a friend that used to raise mice. He had a pair and that pair had a ton of offspring. And whatever offspring they didn't eat themselves (gross but true...if you don't pull them out pretty quick, mom and dad eat the babies...), he fed to his snakes. They were cute little mice. Kind of looked like mice you could buy in Petsmart. But to a snake, they looked like a meal.

Now I'm not criticizing your good heart. Heck, my fiance can't pass a turtle in the road without risking a 20-car pileup, and there are turtles in lots of roads here in FL, but you have to stop and think about nature. Some animals are always going to die.

Seems to me like these rabbits are causing a lot of stress for you about a pretty natural process. They will either learn to survive, or they will help another animal survive (yes I'm hoping they don't get run over or shot with a pellet gun, but no one said humans were very smart).

My advice... let nature take its course. It has worked for millions of years. Well, unless you live in a red state. Then it's only worked for the last 5000 or so years. But either way, its worked for a really long time. Let it work this time too and be happy that a hawk or an eagle will survive another couple days.

03-30-2006, 09:19 AM
Laura, do they seem wild or tame?

Loose tame bunnies can be a real problem around Eastertime. People get them for their kids, or they are given away as prizes, and many people don't really understand how to care for them. The bunnies wind up being set loose or taken to shelters.

Wild bunnies are best left in the wild, especially with your menagerie of birds. Rabbits carry Pasteurella, which is deadly to birds. If the bunnies seem tame, a shelter is the best place for them.

Best wishes,

03-30-2006, 09:46 AM

You just have too big of a heart.

Laura, that's it, in a nutshell! My poor sister has a reputation for taking in homeless animals (dogs and cats and ONE duck) to the point that people have started dumping them over her fence. She can't possibly handle all that she's given and it is making her life miserable because she can't even enjoy her own animals which consist of 6 dogs and 9 or 10 cats. I feel for you and I feel for her but there are times that I turn my head and keep moving. I have picked up dogs and my vet has been kind enough to take them.

A neighbor up the street let her son bring a box turtle inside and the child got sick and the doctor said it was definitely something that the turtle brought in. :eek: I don't know if that's true but that is what I was told. I'm afraid to bring anything into my house because of my birds.....them more than my dog.

It is a dilemma and I feel for you. :grouphug:

03-30-2006, 12:03 PM
Thankfully the bunnies are not at my house as of yet but outside down the street. I am responsible for the house they are living at so it makes it even more difficult as the issue becomes work related....These bunnies are definately former pets. I can't pet them, but can walk up to the and they will eat out of my hand. They are also very used to humans and don't run away so leaving them outside to the elements doesn't seem right. I believe in the whole natural selection and web of life stuff, but pets should not be classified in the catergory cause as pets they were never given the knowledge they need to survive in the wild.

I am going to call the humane society today to see what their bunny policy is cause a good source told me they only keep cats three days before euthanizing them:x . They usually have a lot of bunnies so he chances of them getting adopted may not be that good. I also called my vet's office as she's big in the bunny scene here but she is normally busy and will be out of town til' Friday so I don't expect a call back from her. I'm thinking that I may just round them up and keep them until I can find a good home for them. I have used Craig's list once in the past to adopt out two babies I had and found a great home. Interest comes and goes and there have been tons of free animals on the site of late. We have a lot of military people who get pets and want to dump them when they move. This makes me mad as how stupid and uncaring do you have to be to get pets knowing your so transient. Anyway, that's a different topic.

Thanks for the input:)

03-30-2006, 03:16 PM
You will find a way.....You're a Keeper LauraO.....big heart and all.;) It's nice that you are always looking out for others. I believe you will be blessed with a quick solution.:D

03-30-2006, 03:16 PM
Hi Laura,

I hope you get a positive response from the humane society to help you with the bunny situation. It's so maddening to think people will just leave a pet, a life for which they're responsible, out to fend on its own. Like you say, they usually don't stand a fighting chance. I was thinking, have you tried calling a local newspaper about this? Last December, a few days before Xmas I remember, a family found this really beautiful bunny in the parking lot where they had left their car. The bunny was in a cage and there was a note left saying please take care of me, my name is Gustav (or something, I don't remember exactly). I live in Sweden so December is cold, and it must have been just a couple of degrees above zero that day, so the poor bunny was really cold, but otherwise in good shape, which means that it couldn't have been there so long, so they picked up the cage and took it to their home, but they knew they couldn't keep it because they had several dogs. I don't know exactly how they did it, but I guess the family contacted a local newspaper, and before you know it, the story of the Xmas orphan bunny was even in the internet. As far as I know they got a 100 or so offers from people wanting to take care of the bunny, and in the end, they were able to choose a really great family for it. Could this be an angle you could sell to some journalist?


03-30-2006, 04:57 PM
Pre-Easter seems like a pretty good time to adopt out a bunny or two. The timing is definitely in their favor!

Take care,