View Full Version : can someone tell me what happened?

04-05-2006, 03:28 AM
i had a male lovebird. he was just four years old. he was very energitic, happy and he loved people and music a lot. about 17 days ago he stopped speaking. after 3 days, he suddenly started fluttering. he was as if trying to reach his back in a rush and he was flapping his wings and then he suddenly lost his balance and fell on his back. i realised that he had diarrhea. i called the vet and he told me to give him antibiotics. he told me i could give little amount of PENOS antibiotics in water. that night he slept well. in the morning i called the veterinary faculty to get information. they told me to stop giving PENOS(it has peniciline). so i took him to another vet. he told it may be because of the ink(i used to put newspaper on bottom part of his cage) or because of a disease in his nervous system. Bicirik(my lovebird) was having crisis. he was flapping and losing his balance and falling on his back. the new vet gave 2 kinds of vitamin and an antibiotic. i gave him his medicine everyday regularly for 8 days. after the first day his crisis stopped.8 days later the vet told me to stop giving the medicine. during these 2 weeks he had really good appetite and no crisis.and also for two weeks he slept!!!! and he was really suffering from diarrhea !!! i have asked the vet many times and he told me that it may because of the side effect of the antibiotics. he said the antibiotics not only killed the harmful bacteria but also killed the good ones. two days ago he started speaking. i was so happy. i thought he was recovering. when i went next to him; he used to come next to me give me kiss but that day he did not come. i saw that he wanted but he had no power. i thought he would be better the next day. yesterday i took him to work because i thought he was fine. in the middle of the day he started struggling and flapping again and did not stop. in and hour time he was tired. he was as if having paralysis. he died at the end....
i am so sorry and what is so sad is that i really dont know what i did wrong???????

can you please tell me what happened??????

04-05-2006, 05:12 AM
Hi Didem,

I'm really sorry about the passing of your lovie. I lost my first lovie, a lovely, happy little male called Houdini, very suddenly because of a congenital heart defect, so I've experienced what you must be going through. I'm not a vet but I must say that I think you didn't get very good advice regarding the treatment of your lovie. I think it's terrible that someone would just tell you to give him some antibiotic through the phone without even the benefit of a live exam. Normally, a vet would have run some tests to determine a possible cause for the symptoms you had been describing and then based on the results of the tests, decided what treatment to use. I think it's a shame that you and your lovie were treated like this because maybe with a more attention from a good, caring vet your lovie would still be alive today. I have really no idea about what your lovie could have been suffering from, I think it could have been some sort of poisoning, maybe like you speculate from the newspaper ink, although as far as I understand black and white newsprint is usually bird safe. The only way to know for sure now would be to have a necropsy done, if you have access to a vet office maybe this could help you find out what went wrong.

Once again, I'm really sorry about your lovie and I hope you get some closure on this matter.


04-05-2006, 08:21 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. :(

Gloria has given you some good advice and also some ideas as to why this might have happened. The vets you spoke to most definitely should have seen your bird and done a visual exam as well as a grams stain and possibly other test. I don't know where you're located so I'm not sure if you have access to a real avian vet. Our advice is always, "take your bird to an avian vet" but I know that in some parts of the world, that isn't possible since there are no avian vets. My vet would have insisted that I bring my bird in if I had called with the situation you had. As Gloria said, a necropsy is the only way to find out what caused the death of you beloved little bird. Again, I'm so sorry. ((((Bicirik))))

04-05-2006, 09:35 PM
Oh....I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Bicirik.....I know your heart is broken, but you did what you were recommended to do.....there is no way for you to know exactly what happened....it may have been something that could have not been changed either way....by the time a bird shows illness they are very bad off.......and it is never easy to loose one......feel good knowing that you did try......I send you sincere comfort.:grouphug1