View Full Version : Trixie

04-09-2006, 12:19 AM
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to post an update on Trixie!

He's doing great - he was very playful today...he seems to be testing how much I'll let him get away with. He knows he's not supposed to fly to the floor, or hop around on the chair back, but, he did it time after time :) Then he would give me a tweet and a kiss, just to show how cute he is! :lol

He was also biting a lot more today. He would bite me when I would go to pick him up after he flew to the floor, for example. That's mainly why I thought he was testing the water with me, so to speak. I figured it was more human training, too!! :rofl:

He helped with my paperwork...he made sure to "sign" every page he could with at least one beak mark!

Ok, well, that's it for today!

Thanks everyone!

04-09-2006, 10:42 AM
Hi Heather,

Sounds like you are doing a great job with my little buddy. :)

He might need a bath. When he gets restless and jumps all over the chair and floor, sometimes that is what he is trying to say.

Has he tried to bathe in his water dish? Also make sure you keep his water dish clean (check every 30 mins) if he "cooks"

Another thing you can do is to run some gentle warm water in a CLEAN sink/sink area and see if he is interested.

Remember what Karen told you. He will want a bath and give you every sign when hes watching the water (looking very interested) , and then when its time he plays coy.

If you think he really wants a bath and you beleive you can do it, just remember to be careful with his head. It only takes half of a second to get his little head wet enough to help, and make sure he doesnt choke on the water.

Typically he will let you cover his back for a few secs (no head yet) and his little tummy too for a few secs (no head yet) before he does the squirmy, if you hold him correctly. After he is good and soaked you can quickly let the water cover his little head. Make sure he is close to the sink bottom (about 6 inches) so he feels secure.

If you are afraid to give him a bath,, change his water dish, put as much water as you can in there and let him do it.

Make sure after ANY bath he gets at least 30 mins snuggle time on your shoulder/neck !!!!! He likes to snuggle while he dries off and intermittenly will want a head scritchy.

If he is restless and you dont think he wants/needs a bath, he likes to look out the front door, the picture window in the dining room and all the side windows sometimes too.

Sometimes it can also mean he is itchy and wants scritches.

You will want to distract him and get his mind off jumping around. Sometimes that is a good time for millet stalks (about 1 1/2 inch piece)

Taking him to the studio and playing guitar/bass can work sometimes too.

He is basically wanting attention of some sort, you just have to figure out what it is ;)

04-09-2006, 10:47 AM
Heheh, Trixie is quite the little character, and it looks like you're doing a great job and having fun with him, Heather. :) Trixie's a spoiled little birdie!