View Full Version : what the?

04-05-2006, 03:16 AM
Last night I was playing with the bird as I usually do and a feather from his tail fell out. So I picked it up and started brushing it against him and he totally freaked, and ran away faster than I had ever seen before. He was petrified of this feather, any ideas why, as one would think he would be used to these things by now, considering it is his feather.....

04-05-2006, 07:28 AM
It might just have startled him. Maybe he thought it was another bird? Hard to say what goes through their brains ...

You could try showing it to him again -- hold it out to him and let him come up to it on his own. I think it was just a surprise.

04-05-2006, 07:50 AM
My older lovie, Oliver, is scared of his feathers, too. I didn't think that was odd until I got Big Boi and Shy who both love to play with their feathers if a larger ones falls out. I can pick it up, show it to them, and they immediately grab it and play with it like it's a toy. I save the larger feathers of all three lovies and keep Big Boi's and Shy's in a zip lock baggie, till I have enough for a Dream Catcher. I took all of their feathers out a few days ago, counting them to see if they were loosing them at the same rate (they are brothers, same age) and they few down to the floor and started grabbing feathers and running with them! :D Oliver avoids one of his fallen feathers like the plague! :lol

04-05-2006, 09:00 AM
Hi Scott,

Some of my birds run from the feathers I show them. My Molly does this and so does my Daisy. Piper & Olivia like to chew on them and I find some of the ones they molt out in this condition at the bottom of the cage. I like to keep the nice looking ones as I'm going to put them in a Dream Catcher somday. :)

04-05-2006, 11:26 AM
I keep some of my bird's feathers, as well. Good idea making a dream catcher out of them. Maybe that's what I'll do, too. :cool:

Sometimes familiar items will trigger a fearful response in a bird. Perhaps he wasn't able to see the feather clearly, or was frightened by something else earlier. Most of my birds love their feathers, and especially love watching/chasing them when they fall out of their cages.

04-05-2006, 11:31 AM
Ditto is fascinated with his moulted feathers. When he does his little poof up and shake sometimes a down feather will come out and float around. He'll watch that feather until it hits the ground. If it lands near him, he'll pick it up in his beak and hold it there so it looks like he's got a little white santa beard. :rofl: If we're on the couch he'll stuff them up my nose.:eek:

The larger feathers, like flight feathers, he'll hold in his foot and chew on the shaft to clean it (like he's recycling) and squeak while he's doing it. If we're on the couch when one of those comes out he'll tickle my face with it.:rofl: The little goofball!

04-05-2006, 12:52 PM
Lisa, if you're interested, Shy (Shylevon) makes beautiful Dream Catchers. I have four of them and will be getting a new one for Big Boi and Shy's feathers. I have filled three with Oliver's feathers and gave one of those to his former owner. The other one has feathers from my Eastern Bluebirds. Yep, it's time for Big Boi and Shy to have one.....a big one that will hold both of their feathers. If you want to see Shy's work, let me know and I'll find the link for you.

04-05-2006, 04:18 PM
Ooops. I forgot you wanted a new dreamcatcher, Janie. I will have to get working on that.

04-05-2006, 04:29 PM
Sure, I'd love to see them. :)

04-05-2006, 06:09 PM
Lisa, I used to have a link for Shy's dream catchers but it was lost when the other forum (ezBoard) crashed. I've PM'd Shy for it again and hopefully she will also post it on the photo forum. Hers are absolutely beautiful! :)

04-08-2006, 12:12 AM
Here is the link to the dreamcatchers. Some of them are sold and gone, but there are some left, too. I can always make more.


04-08-2006, 01:09 PM
I think he thought it was another bird. Maybe he thought something was trying to hurt him. I say try it again and keep us posted. Good luck!

04-08-2006, 02:29 PM
My birds always freak when I try to touch them with one of their own feathers....if it's not attached it's freaky!.....it's kind of like your hair falling out daily...do you want it on you?

04-08-2006, 06:59 PM
:cool: That is such a great idea, where would I go to find out how to make a "dreamcatcher"? I mean I see them in cars but I would have no idea how to go about making one as I am not very creative. Thanks!:happy:

04-08-2006, 07:44 PM
:cool: That is such a great idea, where would I go to find out how to make a "dreamcatcher"? I mean I see them in cars but I would have no idea how to go about making one as I am not very creative. Thanks!:happy:

You can find directions online or you can find ready-made ones at craft fairs. IMHO, Shy makes the best I've ever seen. I'd rather have one of hers :)