View Full Version : Making friends

04-02-2006, 08:22 PM
Charlie and Pete are becoming more of my little friends as time goes on. :happy: They have found out that I don't chase them any more to get them into their cage. They can play until bed time and then they are ready to go to bed in their cage. ;) Pete even came and landed on my head one night when I did not let him in the cage. :omg: First time ever. Now I can hold up a willow twig and they come running to sit and eat on it. I believe they are beliving in me more and more. They still keep their eye on the hummers that come and feed outside their window. They are such wonderful little pets.


04-02-2006, 08:25 PM
Charlie and Pete are becoming more of my little friends as time goes on. :happy: They have found out that I don't chase them any more to get them into their cage. They can play until bed time and then they are ready to go to bed in their cage. ;) Pete even came and landed on my head one night when I did not let him in the cage. :omg: First time ever. Now I can hold up a willow twig and they come running to sit and eat on it. I believe they are beliving in me more and more. They still keep their eye on the hummers that come and feed outside their window. They are such wonderful little pets.



sounds like you are slowly make some strong progress. It took Blu 10 months before she became comfortable with me. And now, the little bugger won't let me go.
The best things are the ones that happens slowly over time. It's best to go at their pace and not ours ;)


04-02-2006, 08:46 PM
Hi Joe,
Sounds like your patience and laid back attitude towards Charlie and Pete is paying off! Way to go!! It takes time to build a true trust relationship and that's what you are striving for. There are no quick fixes. Don't let anyone tell you that there is! :)

04-02-2006, 08:51 PM
WOOHOO!! Way to go Joe :happy: You have just passed your first test of trust with Charlie & Pete. Feels good, huh? :D

04-02-2006, 09:01 PM
Congrats, Joe. Patience really does pay off, in the end. I know what it feels like when a birdie begins trusting you more and more each day. It's a good feeling, isn't it. :)

04-03-2006, 08:45 AM
Joe, good for you and for Pete and Charlie! You did it the right way and gave them all the time they needed to figure out you're their buddy! I admire your patience and am glad to hear it's paying off! :D:D:D