View Full Version : Crazy Lovebird

04-27-2006, 11:09 AM
I have had my lovebird, Tanga, since she was a baby, and she is now about 5-1/2 years old.

Over all the years she has never “calmed” down. She is very attached to me, but I cannot pet her. She will “hiss” at my hand and try to nip me if I approach her with my hand.

However, she wants to be on my shoulder – or head! – so she can be with me. That wouldn’t be so bad, but she is just so darn rough. She pulls at my clothes and doesn’t hesitate to pinch my skin.

Any tips for getting her to become a little gentler?

04-27-2006, 11:19 AM
Will she step up to your arm? With the way you describe her I would not let her be on your head(i doubt you willingly let her but just incase). With birds if her head is higher she thinks she is the boss. I am not sure there are any ways really to make her gentler. Maybe others will have more ideas.


04-27-2006, 01:28 PM
Hi MaryT,
Your lovie sounds like my Peter bird. He hates hands and will bite them very hard, drawing blood. He loves me and likes to sit on my head & sometimes my shoulder. Have you tried teaching her to step up to a dowel? (or stick or perch) I dowel trained Peter which is handy in moving him around when he needs my help. I don't know that it would help make your bird more gentle, but it's very handy to have a way of moving them around that isn't as offensive as evil hands.

Lovies react well to positive reinforcement. If I want to reinforce something good my birds are doing (like returning to their cage on command) I praise them enthusiastically. You might try waiting for your bird to be acting like you want her to, and then telling her how good she is. When she gets to the point of being rough, just stop. That is, stop the activity or maybe return her to her cage. I have a hen that is very cuddly. When she's ready to go back to her cage, she'll bite me. I return her and we're both happy.

Another thing to think about is: if there is anything you are doing at that time that she gets rough. Or is it all the time, non-stop? Is there particular types of clothing that she likes to bite or any she does not? Trying to understand what is triggering her might help. Or she might just be excitable.

Good luck!