View Full Version : Spring Behaviour in Birds!!! Good to Know!

03-30-2006, 01:33 PM
Hi All,
If your lovie is acting weird/unusuall lately, you should definatelly read this:
(sorry, I don't know if I can put links, but in case you're worried about copyrights, it is well referenced!)

Some of you may already know this, but it's always good to refresh on details!


03-30-2006, 03:06 PM
Good reminder Daniela. Thanks:D

03-30-2006, 04:14 PM
Thanks Daniela! Very interesting and makes me glad that I don't have a large parrot! :D I've heard that they really do go through some nasty spring behavior. Oliver does not but it remains to be seen how my two ten month old boys will behave. Shy is spending much of his waking hours humping Oliver's birdie buddy. I gave him his own and now he humps either or. :lol

03-30-2006, 06:25 PM
Shy is spending much of his waking hours humping Oliver's birdie buddy. I gave him his own and now he humps either or. :lol
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That cracked me up. I guess spring behaviour isn't just for the hens and their eggs.

03-30-2006, 11:07 PM
I've known about this, but have never experienced it with any of my birds. Hopefully, I won't have to!

03-31-2006, 08:44 AM
Molly & Piper (both males) follow each other everywhere! They constantly regurgitate to each other. Molly LOVES to do swishy-swishy and Piper humps his Birdy-Buddy. Daisy and Olivia have been playing in the half pulled out kitchen towel drawer again. They get to squealing and it's so funny. Olivia can get real protective of "her" towel drawer unless Daisy isn't with her. So you see, I may never have to worry about babies. The boys don't like the girls and the girls don't like the boys :D Whew!

03-31-2006, 09:17 AM
I posted this because I found that my Jade is going out of her way to bite me, REALLY out of her way! Also, Jet is being such a snuggle bug, which he never was...he's doing very cute antics to get my attention. He used to run away from me, now (could be coincidence) he even lets me pet his belly!!!
I have Jade over 1.5 years and I recall about this time last year when she became really bitey...then for the rest of the summer she was a good girl until she had babies...
You guys are lucky, however, we are, since lovies have this "spring" behaviour in a mild form, and because of their size, they don't do much damage! LOL
Cheers to all and have a great day!

03-31-2006, 01:05 PM
I have noticed my CAG Mijo has been getting more nippy lately (this is not related to the brownie story:wink: ). He has also been wanting to burrow under the covers and when he's on the bed he tries to dig under the covers and scratches at the bed. He has also been getting more hormonal with me and likes to puff up in a ball, whimper, and gack on me while stepping on and off my hands. He also likes to grab onto my hand with his talon and bang his beak against my hand. Lately, he's been biting at my hand while doing this and when he's doing it it seems hormonal. I try to divert him but I don't want to yank my hand away as this is a cue for him to attack:x . He's about four now, which means he is almost sexually mature so I'm assuming it will get worse in the next year or two :x .

Buy A Paper Doll
04-03-2006, 04:43 PM
Thanks for posting this!! Melody has been a total pain in the neck lately. She wants to burrow in my shirt, but if I don't let her, she gets mad and bites holes in it. It's probably nesty hen syndrome. *sigh*