View Full Version : lovebirds and conures

04-18-2006, 11:14 PM
Hi there,

I was just wondering if lovebirds will get along with smaller conures, like a sun conure? All the literature I've read says no, but I've seen pictures of them playing and getting along fine, so I was wondering if anyone has any real life experience with this. I know that there's no way to know for sure if two lovies will get along, let alone two different species, but if the potential is there, I may be considering the idea in the not too distant future. But, Archimedes is my first priority, so I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. Thanks!

04-18-2006, 11:19 PM
Every now and again, I see or hear about two birds of different species bonding. Currently there is a blue fronted amazon and a lovebird for sale in my area under the condition that they stay together. Here is a pic:

I also knew a lady who had a lovebird and a budgie that were inseparable. On another occasion there was a budgie and a parrotlet...

I think that usually the answer would be no and that it is best to operate under that assumption. Even if two birds are handfed together, injuries can happen very quickly and you never know when one will get mad at the other...

04-19-2006, 02:50 AM
Although I do let my birds have supervised playtime, I do not house different species together. One of my Lovebirds and one of my Budgies love each other, and it's possible that they could live together. But I would never be able to fully trust them, despite how well they get along. There's no telling, as you know, whether or not ANY bird will get along with another. My little Green Cheek Conure puffs himself up when other birds are near him, and sometimes he'll try to play, but the other birds generally take it the wrong way. We have popcorn parties together (budgies, lovebirds, and the conure) but he hasn't formed any sort of bond with another bird. He really loves me, though. :)

Sun Conures are gorgeous, but I hope you know just how loud they really are!

04-19-2006, 06:14 AM
Lovebirds tend to be very territorial about their surroundings. They will run after other birds and are known for toe biting too. Any of this could result in an injured or dead bird. NEVER leave your birds unsupervised when they are out playing. Even lovebirds playing with lovebirds will display this type of agressiveness.

04-19-2006, 08:27 AM
Traci, your link put a smile on my face! :D I know that is the exception, those two species being bonded, but it is cute to see.

Travis, I only have lovebirds so I can't speak from experience. The one species I would consider adding would be a GCC but I would never expect a loving relationship between my lovebirds and a conure. If they did get along, supervised, that would be the icing on the cake but I would not expect that to happen. Kimmie has a GCC, Abbey, who gets along with her lovies very, very well. You just never know.......

04-19-2006, 09:45 AM
Before buying a Sun spend a day around one when it is worked up. Sun conures are LOUD. Incredibly loud for little birds. I have three lovebirds and they are loud when they get going, but it is nothing compared to an upset Sun Conure. Think large macaw only higher pitched and more piercing. Beautiful birds, but you couldn't pay me to keep one in my house.

As for them getting along with lovies... it's a crapshoot as everyone else has said. Lovies are so curious and so territorial, such a bad combination, that having them with any other bird is always tricky.

My lovies are always trying to investigate my eclectus's cage. I'm thankful that my ekkie is really good natured about it. But I am constantly trying to keep my lovies where they belong. Lovies can gang up and kill a bigger bird, or a bigger bird can snap a lovie right out of the air and kill it instantly.

Good luck with whatever you decide. More birds is always fun, but two birds is way more than twice as much work.

04-19-2006, 10:08 AM
Hi Travis:
If your thinking Conure I would go with one of the smaller ones Green Cheeked or I have a Black Capped "Mickey". He and my Senegal "Jack" get along fine with my lovies baby "Isabella". Of course they all have their own cages - but they get along pretty well at "playtime". Of course it's supervised - matter of fact the only ones Isabella seems to want to bully are my three cockatiels - so they pretty much just stay out of the little buggers way. Also my Black Capped C. is not loud at all - but is very very adorable!!!

04-19-2006, 10:18 AM
:lol.....Jeremy described a screaming Sun Conure very well! There is one bird specialty store in my area with an aviary. When they have a lot of Sun's in that room, I don't go in! It is deafening! And by a lot, I mean more than ONE! :D Yep, I'd love to have a conure but I think the Sun is a little too loud for me and I know my hubby would have a hard time with their pitch. He thinks our lovies are loud! :lol

04-19-2006, 10:39 AM
We own both lovebirds and a GCC.
Bottom line:
Supervised playtime and NO cage sharing !!!

You really have to know your birds to do this so all and any out of cage time together must be absolutely supervised. Please be careful !!!

04-20-2006, 11:31 AM
Thanks for all the great adivce!! I actually had a huge (well, relatively) cage built for a conure or small parrot that was ready to go, and it's just so tempting to want to add another friend. But, I will defintley spend more time with the little guy I was considering, and see if I can get there when he's more vocal..ironically enough, everytime I see him he's quiet and wants to spin on your finger, but I have heard the pipes on the sun conures at other stores. But if he and Archimedes don't get along, I do have enough space to keep them seperate and cared for. Thanks again!