View Full Version : Play dead!

04-12-2006, 10:57 PM
Well, not quite, but lately Cedric has been flipping over onto his back. Even doing a little somersault. He likes to cuddle up against me and flip over onto his back, in which he proceeds to chew on my fingers. He's not too bad, and it isn't very hard, but I try to disuade him just the same. But he's so hilarious. At the moment, he's doing flips inside my shirt. Maybe I should sign him up for the circus. :whistle:

04-13-2006, 08:58 AM
Seems like our birds will stop at nothing to entertain us!

04-13-2006, 09:42 AM

Cappie's favorite place is inside my shirt. Hr rolls,and chatters,kicks,and then laughs. He laughs like I do,it's a chuckle like sound,and just cracks me up.

I told ya GCC's are alot of fun, and it seems like they are catching. We have quiet a few members who have one now. They used to blame it all on me, but now you can take part of the credit too:lol

04-13-2006, 01:02 PM
:happy: What other sounds does Cappie make? Cedric hasn't mimicked anything, yet. His little squawks are pretty quiet, and very cute. He also loves to cuddle, especially down my shirt. He'll sleep there for hours. :lol

04-13-2006, 01:07 PM

He only says two thing clearly. He says, I love you, and What. I guess that's because I say those two things to him on a consistant basis. We are working on Pretty boy, but he's not quiet got that yet.

When you start working with Cedric, listen to what he's saying while he is in his cage alone. This is when Cappie starts going through his vocabulary. He starts out with a little mumbling, then goes into saying, I love you, makes a kiss noise, then says, What?, then mumbles. I think this is his practice time,and it is just too cute:)

04-13-2006, 01:12 PM
Heheh. You should record him and show us, if you can. I know I'd love to hear!

My eleven year old English Budgie has a somewhat large vocabulary, and since all he does is talk (rather than tweet, pretty much) I think some of the other birds are catching on. I have a helper, so maybe it'll be easier. :cool:

04-13-2006, 06:38 PM

When you start working with Cedric, listen to what he's saying while he is in his cage alone. This is when Cappie starts going through his vocabulary. He starts out with a little mumbling, then goes into saying, I love you, makes a kiss noise, then says, What?, then mumbles. I think this is his practice time,and it is just too cute:)

Ditto does the mumbling bit when he's in his cage by himself and I'm not talking to him. He'll stick his head in one of his rope toys and I hear this low gravelly sounding voice mumbling away. Can't tell if he's trying to say something or just mumbling though. After he does that he squeaks and whistles like R2D2 and then beats up the toy. :rofl:

If he wants to talk he should just open up and say it since I've been trying to get him to say hello for 2 years now. :lol