View Full Version : The Poop Hits The Fan

04-21-2006, 10:00 AM
An interesting article from California:


This story hits us close to home: we have an elderly lady neighbor who is feeding the pigeons along with the house sparrows to an excess. Our property (new roof, porch bannister, plants and lawn) are being ruined by the onslaught. Thankfully, she says that she is just finishing up the last bag of seed before quiting for the Spring/Summer months. Like the woman in the article, our neighbor thinks that the birds will all die if she does not intervene.:roll:

I recently saw the Dirtiest Jobs TV program where they featured the guys who do pigeon poop patrol. They have to wear HAZMAT suits with ventilators because pigeon poop is considered a biohazardous material. They also mentioned that there are 60 different ways that pigeon poop can kill you!:x

04-21-2006, 10:30 AM
Tim, thanks....it is interesting and gross, too!

I was reading an article in our newspaper this morning about feeding backyard birds in my area, Atlanta. Even the owner of BirdWatchers supply said that "we do it for OUR viewing pleasure, not because they NEED the seed we provide!" Even during the winter months, my birds don't have to rely on my feeders (thank God cause this bird flu has me shaking in my boots!). I am happy to hear that your neighbor is almost out of seed and hopefully those undesirable species will move on. My Uncle used to raise homing pigeons and told us years ago about all the diseases pigeons can carry. I, fortunately, have neither of them, pigeons or HOSP. I'm leaning towards removing all of my feeders but it is a hard decision since I've been feeding and watching my wild birds for 9 years. I keep my feeders and bird baths clean (a LOT of work) but I am so worried about what the effect of the bird flu could do to my three lovies. My husband would be thrilled at the money he'd save if I stopped feeding the outside birds. Enough to buy a few more lovebirds! :whistle: Bet he hasn't thought of that! :D