View Full Version : safe woods?

05-01-2006, 09:51 PM
Alright, I've heard tons and tons of things about what kinds of wood are safe for lovebirds. However, most of them seem to pertain more towards places with southern climates, and I have...oh...about two of the types of wood that I could find on a list as safe.

So, my first question is....Which of the following woods are safe:
~Bamboo (don't ask, we don't know)

My second question is:
On most of these plants (please list exceptions) is it safe to let the bird eat the leaves if you know the plant has not been subjected to pestisides?

05-01-2006, 10:14 PM
This is what I found. I could be wrong as I searched diffrent places for these

~Walnut-safe except black walnut
~Apple- on toxic tree list for the seeds but the tree is ok
~Fig- are safe
~Pear- safe
~Oak- on list with leaves included
~Maple- is safe
~Lilac-is safe
~Holly- toxic lsit
~Pine-toxic list
~Bamboo (don't ask, we don't know)- is ok

Willow and Palm are also safe for birds. I am looking to get a few palms in my home.


05-01-2006, 10:50 PM
yeah...the only willow tree in the neighborhood belongs to the next door neighbor who wants us dead, and palm trees just don't live up here.

But thanks for the rest of it! (goes out denuding trees)

05-04-2006, 10:16 AM
Here's a list (http://www.plannedparrothood.com/plants.html) you should take a look at. Also, make sure that the trees have not come in contact with pesticides. You can wash the branches in a 10% bleach solution, then let completely dry, or stick the branches in the oven. Please do one of these before offering to your birds.

05-04-2006, 12:56 PM
oh wow...O.O thanks. That's a whole heck of a lot of plants I've got around.

05-04-2006, 02:09 PM
HI, I too was looking for a list of safe tree limbs for my birds. I saw on the link angelwing provided that on the list of safe plants is listed christmas cactus, and on Robins Guide to lovebird ownership, found in the resource library, it lists the christmas cactus as being toxic. I think that maybe I will start double checking when I am on a search for something for my birds as I can never be too safe when it comes too my birdies.:)


05-04-2006, 03:33 PM
Yes, relying on only one sorce can be iffy. If you're ever unsure whether or not a plant is safe or toxic, asking your avian veterinarian may also be helpful. I always make absolutely sure before offering wood to my birds. I'm glad that you do, as well.

11-17-2006, 04:59 AM
Is it ok if I break off a branch from a guava tree or other safe tree and to rule out chemical/pesticide possibility, I dip the branch in water and GSE then let dry?

11-17-2006, 06:18 AM
Yes, I disinfect any branches or plant material that I may bring in from the outside for my birds. Insecticides will definitely kill. In fact, I use 10% bleach solution to wash branches. After washing, I rinse very well and let them dry before using.

11-17-2006, 07:06 PM
Is it ok if I break off a branch from a guava tree or other safe tree and to rule out chemical/pesticide possibility, I dip the branch in water and GSE then let dry?

YEP! Guava wood is safe for birds and I have several branches in our bird room.

11-17-2006, 08:22 PM
I just finished surfing this site that Debspace posted in another thread:

Great site with great plant lists. Thanks Deb!!

I have discovered several of these plants on the toxic list are in my birdroom for the winter. I'm going to cover them with a fine nylon net material when the birds are out of their cages for playtime....Yards and yards of net!

Peach wood has natural cyanide so it's a definite NO NO. Apple wood is okay. I use trimmings from our apple trees. But I have found the birds really prefer the willow branches.