View Full Version : Trouble with 3 birds

04-25-2006, 08:19 AM
I have two bonded males, Peter (green mask) & Luka (fischers), in one cage. Peter has always been the aggressive one, but he’s accepted Luka and now loves him. I then got a hen, Peepo (Seagreen peachie), who lives in her own cage. At one time they all played together with relatively little squabbles under strict supervision. Peepo tends to be more aggressive than Peter.

During Peepo’s first clutch (infertile – NO mating allowed) she was happy to have both Peter and Luka fly to her cage and feed her. By this time I could no longer have her out when they are out as she was determined to mate with Luka. She did enjoy their visits and that is ALL they were interested in doing. I could have her out of the room so they could fly around and they were simply frantic that they were separated from her sight.

Peepo came off the nest for a week or so, and then started popping out eggs again. I had the routine down a bit more, so that time went smoothly – except – both Peepo & Luka started getting gradually more aggressive towards Peter. I was a little shocked to see Luka taking off after Peter (whom he adored). I would then hang out with Peter and give him some TLC, which was good for both of us. I really love Peter, we’re coming up on our 3rd anniversary soon.

Now Peepo is off the second clutch on time. I’ve moved everything around in her cage that I could move. I’ve stopped covering her cage except at night. I don’t even allow paper in her sight, so she doesn’t think about shredding. I think she’s finally stopped the laying cycle. The problem I have now is that Peepo & Luka are still acting very aggressive towards Peter. Luka now flies after Peter, chasing him away. When Peter comes to play with me, Luka flies over and chases him off of me. Luka landed on me last night and bit me. Luka chased Peter off of THEIR cage. Once they are inside the cage, Luka settles down. I’m keeping an eye on them, for sure.

I’m at a loss as to how to regain the peace, if that is even possible. I can move Luka to another cage if I need to do so. I’d appreciate your suggestions. Can you help me?

04-25-2006, 09:02 AM
Suzanne, I am sorry. I know it's upsetting for you, seeing Peter (or any of them) get picked on or chased. I guess a hen really can shake of the mix in a flock and you know me, "all males, all the time" but, my Shy displays similar behavior that you're describing with Luka. Shy picks on Big Boi and occasionally will chase Oliver off what ever spot he wants. I've even considered moving Big Boi in with Oliver since they never pick at each other and are both such peaceful little birds but once Big Boi and Shy are back in their own cage, they do settle down, preening each other, and Shy is pretty decent to him. He has never attacked BB or Oliver, just flies over to them and chases them from the food plate, a toy or a perch they happen to be on. I often cage Shy or take him with me, out of the bird room, so that Oliver and BB can eat in peace. :D One night he'll allow BB to sleep inside their cozy with him and the next night BB is on top, Shy inside. Shy calls the shots in their relationship and I know that Peter did, too, till recently. I think they go through stages in their relationships (even with us humans) and in a few weeks or months, Luka might go back to being the old Luka, bonded to Peter. I don't know if having two males and one hen can change their behavior permanently or not but I feel for you and Peter and hope someone can give you advice that might help.

04-25-2006, 11:37 AM
Hi Suzanne,

I don't have much advice to give either but I do understand your situation from the point of view that not so long ago I too had two males and a hen. My experience in some way was similar to yours, since I had a pair of bonded lovies and one single male. I came to the conclusion that three is simply not a very good number to have since two will often gang up against the remaining lovie. In my case, who the "bullied" lovie was varied between my Pidget (the usual target) but even Nemo could get bullied if Pontus, capricious and moody like all hens, had decided that day that Pidget was her man. What I tried to do was to take the bullied lovie with me for one on one time, which we would both enjoy for about 10-15 minutes until they all would start frantically calling each other and I would go from being "good mom who rescues poor, put upon lovie" to "mean mom who kidnaps lovie and keeps him away from his flock". The only solution I could come up with was to get one more lovie as a friend for Pidget, and hopefully things would even out. As you know, things did not turn out exactly as I had planned, and I now have six lovies, which in theory sounds like a nice, even number, but in reality there's still bullying and conflicts and fights. I guess that is just business as usual in lovie world.

In any case, I would think the one more lovie idea could work for you. Maybe by getting a partner for Peepo, Luka and Peter would go back to their usual friendship. I'm not sure how you feel about the idea of one new lovie. I know it sounded like a very daunting step for me.

Good luck!


