View Full Version : merry-go-round

04-02-2006, 05:27 PM
Hi, all...haven't been around much I know but I still am here...lol.
I have a fan attached to my dining room light (not turned on of course!)...Rain likes to fly over and sit on the blades. When he lands it starts turning slowly...and of course everyone else decides they must join him. So around and around it goes...with the lovies traveling from blade to blade, to cage and back as they get of and back on again when their blade comes close to the cages. Just like a merry-go-round.
And speaking of which, Rain's girl Mlaibu is sitting on her clutch like a good Momma while Pop and Mango have invited him over to visit...Pop, little floozy that she is, is sitting in the middle with Rain and Mango taking turns feeding her. Not all one sided though...Rain and Mango have always liked each other and have decided to feed each other as well. So the three are having a great old time while poor Malibu is sitting around, feeding her hatred of Pop...and then Rain decides that Angel is a pretty little thing also in need of his company...philandering old fool. As if Mal isnt enough to keep him busy.

04-02-2006, 05:51 PM
Hi Traci!

Good to hear from you! I have a fan in my bird room (like yours, turned off) and one of my younger boys likes to fly up and it does start moving around! :D My breeder told me that when her babies are learning to fly, they do exactly what yours do and the blades, full of lovies, go round and round, slowly. Glad to hear that your flock is doing well! :)

04-02-2006, 06:13 PM
I think they enjoy the on-and-off again game the most...reaching out their little heads and waiting for their turn to come close to the cages...then trying to get lined up with a blade again...it is so funny to watch! Of course, landing on my head and taking off again is also a big attraction...I feel like part of the amusement park, lol...