View Full Version : Hi, has been a while in posting.

Auntie Ron
04-28-2006, 10:00 AM
Hi everyone,

Has been a while since i posted last. My little indoor lovie, Lyndsey, is definately a confirmed male now. Since he fell in love with his coozy it became quite obvious. So he is still Lyndsey; i think of him now as named for Lyndsey Buckingham of the band Fleetwood Mac.

My first set of babies have long since grown and my mom has them in her home. She is afraid to handle them although we had worked with them prior to her taking them. She just cannot get herself to reaching for them. This is fine, she sits and talks with them daily and they are welcomed company for her.

One of my other adult birds, a hen, got a bad injury on her leg. It seemed to get worse with every passing day i saw it... first from a pink irritated area without feathers to finally breaking the skin. So i bought another cage and brought her indoors. I treated the leg with Blu-Kote, it took a few months and her leg healed nicely. I finally reintroduced her to the great outdoors where her mate was overjoyed to be reunited with her. However, this morning i look and it seems her leg is irritated again; now i am thinking it is because of his urgency to mate and to be a big pest! Poor girl, hope she doesn't have to come back in again.

My original nesting pair have done it again, this time there are 4-5 babies in her nest box. They are already fully feathered and sticking their heads out of the box to take a look at the world. I am guessing anyday they will leave the box and then i will be on the lookout for new adoptive homes for them.

Other than the normal "Spring is in the air" and "Flowers everywhere", I am just about ready to graduate from college. I only have one full week of school left, then it will be finals week. Yea!!!! Then off to the working world where my freedom to play with all my lovies in the garden will be limited to evenings and weekends. I still have not decided what I want to be when i grow up LOL.

Huggs to everyone, Hope all is well and everyone is having a fabulous spring.

Auntie Ron

04-28-2006, 02:06 PM
Hi Ron; :)

Glad to hear that all is going well. I remember you have the most beautful outdoor aviary. :):)

What is Blu-Kote? I'm not familiar with the product in the U.S., but that might only be because I have never heard of it before. Has your hen had any testing by the vet, to see if she is plucking due to some type of infection? Where on her leg is she picking?

Nice to see you again. :)

04-28-2006, 03:33 PM
Good to hear from you Ron; I was beginning to think you'd forgotten where the board was... ;)

Don't be too sure about Lyndsey being a male just yet; I've been told that females can attempt to mate with inanimate objects just as enthusiastically as a male lovebird, and owners who were sure they had boys were surprised to find eggs laid by their guys. The only one of my hens I've seen mate with a Cozy or Happy Hut or toy or whatever was Roxie - and had she not been DNA sexed, I would have totally believed she was male.

...oh, yah - where's the new pictures? You HAVE taken new pics, yes? :whistle:


04-28-2006, 06:53 PM
Hi Ron,

Good to see you again. I am glad to hear things are going well, and happy to hear that your Mom is enjoying her new fids. Hopefully one day she will learn to interact with them, but as you said, she enjoys them, and they do have each other, so all is good:)

Ummmm, I could use some new pics too;)

04-28-2006, 07:03 PM
Hi Ron; :)

Glad to hear that all is going well. I remember you have the most beautful outdoor aviary. :):)

What is Blu-Kote? I'm not familiar with the product in the U.S., but that might only be because I have never heard of it before. Has your hen had any testing by the vet, to see if she is plucking due to some type of infection? Where on her leg is she picking?

Nice to see you again. :)

We use it on farms with livestock, cattle horse and pigs too for skin irritations, cuts, open wounds, scratches etc. It is a protective coating that is also a disinfectant. I didn't know it could be used with birds as well but I found this link. http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/product/blue_kote_wound_dressing.html
