View Full Version : can that box ever get clean?

04-19-2006, 06:18 PM
hello everyone !
i have a simple question,just one,this time,realy!
how do you get that darn next box clean?
with my(Tom & Peanut) frist clutch i didnt know that you had to keep nesting materal coming ,,man what a sinky mess,,any suggestions?:x

04-19-2006, 06:31 PM
I scrape mine out really well with a spatula. I use the aspen shavings, they absorb the poop well. The carefresh did not appeal to me at all. And while being used(hen and eggs) if it gets bad, I scrape up the corners with a fork to get the corner gunk. You can wash them with a bleach/water solution, but any time you get wood wet there is a chance for mold and they will have to dry for a long time. See what more experienced people have to say before deciding, please.

04-19-2006, 06:39 PM
Are there currently babies in the nestbox?

04-19-2006, 06:48 PM
Do they have a clutch of eggs and/or chicks in the box now? If so, you might be able to remove just a little of the nesting material off the top and put fresh, but please note, all hens are different and some don't mind you messing about with their nest, while others might even abandon the eggs. Only you know your birds and what they might tolerate. If they aren't on eggs or nesting, take the box off and give it a good cleaning. Is it a wood box or a plastic? Wood is porous and you can use bleach to clean it, but it needs to be rinsed really well and dried completely before returning it to them. Plastic can be bleached too, but dries quicker. If it's a wood box and it's really bad, you might consider just throwing it out and replacing it. Nest boxes around here are only $5 or so, so I let my hens use the box once or twice and then it gets thrown.

04-20-2006, 04:16 PM
thank you all
there no one in the box at this time . i did my best to keep it clean awhile it was occupied,but now i see how bad it was-i feel realy bad for not being a better "grandma"!but the good news is all are healthy and happy. maybe i'll re think this whole box thing there has to be a better way!
and your right the boxs arnt expensive so i'll just forget-start fresh if tom and peanut give me time to replace it,,, :rofl: :rofl:
thanks again,,would love anyone else's input.
'the kids names" are: Tom & Peanut,,,Bonnie & Clyde,,Miss May ( short for mayhem) and Amor & bonita.

04-21-2006, 09:44 AM
I make our nest boxes out of 1X6 California redwood so this might not work for you but...

After scraping what I can with a plastic pot scraper (fine-edged plastic square), I get the remainder off by using a *detail hand sander and motorized wire wheel (bench grinder). It does remove some wood in the process so thinner constructed boxes may not hold up to this physically intensive approach. Using a med-coarse grade of steel wool would also work. Make sure you vacuum out the remaining debris.

*Note: always wear eye (safety glasses) and lung protection (organic particulate rated filter mask) for this kind of work.