View Full Version : Finian and Aiobheann

04-07-2006, 01:30 PM
Ok, this is going to be a long one that has several questions, so sit back grab a cup of tea and your reading glasses :lol

Finny and Evie were finally introduced about a week ago. They immediately hit it off! I mean I thought this was going to be a hard thing! In fact after the first meeting, it was dang near impossible to keep them separated. Both of them would fly off to the others room, while I ran after them like a crazy woman! So I thought hmmmm lets try them in the same cage (don't cringe yet) they actually liked it! So since the second day they have been sharing a cage. **note: All this occurred after the 30 quarantine.

So now of course I am no longer the center of Finny's universe. :cry: Although occasionally he does come over and hop all over me and bite my ears (gently) like he did before the "other" woman came along. :rofl:

There are some positive things... Evie loves baths and as we all know Finny likes to be a dirty birdie. So Evie actually has Finny trying to bathe.

Ok, here are some questions...

1. They do squabble a little bit, is this normal? It does not appear they are hurting each other and of course no blood is drawn.

2. The whole regurgitate and kiss me thing... Does this mean I love you or dang woman you are to skinny have some food?

3. Finny has shown some signs of wanting to mate (ok not little signs more like billboards). Evie has basically blown him off on that part of things. What is the normal mating ritual and what should I look for as far as the actual act?

4. If by some chance she actually lets him do it (I am doubtful at this point), how long does it take from "liftoff" to actual laying of an egg?

That is it for the questions about the pair of them... I have a few about Evie herself.

1. She has definitely not warmed up to me as quickly as Finny did. I am still unable to pick her up and she will not come to my finger. She will however sit on my head or shoulder mostly when Finny is there but sometimes by herself. When ever I come to take them out of the cage (several times a day) Finny will always jump on my finger and come out while she is a drama queen squawking around the cage like a monster has come after her (we have nick named her drama queen). Any suggestions on how to get her to trust us more? We have tried so many thing and she still basically runs away from us.

2. She is really loud and makes a lot of noise (I am ok with it) but it is now making Finny really loud too. Does this have more to do with the fact they are together now and it is just a phase? She was not really loud by herself when she lived in the other room except when she could hear Finny in his room.

Anyway, I think this is all for now :rofl: I do have some new pics I will be posting soon.


04-07-2006, 02:25 PM
Ok, this is going to be a long one that has several questions, so sit back grab a cup of tea and your reading glasses :lol

Finny and Evie were finally introduced about a week ago. They immediately hit it off! I mean I thought this was going to be a hard thing! In fact after the first meeting, it was dang near impossible to keep them separated. Both of them would fly off to the others room, while I ran after them like a crazy woman! So I thought hmmmm lets try them in the same cage (don't cringe yet) they actually liked it! So since the second day they have been sharing a cage. **note: All this occurred after the 30 quarantine.

So now of course I am no longer the center of Finny's universe. :cry: Although occasionally he does come over and hop all over me and bite my ears (gently) like he did before the "other" woman came along. :rofl:

There are some positive things... Evie loves baths and as we all know Finny likes to be a dirty birdie. So Evie actually has Finny trying to bathe.

Ok, here are some questions...

1. They do squabble a little bit, is this normal? It does not appear they are hurting each other and of course no blood is drawn.
yes, a little squabbling makes things interesting. seems those males just don't quite do things exactly the way the females expect, so she needs to put him in his place.
2. The whole regurgitate and kiss me thing... Does this mean I love you or dang woman you are to skinny have some food?
definitely I love you and look, if you gimme a little sumthin sumthin I can take care of you and the babes...
3. Finny has shown some signs of wanting to mate (ok not little signs more like billboards). Evie has basically blown him off on that part of things. What is the normal mating ritual and what should I look for as far as the actual act?
you will know it when you see it:rofl: shewill spread her wings and let him climb on board...then he will do what looks like "surfing" on her back, lol.4. If by some chance she actually lets him do it (I am doubtful at this point), how long does it take from "liftoff" to actual laying of an egg?
they can mate for a while without eggs, or get going. if you want eggs, is she old enough? are they eating good food? I would wait til she gets settled, and you are sure that she is healthy and eating well and that they are compatible after the initial honeymoon phase, then set up the box and shredding materials etc. If she starts being really nasty, shredding and tucking everything in sight, and settles into a corner on the floor, you might see an eggie soon.
That is it for the questions about the pair of them... I have a few about Evie herself.

