View Full Version : Your job

04-11-2006, 03:49 PM
Besides being a slave to the birdies and other pets, what is your side ;) job?

Right now, I'm working at a vet clinic as a vet assistant, as well as a pet store while going to school. Lately, I've been thinking about going into dog grooming. Has anyone else had experience in this department? I have a friend who's a dog groomer (dog groomers at the petstore and one at the vet clinic, as well) who would like to teach me the practice. I have to find out more about it, though, and if she has to be certified etc.

Buy A Paper Doll
04-11-2006, 04:08 PM
My side job! I love it. I wish I could say that I work with animals for a living, but alas, I do not. When I am not wiping up bird poop, I am a systems analyst for a human resources consulting firm.

04-11-2006, 04:38 PM
The job that pays for everything I do is full charge bookkeeper. It's not my first love but it puts food on the table and a roof over my head! I thought about getting jobs for my lovie hens doing shredding service on the side..... :lol

04-11-2006, 04:48 PM
My full-time job is slave to my lovebirds and 3 human children. Believe me between birds and 3 kids all i do is clean poop and other things.:lol When I work outside the home I am a daycare teacher for all ages. Going to need to do that soon to keep up with seed and veggie bills.lol.


04-11-2006, 05:08 PM
Like Linda, my job is not my first love, but it pays the bills. I am a sales manager for a knife company. Yep, look out for me; I weild a knife and a lovie hen! :lol

04-11-2006, 05:39 PM
MJ, :lol

I'm old and don't have a real job anymore! :D I do have a part-time job, 2 days a week, 2 hours a day so that ain't much, I'll admit. ;) I took that job to be sure I would get dressed (at least those two days) and not live on this forum all day long! :lol My paycheck is pitiful and it goes straight to bird stuff! Oh, what do I do? Well, they call me the "File Diva".....:D:D:D

04-11-2006, 07:11 PM
I'm a former mainframe systems programmer (hopefully will be again) turned unix systems guru/disaster recovery guy. And when I can't avoid it, windows server admin (I hate windows, it's a toy :evil: ).

In other words, if I do my job right, I get paid to drink coffee and surf the web. :whistle:

04-11-2006, 07:51 PM
Well, to supply my four babies with food, cages, toys, treats and a new house, I work in the mortgage/banking/real estate business. After someone closes on their house I sell it to a lender, handle all legal documents from attorneys to lender, insure government loans and everything in between. I live in one of the fastest growing counties in the USA. Confused? So am I most of the time :D

04-11-2006, 11:35 PM
Well, mostly I take care of my baby and my doggies and new lovebird. But I also do about 10 hours a week of work outside the home. I teach group doggy training classes for a local training facility, and I also do private lessons. It is my passion and I love teaching both dogs and people. I also do agility with my collie, when I have time. The pyrenees mostly just sleeps and drools.

04-11-2006, 11:51 PM
We had one member here who was going into dog grooming. Wasn't it Colada and Kirby's mom? Drawing a blank on her name this very instant. Was it Joanie??

Anyway, I focus and functional test digital xray detectors, and the company I work for recently broke into the veterinary market. The specifications on these xray detectors is lower than those used for humans, and perhaps they shouldn't have an animal lover working on them, because I spend a good deal more time getting the very best images I can from this equipment before I certify it for use. I don't want my birdie to ever be examined with a shoddy piece of equipment. The human stuff will get by me if it is in spec, but the vet equipment is the very best it is going to get before it ever leaves my lab.

Hey Dave...I get paid to surf the web, too. Gotta love labs with locks on the doors, eh?

04-12-2006, 02:56 AM
I work as a researcher for an energy company, mostly with investigations concerning environmental related issues. I like my work a lot, but I miss being able to work from home. Those were the days *sigh*.


04-12-2006, 07:24 AM
I'm a mortgage bond trader. So once Jackie is done selling the loans off I buy them, repackage them, cut them up all different ways and sell them again. And yes, you only thought you paid the bank principal and interest to own your house. Let me tell you, what happens to that money after it leaves your bank account is a whole different story....


Jill Page
04-12-2006, 07:39 AM
I work from my home doing medical transcription 6 hours a day. All of my birds are in my office with me. It works out great unless my Amazon decides to exercise her lungs or sing!

I think dog grooming would be a good job, and it seems to be in demand. Am not sure how much it would pay. I would think it would always be a good thing to have under one's belt though! Kind of like being a hairdresser, you can work anywhere, anytime... Good luck!

It is fun seeing what everybody does.