04-25-2006, 11:47 AM
Suzanne, I have an odd threesome at home as well. The Creamino hen and the two OF Siblings, which I brought home in November, all still live together. There is no mating going on as the hen has been on medication....quite frankly, forever and she will not be allowed to breed. Anyway, she goes through phases of which male is her favorite and allows to feed and dote on her. The third ends up being "odd man out". Nothing has gotten to the point of attacking and bleeding, so I let them be and they seem to enjoy their existence as is. If Luka and Peter are ok inside their cage, maybe let those two have playtime out together alone without Peepo? Since it is her sheer lovie hen magnetism that is causing this issue, maybe if she's not near them at playtime for a while, it will help ;) I don't know, I'm reaching....of course, you could always add another lovie, but that's not guaranteed to work and then what, would you get a male to bond with Peepo? Then you run the risk of fertile eggs, chicks, etc... The chances of two hens bonding are slim and even so, then you've got twice the eggs. I'm not helping am I? :rolleyes: I';m sorry. I hope you can find a solution.

04-25-2006, 12:02 PM
Gloria: One more lovie? :omg: If I got a buddy for Peepo, another hen would be a dicy addition. If I got a male, :rofl: I know eggzactly what would happen! I'd be up to my ears in lovies!

I'd hoped since Peeps was in a separate cage, she'd be happy with me. Since she's tame, she's out with me a bunch. Well, it turns out, as I'm continuing my education from a hen, she wants it ALL. So the queen will have her cake...

Janie: You kind of hit my main concern dead on about
change their behavior permanently - I want to do something before Luka falls completely in love with Peepo and no longer accepts Peter. He needs to not have that notion in his little red head.

My house is very small, pretty crowded, so my options for separating them more is almost none. I will work out a way to get Peter out for some one on one time tonight to see how he likes that. I'll become the mean mom who kidnaps the bird and removes it from it's flock... :rofl:

04-25-2006, 12:03 PM

Let me tell you about my side of three too. Molly is very bonded to me and I felt guilty leaving him alone all day so I bought Daisy. Well, Daisy and Molly to this day have never gotten along. Then I bought Piper and here's where my three begins. Molly was scared of each of them. Daisy took Piper "under her wing" and doted on him like he was her own. Then in December my brother bought Olivia for me as a christmas present. So Daisy decided she didn't like Piper anymore (they fight now) and she took up with Olivia. They are very bonded and Piper and Molly were the odd balls out. Molly was still scared of everybirdie and Piper just wanted someone to play with. Well, then a miracle happened back in February when Molly befriended Piper and they are now playmates. The girls are paired and the boys are paired. Daisy still thinks she's queen of everything and chases the boys away even if they are 3 feet away. So in the end everything worked out. It just took me a while by adding lovies and I have a relatively quiet household again. Well, sort of :rolleyes:

04-25-2006, 12:27 PM
Three is such a difficult number. I have three as well. Unknown sex but no eggs and they are all well over 1.5yrs old. I originally had two pairs, one black mask paired with a peach (yeah... no breeding) and two more peachies. They originally lived in a divided cage, but had out of cage time together. The mask used to chase the other two peachies (not his mate) but it never got out of hand.

Unfortunately one of the paired peachies passed away so I had three left. I kept them in the divided cage for a long time, but eventually removed the divider. The mask will still chase the single peach around, but the other peach plays peacemaker with both. He spends most of his time with the mask, but also seems to sense when my other peachie is feeling lonely. Then he does his best to spend time with the other peach.

It's not ideal, and the one peach is definitely the odd-man out, but it works better than I thought it might have. Of course, it is possible I have three boys and that would make it a bit easier.

04-25-2006, 04:37 PM
I'm sorry Suzanne, I just suggested another lovie, and yep, I confess I was thinking about a male, because I thought since Peepo had laid eggs that the certainty of more clutches with any bonded male wouldn't be a sticky point anymore >o . As you might infer, that is an example of the thought processes that have made me go from having a single, male lovie to a houseful of birds :rolleyes:. And all within the space of five months *sigh*. I was so happy when I found Pidget, a single, male lovie, one that had also been single all his life so he wouldn't miss a birdie companion. Then Pontus and Nemo needed a place to stay, and when Pidget bonded to them my thoughts on the ideal single lovie situation I had hoped for were more or less, well I guess that ship has sailed. I, like Janie, had a strict no hen policy in the house....and Pontus started walking around with a lumpy bottom: Yep, that ship sailed too. Well, I might have eggs, but chicks: NEVER! until Piccolo hatched. Another ship leaving port. My no handfeeding policy: Elmo pretty much launched that one. So here I am, pretty much shipless and assuming everyone is just like me >o. Not good, huh? Anyway, I think you're right in having set what works in your house and in your current situation, and for sticking to them too :) . I hope things will work out for your three and I'm sure they will too.


04-25-2006, 05:55 PM
Thanks so much everyone.

Gloria: :rofl:
Yep, that ship sailed too.:rofl:
It'd be so quick for me to succomb to the love-bug. I love babies, and would be great (I think) with lovie babies. BUT, I've got a house full of teenagers (human) and that is breaking the bank! I have to be responsible for what I can do financially, too. I love that you have two babies (I am betting male!) that are so RIGHT.

We'll see how things go, I'm learning patience.