1. She has definitely not warmed up to me as quickly as Finny did. I am still unable to pick her up and she will not come to my finger. She will however sit on my head or shoulder mostly when Finny is there but sometimes by herself. When ever I come to take them out of the cage (several times a day) Finny will always jump on my finger and come out while she is a drama queen squawking around the cage like a monster has come after her (we have nick named her drama queen). Any suggestions on how to get her to trust us more? We have tried so many thing and she still basically runs away from us.
let her learn to trust you. she will come around her way in her own time. give her some treats(millet) when she does come to you. don't chase her in the cage.

2. She is really loud and makes a lot of noise (I am ok with it) but it is now making Finny really loud too. Does this have more to do with the fact they are together now and it is just a phase? She was not really loud by herself when she lived in the other room except when she could hear Finny in his room.
get used to it.:rofl:
Anyway, I think this is all for now :rofl: I do have some new pics I will be posting soon.


cant wait to see the pics!!

04-07-2006, 02:43 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Love the questions & love the answers!

I did want to add about Evie not warming up to you. You might want to spend some one-on-one time with her in a dimly lit bathroom so she can get use to you. It might just work. Now, I have to warn you that with the two of them being bonded, taking one away for "me & mommy" time could be annoying. They may call continously while Evie is in another room with you. My Daisy & Olivia do this. If I leave with one on me, Daisy calls & calls & calls to Olivia. Olivia plays where ever she is and acts like she doesn't care, but she returns Daisy's calls. I guess I could never sneak in and get Daisy out alone :rolleyes: Good luck!

04-07-2006, 03:13 PM
Oh yeah, and don't forget to continue some one on one with Finian as well!

Love their names, by the way!!

04-07-2006, 03:15 PM
Hi Cindy,

Glad to hear the pair is getting along. Evie sounds like a typical hen. Finny sounds like a typical male lovie...enamoured and will be eventually hen-pecked :lol Are Evie's wings clipped? She'd warm up a bit to being handled if the only way for her to get out and go with you and Finny across the room is to be carried....just a thought.
You are very lucky to have gotten Evie when you did...Gloria has retired from breeding lovies as of like two weeks ago and all she has left now are just a few birds, none for sale. I couldn't resist of course and a beautiful pair of her lovies flew south to my house last week. Yeah, cause you know I *needed* more lovies!
Like Traci, I would love to see some pics.

04-07-2006, 04:34 PM
I read my name in MJ's reply and thought, who me, retire??? Sadly enough, it took a few seconds to realise that of course it's not me they were refering too >o.That's what getting up to feed hungry chicks at four AM will do to you. Anyway, I just wanted to say ditto on the calling back and forth during the "me and mommy time". It happens and it can get loud, and distracting for all parts. You could try leaving Finny with some music on, or with someone he likes to play during the time you're with Evie. Maybe that can help.

I'm glad they're getting along and I hope you can get chickies, if you want them, soon :) .


04-07-2006, 08:20 PM
This site just warms my heart! I was so happy and surprised to see so many responses and answers to my questions in such a short time! In case I have not said it before... you guys are the best!!!!!!!

And about the mating.. I dont think they are even close after your answers ...whhhhewwwwwwwww! I am not quite ready for babies!

I will download some pics to the computer tonight or tomorrow and post them. I have the cutest video of Finny "trying" to take a bath from a while back but it is not easily viewed over the imagestation site, so I am looking for an alternative site to upload it to so all can see.

I wish I had a camera ready today.. I missed some great shots! I tooks the kids out in their "condo" (they have 3 bird cages, the condo is the small one about 24" x 30") to the back porch. They of course had to stay in the cage but were loving being out side and hearing the other birds in the neighborhood. We have tons of robins and sparrows and cardinals and woodpeckers and bluejays. The dogs got up on the patio table (hubby hates when I do this) and put their faces up to the cage. Finny and Evie enjoy giving their noses a few little pecks, nothing hard just a Hi how are ya!
It is so adorable to see. Of course, at all other times the dogs have no access to the birdies, we are very strict on that! Also, we had the music on and Finny was as usual dancing and singing. I think he thinks he is a "movie star birdie", he is such a ham!

Anyway.... Thanks again for all the answers!
