View Full Version : Guess what I got?

04-22-2006, 10:40 PM
Hello! I couldn't stand not having a lovebird in the house anymore, and still feeling sad & guilty about Milly... and I KNOW I was driving my husband crazy talking about birds all the time! (To his credit, he was very supportive, even though he can't understand what my 'obsession' w/ them is about.) Well... he ended up getting me TWO lovies :) (I think just to shut me up, but I don't care.) They're both peach-faced, don't know the gender or ages. They don't have names yet either and we're still working on stepping up and just getting used to each other.

One has a crooked beak, but it doesn't hold him back at all. We've been calling them 'Crooked Beak' and 'Straight Beak' for ease and until something better comes along. So far, Crooked Beak is a lot friendlier and less spazzy than Straight Beak. I've also discovered that Straight Beak bites-- hard. We're working on that too as well as introducing some veggies. So far they've been really good about trying new things, as long as there's some seed in there somewhere.

I'm so happy to have them! But I can't help but compare them to Milly. I'm glad they're older than Milly was though, they've already got their bright colored feathers in so I definitely won't get them confused since Milly was still muted in color. It's also kinda sad to start all over with everything. But I'm pretty excited (and impatient) to start getting them to trust me.

Anyway! Just wanted to share my news :)

04-22-2006, 11:02 PM
Congratulations Betty-Anne!
Once you've owned a lovebird it sure is hard to keep away from them isn't it ? LOL
I'm thrilled that you ventured back into birdie ownership. Your hubby must be a keeper now ? Enjoy your new 'babies' and work on the taming..remember that patience always pays off...best of luck and post us some pics when you can !
Oh, and just a reminder, birdies need their well-birdie checkup asap...heaven forbid they're carriers of something detrimental !! Taking a fresh poop from each of them in a bit of plastic wrap will be good for a gram stain too!

Best Wishes,

04-23-2006, 09:22 AM
Hey Betty Ann,

Good to see you back. I know these two will not take the place of Milly, but they do ease the heartache. I can not imagine life without a fid or two, or three.....:lol

Ummmm, Pics please;)

04-23-2006, 09:35 AM
BA, :D......I've "seen" you on lately and wondered if you'd gotten another one or were at least close to it! I'm happy for you! :) Who knew that a bird could become such an addiction? :lol I am still surprised at how hopelessly in love I am with mine. Never thought a lovie could be just as special as the dogs and cats I've had....but they are! Can't wait to see photos of yours! :D

04-23-2006, 11:06 AM
Hi Betty Ann,
Congrats on the 2 new lovebirds! Are they addictive? I guess I'm the wrong person to ask.....

Can you post a couple of photos of the bird with the crooked beak? You may want to check with your avian vet to find out what kind of care will be needed for it. Echo, my friendly male Abby, has a crossed beak that is the result of an injury in the nestbox and I have to trim him beak periodically so that it does not overgrow.

04-24-2006, 09:51 AM
BA, :D......I've "seen" you on lately and wondered if you'd gotten another one or were at least close to it! I'm happy for you! :) Who knew that a bird could become such an addiction? :lol I am still surprised at how hopelessly in love I am with mine. Never thought a lovie could be just as special as the dogs and cats I've had....but they are! Can't wait to see photos of yours! :D

Hi all!

You're right Janie, I just couldn't stay away! I was always peeking at everyone's message and especially the photos. I never would've guessed I had an addictive personality!?

It's interesting to have 2 now. They ALWAYS want to be together. It's cute, but makes it hard to work with them individually. I'm hoping to worm my way into their friendship SOON. If I'm bugging them too much they'll both turn their backs on me-- at the same time!!! I'm pretty sure they also talk about me :) who knows what they're saying....

Echo, my friendly male Abby, has a crossed beak that is the result of an injury in the nestbox and I have to trim him beak periodically so that it does not overgrow.

I was thinking about that Linda, because the piece that's sticking out is growing. So you trim Abby yourself??? I don't think I could do that yet, if ever. Is there any other care that you have to do? I've been observing Crooked Beak, and he's able to eat and drink and complain just fine. He's also a lot sweeter than the other guy, whom I'm thinking of naming Spazz. I don't know if it's because of his beak or not, but Crooked Beak doesn't bite me hard at all. It's really nice after having a mean bite from the other one.

Well, I will try to post some pic's today. Thanks for all the replies. It's nice to be part of a lovebird family again.

04-24-2006, 08:30 PM
I can understand well wanting another lovie. My first lovebird passed away and I wanted another. Like you I got a pair next and do not regret it at all. They are wonderful clowns and i am glad you found them.

p.s. your not alone. My husband does not understand my love for my birds most times.lol.