04-12-2006, 08:00 AM
Everyone has interesting jobs - me I'm just a lone secretary - I was thinking about starting a side business - although I don't know how much of a demand there would be maybe you guys can give me some input. They now have Pooper Scooper businesses in this area (that's not what I'm thinkin') but I was thinking about people who have multiple feathered babies would have multiple houses for these little ones and not all that much time to keep them clean - so... I was thinking of a Cage maintenance business. Clean the cages arrange new toys - bake some homemade foods - any thoughts! Too ridiculous?
Mommy to
Ginger / BB / Isabella and three little eggs

04-12-2006, 08:18 AM
Hey Dave...I get paid to surf the web, too. Gotta love labs with locks on the doors, eh?

Oh yeah. I'm locked up in here so tight even the Governor can't get in. :wink: Good thing too since I can't stand him.:rofl:

04-12-2006, 09:15 AM
I'm a mortgage bond trader. So once Jackie is done selling the loans off I buy them, repackage them, cut them up all different ways and sell them again. And yes, you only thought you paid the bank principal and interest to own your house. Let me tell you, what happens to that money after it leaves your bank account is a whole different story....


Don't give away all our secrets! :lol How long have you been in the business Jeremy?

04-12-2006, 12:06 PM
I think dog grooming would be a good job, and it seems to be in demand. Am not sure how much it would pay. I would think it would always be a good thing to have under one's belt though! Kind of like being a hairdresser, you can work anywhere, anytime... Good luck!

It is fun seeing what everybody does.


Well, generally a smaller dog would go for $40, and a bigger dog anywhere from $50 and up. Then the little things like nail trimming ($10) and ear cleaning ($5). But it would also depend on behaviour, coat condition etc. and give or take a couple, depending. At least, that's what it's like here. Do five dogs in a day and you're set! I wonder if it's similar in the UK...

Yes, I was also interested in seeing what all the bird lovers do. :)

04-12-2006, 12:28 PM
They now have Pooper Scooper businesses in this area (that's not what I'm thinkin') but I was thinking about people who have multiple feathered babies would have multiple houses for these little ones and not all that much time to keep them clean - so... I was thinking of a Cage maintenance business. Clean the cages arrange new toys - bake some homemade foods - any thoughts! Too ridiculous?
Mommy to
Ginger / BB / Isabella and three little eggs

I would definately pay someone to help me clean my cages and bird areas!!!!!!!!!! In fact, I've been looking around my area with no luck:( .

HMMMMMMM. What is my job????? Technically, I'm a case/site manager for two residential homes serving young homeless adults and their children. In reality, that means I do everything from teaching life skills, changing diapers, cleaning the van, playing police officer, playing servant, playing job coach, playing van driver, playing counselor, playing role model, playing cook, pleying...well, you get the point. I do whatever needs to be done. It's totally unglamorous and the pay s**ks, but I can't imagine doing anything else:x .

04-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Thanks for the input - I'm gonna look into it further. I would love working with animals and having my own little side business (more money for the birdies)! Your job may not be glamorous but it sounds very, very rewarding. Helping the homeless and their children - I alway feels people that do those sort of jobs have very huge hearts and are special people themselves. I would say your a very lucky woman!

04-12-2006, 03:39 PM
Laura...sounds like a wonderful job, very rewarding. I know I would love it.

I too would like to find someone to clean my cages. And my kids rooms. Not sure which is worse!

I am a full time student. I have finished my degree in history and visual arts and am now almost finished getting certified as an Educational Assitant. When I am done I will be looking into foster parenting. Plus I have three kids, a dog and two cats. So that's me.

04-12-2006, 04:43 PM
I would love having someone help with vacuuming up the tossed seeds and feathers from molting!! :D

A friend of mine went into the dog grooming business and is going great. She went all out with the batheing shower tables and drying cages. The start up expense was big, but she says the time spent with the animal customers she has grown to love is really worth it. :happy:

I'm a retired school adminstrator and currently record keeper for our cattle herd/farm. We run 100+ cows on 730 acres of owned and leased land. Right now it is calving season and we have 65 babies running around. There will be an additional 15 babies this year. Records are really necessary keeping babies matched with the right mom when we move them to one six different pastures with the selected breeding bull.
Lovies are a lot easier to handle than a 60 pound newborn calf!! Even nesty hens that bite!!

04-12-2006, 10:10 PM
I am doing my job now(see below), waiting for customers at a car dealership. There's a lot of down time so I spend a bit too much time surfing.