View Full Version : Bandit moved rooms

04-06-2006, 11:54 PM
Bandit had to have his cage moved. His cage was in the computer room were I use to send alot of time. But my husband has been playing a on-line game at night(til 5am:rolleyes: ) and Bandit was not getting rest. So as hard as it was for me moving him to other end of house I had to. He will be in the living room during day and my bedroom at night. When husband was waking Bandit at night he would call to Baggy and WHisper and wake them. Which means they do not rest well either. In other words I am sporting beak shaped bruise marks..lol. I am so looking forward to quarintine being over. The changing clothes twice a day is adding up.lol. Just 6 more weeks if I try for the whole 90 days.


04-07-2006, 10:46 AM
Heheh, he's really playing 'til 5am? Must be a good game. It's good that you moved Bandit so he, Baggy and Whisper can get some rest. Good luck with the rest of quarantine!

04-07-2006, 06:55 PM
Hope all goes well with the move. I just had to rearrage my furniture in my bedroom today also to make room for the new cage... I think my lovies are still a bit confused, since they just lost their favorite hiding place...in my dresser.

I had the same problem you did with my ex boyfriend, he would play an online video game all night and keep the TV on, which didn't give my birdies much rest. Good thing I finally was able to get him to play it on mute and turn off the tv.


04-07-2006, 07:17 PM
And them birdies sure do get cranky if they don't get enough rest. Good move Steph. Are you serious about changing your clothes constantly. How about a couple of smocks that you could put on over your shirt...and wash and rotate them to simplify your life.

04-08-2006, 03:28 PM
Yup, I change clothes when I go into the bird room. I want to be very sure that I protect all 3 birds. Sometimes I will put a robe over clothes or when it was colder a extra set of clothes..lol. Bandit has adjusted very well to the move . He can still yell to Baggy and Whisper just has to try louder.lol.
