View Full Version : Chirping nonstop

04-23-2006, 12:18 PM
Hi there

I wanted to consult on my lovies chirping - he starts at about 8 am and chirps all day long with very few and little pauses. Is this normal? He starts his day when the wild birds start chirping - then he talks to them (That means that I must wake up :( ) When all the wild birds are gone he calls me - well he somehow tries to copy me - when he imitates human speech he lowers his voice and if I repeat some simple words many times he learns how to pronaunce them - it is very funny. And I must say that he is really good. Well he likes attention - I can't even go outside the room (he simply keeps calling me) but nevertheles he is scaried - he freaks out when I put my hands in the cage to change water. So some noises can "turn him on" and he can chirp for a very long time. Well it would be ok but his voice is very loud.

*At night he is silent as rock.

Does your birds behave same way? And what is your recepie how to calm your pet lovie?

Thank you very much!

04-23-2006, 12:43 PM
I have a feeling you'll see a change in the amount of chirping once your bird feels secure and trusts you more. What he's doing right now is called 'contact' calling and he's just looking for a flock member. He's alone and that's not natural for a bird, they're always in groups. When he calls for you, be sure you call back. This reassures him that you're not far away and gives him comfort until he sees you again.
Mornings and evenings are the noisiest in my house. Birds greet the day and chat amongst themselves to start the day. Likewise, in the evening, they're saying 'goodnight' to everyone and 'see ya tomorrow'. Each whistle and cheep means something and you're wise to join in the conversation. As you become familiar to your bird your calls will give him security that he'll see you again tomorrow and eventually the trust becomes evident. Consistency and patience will ease his anxiety, but it won't happen overnight. It might take a month or longer.

Best of luck

Buy A Paper Doll
04-23-2006, 02:17 PM
How old is your little chatterbox? When my Melody was younger (from age 2 months to about age 6 months), she chirped nonstop, too. She would chatter and sing to herself for hours at a time. As she got a little older she grew out of it - sort of. :) She's still quite chatty but not like when she was a baby.

04-23-2006, 04:23 PM
My Olivia is a chatterbox too. She talks and talks to herself even when she naps. The other birds yell at her to be quiet during naptime >o She's almost a year old.

04-23-2006, 09:39 PM
My Nyxie chatters all the live long day. In fact, I even began to convince her that she would lose her chirper all together if she didn't stop the chirpering all day long. That little bird always has something to say, but I have to admit, her stories are very interesting, even if I have heard quite a few of them before.

Chirpering is quite often the sign of a healthy happy Lovie, and there are worse things in the world, I am sure. You can sleep in when you are old.;)

04-24-2006, 01:52 PM
I actually love the chirping, and think it's one of the best things with having lovies :). I do believe though that constant chirping, like singing when they're napping and such, is more a young birdie thing, at least from my experience. I have three lovies (Pidget, Pontus and Nemo) who are about four years old, one who's about one (Bubblan), and two babies (Piccolo and Elmo), and the ones who will chirp the most are Bubblan, Piccolo and Elmo. Nemo likes music and will sometimes "sing" to it, plus he's the most dedicated contact caller in the flock, but chirping is not really his forte. So I would say, enjoy the chirping while it lasts :).


04-24-2006, 02:25 PM
I think chirping just means their happy and they love you! :happy: Enjoy it!!

04-24-2006, 02:57 PM
I actually love the chirping, and think it's one of the best things with having lovies :). I

I do too. In fact when Ditto is being quiet I usually start talking or chirping to him to get him going again. :whistle:

04-24-2006, 08:20 PM
I have 3 birds and 3 kids. I am a pain relivers dream comercial..lol. You will soon get so when your bird is quiet you are worried. My birds wake at 6:30am and talk/chirp til 8pm. Your bird is telling you she is happy and loves you.


04-24-2006, 09:07 PM
Whenever Peter gets quiet, I think he's sick!:rofl: The best chirp of all is the nap chirp. I love that and should record it and take it to work with me!!!!

04-30-2006, 08:30 PM
My two are the same-from about 6 am to 9 pm when I "put them to bed"
they are non stop chirping. I unfortunately live in a one bedroom apartment so there are days when it gets a little too loud for my ears but, I found that if you give them enough toys to play with and explore it seems to keep them occupied and a little quieter. I have found in times of dier need, spritzing them with water works just long enough to keep them quiet for that very important phone call.

