View Full Version : The Bird store is an evil place.....

04-29-2006, 09:46 PM
So Ditto needed more avi-cakes.........

Of course the only place to get them is the bird store. And of course they've got birds in there. :whistle:

So after the B&G yelled hello and waived his foot at me, I had to check to see if that little creamino was there. Yep, right in the playpen on the counter where she was last week. She perked up and chirped at me when I walked over. Uh oh, temptation... I managed to pry myself away and had to walk past the 'tiels. They were happily whistling and singing and playing on their branches and swings. They all came over to me as I watched them and if I'd been just a little closer, probably would have hopped on me for their trip home. Dodged a bullet there, they can't fly. Then I heard the cheeping coming from the cage hanging above the 'tiels. Oh no! A pair of celestial parrotlets for $150. Hmmm, they're just little things, they won't take up much space... Now what did I come in here for?

After grabbing the avi cakes and some tropical fruit nutriberries I had to walk past the Macaw. Fortunately he's not for sale, but the 2 young sun conures hanging out with him are... Uh oh! I had to get out of there before it was too late. :eek:

I really really need a few more parrots. Just not right now. :p

04-29-2006, 09:53 PM
Yer Daddy is gonna give in soon, I can feel it !!
Hims gonna bring ya a new birdie home to snuggle wiff...yep yep yep !!

Ya keep sendin him for avicakes and nutriberries buddy....hims gonna bite the birdie bullet soon !!!

teehee bud...teehee

04-29-2006, 10:33 PM
Dave, there is not a doubt in my mind that Ditto will remain an only "fid" forever. You talk a big talk......but you ain't getting another one! :D I held out for two years but I knew it was just a matter of time and finding the right breeder with the right (MALE) violet. My husband only wishes I had the same restraint that you have! :whistle:

04-29-2006, 10:37 PM
Dave, there is not a doubt in my mind that Ditto will remain an only "fid" forever. You talk a big talk......but you ain't getting another one! :D I held out for two years but I knew it was just a matter of time and finding the right breeder with the right (MALE) violet. My husband only wishes I had the same restraint that you have! :whistle:

I spent all my new bird money on a new laptop instead. :rofl: I think a few birds would have been cheaper. :whistle:

04-29-2006, 10:39 PM

You mean you left that poor little creamino sitting there on the counter all by it's self???? I think you had better rethink that decision. I am just sooooo sure that little ino and Ditto would be a perfect match;)

Maybe if you just go back and hold the creamino for a minute? I'm sure s/he could use a little Dave lovin;)

04-29-2006, 10:47 PM
Lori, who is Eric? :rofl: This is Dave. Honey, you have had a hard week! :D

04-30-2006, 07:39 AM
Well crap!!!!

I had it right in the body of the post, just screwed up the header:rolleyes:

Yep, Hard week it was, and I'm gearing up for next week. Anybody here a resume expert? I think I need to update mine:rolleyes:

04-30-2006, 09:54 AM
I've been called a lot of things but never Eric. :lol

Buy A Paper Doll
04-30-2006, 10:05 AM
Dave, I had to go to the bird store yesterday, too. I ran out of hemp seed for the birdies. Good God. A boy was walking around with his sun conure on his arm while his daddy talked with the staff about the best playgym to buy. Then a lady came in with her conure (not sure what type) and her grey for wing clips. And a couple were going out with their lorikeet who had been boarded.

Thank goodness all of these guys were accounted for, and the for sale pets were in the back. I ran in and got my 2 pound bag of hemp seed (that will last them a while), two packs of avi-cakes, a big pack of the sunny orchard nutriberries, two pinatas, two other shreddy toys, and a new wooden toy for Milo to chew and Melody to beat the tar out of. Then RAN like h*** out of there before I could hear the lovebirds chirping in the back.

04-30-2006, 10:11 AM
Those little parrotlets were so cute too.

I've been good, not bringing those sun conures home but that little creamino is really tempting me. They don't have lovies in there very often either. Hmmmm, little yellow babies. :eek:

Buy A Paper Doll
04-30-2006, 10:19 AM
Get the creamino!!!!!

04-30-2006, 02:13 PM
Oooooh, I bet that sweet little Creamino was just adorable. Yellow birdies are the best and I bet Ditto would love to converse with another yellow birdie :D Like Jen said "GET THE CREAMINO"!!

04-30-2006, 04:13 PM
The bird store problem has a good solution! I buy everything I need at a feed supply store. No birdies for sale there! If they don't have what I want, they special order it for me! :) The only temptation I run into there are baby chickens and baby ducks... Sometime ask me about the 6 baby bantum chicks I brought home because they could not compete with the larger baby chickens for much needed food! :roll: Once they grew up, I found them a home with a local farmer but I couldn't leave them where they were. I've been told I need a sign for my front door that reads:
Linda's home for animals in need....

Buy A Paper Doll
04-30-2006, 04:29 PM

Better than the sign on my forehead that only the birds can read:


04-30-2006, 06:41 PM
I have SUCH a hard time going to the bird store... there are 4 near me and each one is bigger and better than the last...

But for now, it's just myself and Beetle-bird... although I'm tempted from time to time as well ;)


05-01-2006, 10:48 AM
Dave: You don't need that creamino. You need a lutino!! And your in luck as I happen to have a nice little handfed lutino girl looking for a nice boyfriend to snuggle up with when she's not tormenting us humans. I'll go ahead and check flights to PA and tell her all about you and ditto :omg: :omg: .

05-01-2006, 01:47 PM
I now try to avoid petstores at all cost. When we take Pheobe back to the vet in a couple of weeks, I will have a look at the bird food they sell. If they don't have what I am looking for or anything that my birds would be happy with, I will then order online. I do not need another bird right now, nor do I have the space until the kids move out.
This is the second time that I get a bird from a store because it is injured. I have an urge to fix broken things and so does my husband. I cannot stand seing injured or neglected animals and I cannot NOT say a thing. Once I open my mouth, I am commited. And I think the petstores know that by now.

As for the little creamino, Dave, I would say go for it. I can tell you they are rewarding and absolute sweetheart. I know Ditto would welcome the company during the day, when you are not home. You cannot take the chance that an uneducated person takes that little birdie home. It deserves a happy life, you know and the only way you know that little yeller birdie will have that is to take it home to Ditto. Between the two of you, that little yellow birdie will be well taken care of.


05-01-2006, 11:32 PM
The creamino sounds so cute. I would say just get it.

I was in Petco yesterday and their birds are usually pretty skittish, but there was a green-cheek conure that walked right up to my boyfriend and I. Then the sucker that we are, asked to see the bird. He was a sweetest little guy, he was playing on our arm. When put back into his cage, he was rolling over and his back and saying, "look at the tricks I can do, pls take me home." It was hard but we resisted the temptation.

05-02-2006, 07:17 AM
The creamino sounds so cute. I would say just get it.

I was in Petco yesterday and their birds are usually pretty skittish, but there was a green-cheek conure that walked right up to my boyfriend and I. Then the sucker that we are, asked to see the bird. He was a sweetest little guy, he was playing on our arm. When put back into his cage, he was rolling over and his back and saying, "look at the tricks I can do, pls take me home." It was hard but we resisted the temptation.

These birds weren't even in cages. They're just begging me to snatch them up.

05-04-2006, 10:12 AM
At least ya don't work in a petstore! I'd take all the birdies home if I could. So far, I've gotten only two (I'd say that's pretty good). But if an injured bird comes in, I have to take it.

But anyways, I'm thinkin' Ditto bird needs a playmate. ;)