View Full Version : Percy and Theseus update

04-08-2006, 10:51 AM
Hi everyone:
It has been quite a while since I've posted anything on this site. I'm not sure if any of you remember me, but I'm the proud mom of my two Fischer lovebirds, Percy(male) and Theseus(female). Theseus is still the same, wants nothing to do with Percy, and are still kept in 2 separate cages. Percy is his usual calm self, but lately I noticed that he is starting to bite(I wonder who he got that from). My husband thinks he is getting to be like Theseus, but I don't think he will be as bad as her when it comes to biting.

We will be going on vacation to Hawaii for a week at the end of the month, and I'm debatiig if we should have our friend bird sit, or should we bring them both to a pet shop that I really like for boarding. We've taken them there before when we went to Canada for 10 days a few years ago. Needless to say they did not like being there, but after a few days they were able to adjust. I thought they were well taken care of, but my husband thinks they are at risk of getting diseases at these pet shops. Now I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hope everyone is doing well, and I'll try to log on more frequently. This board has been such a great help to me in the past, and I really appreciate all the help.

Take care!
Arlene, Percy and Theseus

04-08-2006, 01:24 PM
Hi Arlene,

I remember you and Theseus and Percy very well :). I'm glad to hear things are much the same with your lovies. Theseus sure is a strong willed one, at least two years must have gone by, and she's still not softened towards Percy, huh? :) As for your trip, I guess the main concern I would have about leaving them at the pet shop would be like your husband said, the possibility of them picking up any diseases while there. So going on the information you posted, I would probably prefer to have a friend bird sit for the birdies. You can always have your friend over a few days before the trip to show what you normally do for your birds, what could be potential problems to avoid (you know like candles, and cooking with teflon and the like), and to let the birdies get acquainted with her, if they don't know her. I think besides it would probably be less stressful for them as they would be at least in familiar surrounding.

I'm sure you'll get other opinions though :).

Good luck with your decision!


04-08-2006, 01:45 PM
Yep, I agree with Gloria. I boarded Molly once at my vets office, but now that I have 4, I really don't want to do that again. I'd rather have a friend take care of them and come to my house so they are in familiar surroundings. It's a lot less stress on them. Your husband is right about the pet shop. They may have a vet who comes in to "see" the birds, but nothing like you or I would experience in the vet's office. Also, you never know what patrons of the pet shop bring in when they handle the pet shop birds and you don't want that transmitted to your birds. I'm sooooo protective of my birds that the friend is the way to go. Good luck in your decision and enjoy your trip! :)

05-14-2006, 05:51 AM
Hi Gloria & Jackie:
Sorry for such a late response, and thanks very much for your suggestions about having a friend come in and take care of Percy and Theseus while we we were on vacation. We were so glad that we selected that option as we all know how difficult it is to remove our fids from their comfort zone.

All went fine while we were gone, and we got daily updates which was really nice. My husband thought the daily updates on the birds were a little excessive, but I thought it was just fine. When we got home, they were both very excited to see us.

Gloria: Sorry to report, but after 2 years, Theseus has not gotten any closer to Percy. Percy continues his little dance, but Theseus ignores him. Poor little Percy. He is such a cutie pie.
Thanks again, and I hope everyone is enjoying Mother's Day.
Take care.

05-14-2006, 08:40 AM
Hey Arelene,

Good to hear from you. Now, you must do better at popping in. We really do miss people when they disappear for awhile.

I'm glad all is well with Percy and Theseus. My Bela and Lacey are great companions, but alas, they also don't mate. That's OK, they love each other, and that is the important thing.

I hope you all had a good trip. I must say, I am a bit jealous. Ahhhhhh, Hawaii:)

05-20-2006, 05:53 PM
Hi Lori:
I agree, I should visit this board more often. Glad that all is well with Bela and Lacey. I'll continue working wiht Theseus and Percy, and hopefully they wll get along eventually. Theseus tries to be nice to Percy at times, but usually this does not last too long.
Yes, we had great time in Hawaii, and I can't wait to go back for Christmas.
Take care