View Full Version : Going on a trip for few days

04-17-2006, 07:40 PM
We are leaving on Wensday to go to Miami Beach for 4 days. My husbands best friend is getting married and he wants us there. My daughter,3yr old son,and husband are all in the wedding. So we had to find a bird sitter for my 3 birds. My dad is coming over to feed them and change water. I went and gave him my list I printed out today. I know he will have no trouble with Bandit changing things in the cage. But I worry about Baggy and Whisper. They tend to try and sneak out of cage when you change food and water. I left him my number though so they should be fine. I have everything set up so he will not have tons to look hard to find their things. If anyone has any hints or ideas please share.I feel like I am leaving my children at home.


04-17-2006, 08:44 PM
How well I know the feeling of abandoning my fids! I went to see my daughter for 2.5 days over New Year's and my husband is familiar with everyone! I was still nervous as all get out!!!

04-17-2006, 08:55 PM
Oh Steph:
Miami is beautiful. If you get to go to South Beach where they filmed all of the Miami Vice shows, you might get to see some topless sun bathers:eek: .I always wondered if it were the locals or the visitors who were so brave. The ocean is still breath taking and the beach goes on forever.

04-17-2006, 10:50 PM
Heheh. Hope you have fun, Steph. I know it feels like you are leaving your children behind...because it's true!

04-18-2006, 08:34 AM

You have have a good time.

If you don't already, list your vet's number. and an emergency vet number on your list. We all hope those are never needed, but always better safe than sorry.

Ya'll have a good, safe trip:)

04-18-2006, 09:10 AM
Have a great trip, Steph. The one thing I would have advised is just what Lori said. I always leave the numbers for my dog vet and my birds vet, even when it's my hubby taking care of them.

04-18-2006, 01:23 PM
LOL I have the vet number on the front door,bird room door,and next to both phones. I also told my dad to call me if anything happens and I have vet in my cell phone too. My dad thinks I am nuts.lol. I am going to be going to the Parrot Jungle in Miami also and taking my mother-in-law. I am so excited.

Steph-who needs to pack snack bag and I am ready to go.