09-07-2015, 12:49 PM
My peach face love bird, Peaches chirps non-stop. Sometimes for days. This last go around has been 3 days...non-stop. She's driving me up a wall. I whistle back at her, I feed her, I let her out to fly around, but she will still not shut up...every 2 seconds from morning to night....chirp chirp chirp...non-stop.
I'm ready to kill her. I just got rid of her eggs (they were rotting). Now she's mad at me. She has a nice clean cage with a lot of her favorite toys. But she still will not shut up. When I get close to her while she's in the cage, she retreats to her bed. Or she will lunge at me, and bites and draws blood. She's so mean that no one would take her. (She had belonged to my daughter, but they ended up leaving her covered all day, never talked to her, rarely let her out. Then I took her 5 years ago, and she's never let me hold her on my hands or fingers. She rips me up. I just can't stand all this chirping...non-stop. And she gets loud too.
She's becoming the bird from h&ll, and I just don't know what else to do.
She used to sit on your finger and let you kiss her and she'd kiss you back. Now she won't sit on your finger, and if you try to kiss her she rips a hole in your lips. (I'm so tired of all the blood....mine)!!!
Yes I've tried working with her, but I get ripped to shreds. I've withheld food, then would hand feed her. Once I give her her food, I get ripped up again.
She's about maybe 8 years old. Never had a mate.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Coz I'm ready to wring her little fuzzy neck...

09-07-2015, 01:10 PM
Is there perhaps background noise that she hears that you just take for granted? Birds chirping outside could elicit communication from your lovie. Have you moved her cage, moved something different near her cage, changed the look of the room?

If you can give us more information, we should be able to help with a solution. I live with more lovebirds than I care to mention and they will chirp all day but it's not a screeching chirp. It's just parrot talk to each other. However, let a Florida storm move into our area and I get a warning from everyone at one time. Same thing when a train is passing on the tracks about a half mile behind where I live.

09-08-2015, 06:39 AM
Were you talking to me or the other Lady?
No, I haven't moved her cage, and I'm always changing the toys in her cage.
I haven't done anything out of the norm..
She just won't shut up. This is going on the 4th day...

09-08-2015, 08:45 AM
My response was for you. :)

Since this is a new behavior, try moving her cage (if you can do it) and see if it changes things. There really is a cause but it's not apparent yet.

09-08-2015, 12:02 PM
No, I haven't moved her cage, and I'm always changing the toys in her cage.
I haven't done anything out of the norm..
She just won't shut up. This is going on the 4th day...

I wonder if it could be an unfamiliar toy or two that's causing some discomfort? Have you tried removing all but one or two of her favorites? .....:2cents:

09-09-2015, 05:28 AM
Ohhhh I can't move her cage...she really gets ticked then...she loves her window. And unfortunately this isn't new behavior...this time it's worse. All the toys I have for her she loves and she does play with all of them. And when she plays with them she does this constant chirping as well...as she's throwing her bottles & balls around. But afterwards when she stops playing she still continues the chirping non-stop. I'm just ready to lose my mind. I don't know what else I can do to help her. I don't know what she wants. She can be a funny cute little girl.

09-09-2015, 09:29 AM
The chirping is communication and I'm betting her interest is in something that's outside the window. She may be getting a response from an outside bird that you are not even aware of. You mentioned she's done this in the past, just not for this length of time. If she's quieted down before, chances are it will happen again but I can't guarantee it will happen before you lose your sanity! I live with 2 macaws and screaming can be very irritating so I can appreciate what you are saying!!!!!

09-09-2015, 11:31 AM
Oh if there is something going on outside, or if someone is in the yard...She sounds the alarm. She has a very distinctive call. I've learned it. She makes the best alarm system...lol...
Today I took out all her toys (except her favorite two) and I put in her butter dish. She loves to get in this butter tub. She will flip it, throw it around, crawl underneath it and stay. Then she gets out and looks like "Aren't I cute"...."See what I just did"....
She's a bit better today. And by the way, her cage is here next to me in my little office, next to me and my computer. If I get up to go get a drink, or go the the bathroom, she had a bloody fit. And she's loud too!!! So I spend most of my day next to her...whistling to her, and talking to her. She's getting to be an older bird. I'm not sure how long they live. But she's about 6-7 yrs old...we think.

09-09-2015, 12:51 PM
I wasn't necessarily referring to a stranger in the yard but rather a feathered creature. :) My parrots are good about letting me know when something is amiss outside but they also communicate with other birds that happen to be in/around the yard.

She's definitely a character and she's keeping you on her toes. You may have to change up her routine and see if that helps.

09-09-2015, 03:49 PM
We have some crows every now & then, and they don't bother her, or at least she ignores them. We don't really have any wildlife in our yard that she's not used to.
She can't be ready to lay again. I just got rid of her eggs earlier this week. She sat on them for 3 weeks, and I had to get rid of them...they were rotting. I just don't know what else to do for her.

10-01-2015, 05:47 PM
Notice to everyone about Peaches....
Thank you all for your responses to my delima...
To let everyone know, I no longer have Peaches.
I found a wonderful Lady (who doesn't live too far from me) take her.
Her husband is in love with Peaches, and she has taken to him right off the bat.
The Lady told me that she is doing great, and her new best friend is a tiny kitten.
She doesn't bite them, and is as good as gold. This lady was a God send!
I told her that I prayed and told God I didn't know what else to do for her.
She informed me that she had been praying for a lovebird!!!
So Peaches is where she's suppose to be!!! And is very happy!!!

Thanks everyone!!!!

10-01-2015, 06:54 PM
Sounds like a win-win all the way around! There are times when rehoming is in the best interest of all concerned. This was one of those times.