View Full Version : Ack...stomach flu !!!

04-17-2006, 09:00 PM
Yep, we've got it. Son had it Thursday nite til Sat morning, Daughter and I had it Sat nite til this morning, and hubby came home from work tonight and complained about his 'tummy feeling funny'.
So, I didn't get my birdies today, but I did call the woman and I'm going on Thursday, once I trust myself enough to stop shaking and drive !
The deal on Snap and Pop fell through...hehehe...I don't mind them stickin' around just a WEEE bit longer either !
Coco and Bean, Dawn and George's first babies, are growing fantastically and just beginning to take those baby flights from the weaning cage to my arm at feeding time. TOO CUTE !!!
Its' funny, from a blue amer cinn hen and a cobalt db male, we got a mauve and a cobalt, and from a creamino hen and a cobalt db male, we also got a mauve and a cobalt...so weird how with 2 hens completely different we can get the same babies !!
Anyway, just an update to our life....I'm on for a bit, until my eyes begin to burn holes in my skull anyway....lol


04-17-2006, 09:14 PM
Sure hope you guys are feeling better soon. Isn't that the way the flu is, it just goes around the house. Interesting offspring. It must be that whole Creamino(AquaTurquoise) thing, Huh?

04-17-2006, 10:48 PM
Yep, gotta love those dark factors.

Sorry that you and your family aren't feeling well, Kim. I know how it is. I fell ill when I was over at my grandparents house and I made EVERYONE sick who was staying there. Not fun.

I say you keep Pop and Snap. You know you want to. ;)

04-18-2006, 08:36 AM
Ahhhhh Kimmie,

Sorry your feelin yucky. I'll give ya a call and cheer you up:D

04-18-2006, 10:06 AM
Kim, I'm sorry to hear about that yucky flu! Glad to hear that Snap and Pop are sticking around for a while longer! :D

04-18-2006, 12:01 PM
Yuk! I'm sorry to hear about the flu; hope you are feeling better soon.

04-18-2006, 01:06 PM
((((Kim & Family))))

I've had the stomach flu before. It's different from the regular flu. I got dehydrated and had to go to the emergency room. But it was all good. They gave me demerol - 2 shots :D :D Hope everyone feels better soon.