View Full Version : my bird flew away.help.

04-22-2006, 03:49 AM
Hi. Two days ago i bought my first love birds. They are a beautiful pair and i got them lots of toys and a nice cage and all was well. Then today i noticed that one of the birds had gotten out of the cage and was standing on the cage.

He (or she) flew away. He tried for a couple of hours to come back, the birds were calling eachother and i tried to catch the missing one when he landed on his cage.

To no avail. Now it is night time and colder outside and i can not hear the missing lovebird anymore.

i am so sad for the bird who is left. [/SIZE][/FONT]
Is there a chance he will still come back? will the other one be satisfied with a new partner? what will happen to the lost one in the wild?

i am very upset about what has happened.

04-22-2006, 05:21 AM
I'm so very sorry to hear that your one lovebird escaped. Yes, there's a chance that he will still come back in the morning. You will not hear him after dark, as he most likely found a place to sleep for the night.

If you have a second cage, put it next to the first cage, add food and leave the door open. If he's hungry, he should go inside the cage to eat. When he does, all you have to do is close the door.

Many times, you have to put locks on food dish/water dish doors, as lovebirds can be great escape artists!

04-22-2006, 07:50 AM
Thank you Linda for your reply. I am going to set up the spare cage next to the Lovebird that is left. I will look out for it in the morning. I will keep you posted as to how it turns out.

I can't believe the poor little thing has to sleep out in the wilderness tonight.

04-22-2006, 10:04 PM
You might want to put the door on a string, to close it. That way if he is a fraidy bird, you can still cage him, from a distance, before he flies away.

Also, advertise that he is missing in the newspaper, and put fliers around the neighborhood. Most papers have a cost free area where pet owners can advertise the loss of a pet. If birdie is hungry, he may fly right up to any stranger, begging for food. Even if he doesn't fly home himself, you may still get him back with some investigation.

04-23-2006, 03:41 AM
Thank you for that advice shylevon. I will ask around if people have seen him.
Peachfaced lovebird had not returned. It was very sad this morning when his partner still in the cage was calling for him for ages.

I suppose i will need to get her another partner very soon.

04-23-2006, 08:38 AM
I'm sorry you lost your bird. I really hope you can find him. Do you know the sex of the bird that you have left behind?

I suppose i will need to get her another partner very soon.
The bird that is left may not accept another bird so quickly. If you decide to add another bird, you might consider DNA sexing of the one you have if you aren't sure whether it's male or female. If it's female, you want to be very careful about adding another bird (two hens are usually very territorial, so putting them together can be dangerous).
Anyway, that's my two cents.

Also, you might want to alert local area vets and the humane society that you are missing a bird.

Good luck!

04-23-2006, 09:41 PM
I agree with Suzanne. Your birdie may need time to get over the loss of his old friend before you introduce a new one, especially if they were close.

Don't forget quarantine time once you get the new bird also. That is very important to the health of both your birds.

04-24-2006, 06:48 AM
It was the male who was left behind. I took him back to the same pet shop where i got him from today.

I got him a new partner before i had a chance to read this email about him needing to get over his other partner,.

They hadnt had babies together yet. So i got a new female today from the same pet shop. They seem to be enjoying eachothers company.

I hope that they start to get along like the other pair did. The other pair used to swing around on a ring together and they seemed so happy.

Will lovebirds breed in a large cage if nesting facilities are supplied or do they only only breed if they are in an avary?

04-27-2006, 07:07 AM
:rofl: I think that somehow my cocateel and two love-birds are filling some sort of maternal/animal lover void that i was feeling.My two lovebirds are so cute and i call them LITTLE CHICKEN NUGGETS.

Birdlady's neice.

05-28-2006, 03:37 AM
i love my lovebirds so much. they are doing good they love eachother and are extremely cute. so all is good with them.

05-28-2006, 05:56 AM
I'm very glad to hear that your male is getting along so well with his new companion! Yes, lovebirds are adorable to watch when they interact! All of mine that want companions have them, even my personal pets.