View Full Version : Im making a HUGE sacrafice....

05-24-2005, 08:58 PM
I have decided to let Ono' go to my mother-in-laws :(
He is the most tame out of him & Rose, as he is going to be her first lovie, I think he is the best choice for her.
Breaking my heart I tell ya :( He is sooooooooooo sweet, Im so torn, but I know it is best.
I would hate to give her Rose, she is a hard bird to tame, Im so sure she's a hen!
I have a friend who is interested in her for breeding later on, So I think Ill let her have her, either way, I still get to see them both :)
One of the Pallids is sold, and will be picked up on the 11th June, her new fidma has been bought up with lovies in the home, so I have no concerns there!
I am passing on this site, to all that get lovies off me, so I hope they join us here!

05-24-2005, 09:16 PM
Oh Nicky :(

Sad for you to be parting with your sweetie, but at least he's going to a relative, so you'll get to see him still... Plus now you can get your mother-in-law hooked on lovies, and she'll get more and you'll get Ono babies :)


05-24-2005, 09:26 PM

It has to hard to let any of them go, especially Ono whom I know you have a special spot for. Hey, he is still in the family though, and you can see him all the time. I really hope your MIL will come join us here also, so we can all keep up with Ono.



05-24-2005, 10:09 PM
Hugs Nicky. I have not had to go through giving a lovie away yet but I am sure I will have a hard time.


05-24-2005, 10:12 PM
My Mother-in-law is not on the net, Ill try & talk her into it though.
Ono' is such a sweetie, its very hard, I dont know how Ill leave him behind on Saturday, no doubt there will be teary eyes all the way home :(
I just have to remind myself that there will be other lovie babies for me, and after all I did say she could have the first baby right at the begining, if only Rose was as good natured as Ono', then I wouldnt hesitate to give Rose to her :(
I feel like I am giving away my human baby :(

05-24-2005, 10:56 PM
That is so sad, Nicky, it must be heartbreaking. Thank goodness you can still visit. I cant imagine having to give up Skittles, or any of them for that matter. I dont know how I am going to manage parting with any of them, and with three hens laying right now at the same time, I am definitely not going to be able to keep them all.

05-25-2005, 02:33 AM
Nicky: This is no doubt a difficult decision but the good news is you will be able to keep track of Ono and visit him all the time. It seems as if your reasons for letting him go is in the best interest of the lovie and your mother-in-law. With a sweeter bird, she is more likely to continue to spend time and have fun with the cutie pie :).

05-25-2005, 07:54 AM
That's so true, Nicky. It will be much easier to keep track of Ono' -- not the same as having her in your own house, but still with a close relative within driving distance.

Has she socialized with Ono' at all yet? I would let them get acquainted this weekend and give your MIL the option of backing out if she doesn't feel comfortable.


05-25-2005, 02:11 PM
And......you must like your mother in law...or else you would have given her the bitey lovie! :D
It's very hard to give up these little ones, but you know where Ono is and you can keep a close eye on your baby.

05-25-2005, 02:53 PM
L.O.L!!! MJ!!!
Yes, we do get on well, I knew her before my hubby & I met.. Bonus! :D
I am ringing her on Friday night & am giving her the option of Ono' or another one of the lovies.
I will tell her there are going to be conditions with Ono' she will have strict instructions ;) If for any reason she feels she could not give him all the attention he deserves, weather it be before or after I drop him off, there will be no way, I would take him.
I have to give her the option, to be fair, and ofcourse....would she handle the second degree :D :D
Hey, I might even draw up an adoption contract :p ... Hmmmmmmmmmm sounds good to me!