View Full Version : Not such good news

Jill Page
04-17-2006, 08:15 PM
Hi All,

Fatso is doing very well. In fact, the kids want to name him Buddha (for Buddha belly). The little baby, Zeus, who Kim had so aptly named, died yesterday. He was doing fine and we put him in the nestbox for a couple of hours and Momma fed him once, but then would not feed him again. We took him out and fed him and put him in the brooder. Then a couple of hours later, he was all shriveled up and dead. So out of 5 babies, only 1 has survived...I have to think the parents had something to do with it as this was their first clutch. All they wanted to do was completely stuff Fatso/Buddha and ignore the others.

Anway, 1 is better than nothing!!


04-17-2006, 08:18 PM
(((Jill))), I'm so sorry to hear about the little one. I can't imagine my birds hatching babies and having them die. It would just break my heart. Sounds like Buddha is doing very well. I'm sure you will spoil him like a good Fidma :)

04-17-2006, 08:41 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about the youngest baby! First clutches can be heartbreakers due to inexperience. However, they are raising the oldest baby so that, in itself, is a good thing. They are learning how to care for their young. Perhaps next time will be better.

04-17-2006, 08:44 PM
So sorry. :grouphug1

04-17-2006, 08:49 PM
I am sorry, Jill. :grouphug1 You are right when you chalk this one up to being a first clutch. Both you and your mother sure learned alot this time around!

Of Malibu's first clutch, only Angel survived. Your ongoing story reminded me alot of my own first attempts with breeding. This present clutch, Malibu's second, currently has 4 babies surviving (so far) as one died unexpectedly earlier today. These are just the odds, I guess...on the other hand, Jazz and Peaches, whom I sold but have become friends with their owner, have had two clutches. Of 9 babies that hatched, 8 survived, and both the owner and the birds were new to the whole thing...so many things can go wrong you can just never tell.

Hopefully next time will be better...


04-17-2006, 08:54 PM
:cry: :cry: cries for lil zeus...:cry: :cry:

I'm so sorry to hear of this outcome.
First time parents sometimes just don't have the foggiest idea about raising babies. She had the incubation downpat, and she didn't peel her eggies, and she hatched and fed, unfortunately for this clutch, she only figured out to feed one on a regular basis.
This happened with Miss Cinny, our star breeder, and all I can say is that with proper rest and nutrition, it WILL get better next time round!
Best of luck,

04-17-2006, 09:31 PM
:grouphug1 Jill :grouphug1

Fly high to the rainbow bridge sweet Zeus.

04-17-2006, 09:48 PM
:grouphug1 I am sorry that this happened. You have done such a wonderful job with your birds. Feel good in that you have one baby who is doing great now. Your babies are over rainbow bridge watching you and chirping with pride.


04-17-2006, 10:39 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. Breeding birds can be hard both physically and emotionally. But you know you did your best for little Zeus. Sometimes these things just happen. :(

04-18-2006, 01:41 AM
Hi Jill,

I'm so sorry about your clutch :( . It's sad to think that while mom and dad are learning what to do, not all of their babies can make it. Hopefully next time (if you are planning on it) things will go much better and at least this time you will have Fatso (or Buddha :) ) as a reminder of that first clutch.


04-18-2006, 10:15 AM
Jill, I'm so sorry to hear that that little one died. I've never bred but have read a lot here about a first clutch being very difficult for the adults. You did all you could do to help them out and I know it's heartbreaking for you to have lost so many. (((Jill))) I'm so glad to hear that little "Fatso" is doing well. :)

04-18-2006, 12:05 PM
((((((((((((((Jill)))))))))))))))) sorry about the clutch. It's always disheartening to loose the little ones, but you do have Fatso/Buddha to dote on now.