View Full Version : Getting a Lovebird Today

05-04-2006, 07:34 PM
First off... Hi everyone and thanks in advance for the G'day's (yes I'm Aussie).

I joined this forum because I am getting my first Lovebird today and have been researching extensively but I'm not getting the info I want, so I thought where better than here!

I am going to a breeder this afternoon who has about 20 babies that left the nest and have been feeding themselves for the last 15 days (approx).. this is the info he gave me over the phone.

What I am wondering is, will the bird I choose be easily tamed, even though it is parent reared?
It is a pet for my Daughter, though I am taking full responsibility for it.

Will this bird adjust easily to being alone? (as in, not in an aviary)

I do not work, so I have plenty of time on my hands to care for this bird while my daughter is at school, but at the same time, I am then scared that the bird will only like me and not anyone else.

I hope that someone can give me some answers here, even if it's only for one of my questions, it is greatly appreciated.

I will post photo's of the bird when we pick it up this afternoon.

P.S. It is a long running tradition that the first true pet of the family be named Tuna.. so from here on in, I will be referring to the bird as Tuna as it is my Daughters first pet.

05-04-2006, 08:12 PM
Also.. does anyone have any advice on which bird to pick... as in, if he has 20 of them, what should I look for?

05-04-2006, 09:39 PM
Wow, Welcome and congratulations on your new bird!

You'll find a wealth of information here. If you haven't checked out the resource library, there is a great guide for new owners there.

Whether a lovebird is easily handled doesn't really hinge on being hand fed as opposed to parent reared. It really matters more if the bird is socialized. Lovebirds can make great parents and many believe that is the best way to go - with the breeders doing the socializing while they are young. That said, a lovebird tends to be intelligent and have a mind of its own. Time and patience will win them over usually. You have to earn their trust, never try to force it.

Single lovebirds get along fine as long as they get attention when you are around. There are many lovebird owners here with single lovies that have very happy (and spoiled) birds. Since you are home more, the bird may tend to bond more closely with you. That doesn't mean that your bird won't love your daughter. If you involve your daughter in the birds care when she is home, that will help the bird adjust to its new flock - your family.

We love photos, and look forward to seeing and hearing more about Tuna! :) As far as picking one out, let the bird pick you! Good luck!

05-04-2006, 09:53 PM
welcome aboard. i have only one advice...get all twenty of them :D

05-04-2006, 10:31 PM
welcome aboard. i have only one advice...get all twenty of them :D

trust me, i wish my cage was big enough! :blush:

05-05-2006, 04:00 AM
Well you probably have got your bird by now. But I was going to say to see if any of the birds fly toward you when you go near them. That could be a sign of a bird not to scared. If not just pick one you like. Be sure they look healthy also.


05-05-2006, 06:13 PM
Well, Tuna has arrived, and with only a small bang! lol

I'm not sure on what colour you'd call her (not an expert here) but she is very quiet (probably more scared than anything though), she doesn't bite and since clipping her wings she has been happy to sit and 'snuggle' in my daughter hair! I am VERY pleased so far, I must admit, though I do think that her shyness will soon change.

Here's some photo's of her, the breeder told me that her face should change to an orange soon and her blue's and green become brighter.. is that true?


Another thing I'm not too sure about is that she's not eating or drinking.. is this normal in the first 24 hours of 'moving homes'????

05-05-2006, 06:47 PM
Tuna is a cutie pie! Yes, her colors will become more vibrant as she goes through her first molt. Also, the face won't turn orange, only her brow will turn and orangey/cantaloupe color. She looks like a Seagreen to me and very cuddly cute!
Sometimes they are very busy getting used to their new homes that they forget to eat or are too busy checking everything out. Offer plenty of food and water and she should be eating and drinking just fine soon. Millet is always a good treat for making sure they are eating.

05-05-2006, 07:00 PM
Tuna is a cutie pie! Yes, her colors will become more vibrant as she goes through her first molt. Also, the face won't turn orange, only her brow will turn and orangey/cantaloupe color. She looks like a Seagreen to me and very cuddly cute!
Sometimes they are very busy getting used to their new homes that they forget to eat or are too busy checking everything out. Offer plenty of food and water and she should be eating and drinking just fine soon. Millet is always a good treat for making sure they are eating.

I've got her eating now, but off a pillow in the middle of the lounge room! :lol (can anyone say 'princess'!)

I've got a few things hanging in her cage.. apple, fresh corn (sliced off the cob) and the corn fibres.. I just think that when she's in the cage, she like to be high, but her seed is down low... ah well, she'll find it soon enough.

05-05-2006, 09:54 PM
Aww what a beauty. A easy way you know if she is eating is look at bootom of cage and should be seed hulls. I have my birds seed cups in the middle of back cage wall. If they are down to low bird might potty in them by accident.


05-05-2006, 10:14 PM
Hi and Welcome:)

Tuna is adorable, and she sounds like she is settling in very well. It sounds as if she will be spoiled rotten in no time, and that of course is exactly as it should be;)

If you hang a millet spray by her food dish it might help her locate it easier. Millet spray is like candy to birds, and they will go where the millet is. Hold it up to her and let her get a nibble, and then clip it to the cage by her food dish. You don't want to give millet spray everyday, but once or twice a week is fine.

I look forward to hearing all about your progress with Tuna, and wanted to ensure that it is very possible to have a bond with a parent raised bird. I got my Lacey when she was two years old, and she was parent raised, never held, and she is just the sweetest little thing ever. It did take awhile, but of course Tuna is younger, so keep up the every day interaction, and she will be a velcro birdy in no time:)

05-07-2006, 07:46 PM
Well. it's been 2 and a half days since we've bought her home...

The millet spray next to her food did the trick!she now eats and drinks without a problem from her dishes.

Her fave spot in the house is on the window sill looking out and she has taken a liking to my husband (hence me calling her a she)... when ever her enters the room and talks, she get all shy and makes little noises towards him, then get on his shoulder and 'cuddles' his neck and hair!

She is adjusting so well to life out of the avary, I'm so pleased.

05-07-2006, 08:10 PM
Congratulations !
We've all made little tweaks in routine (ie: millet beside food dish) to make sure our little fids are familiar with their new surroundings. Remember that once she figures out the food/water dish thing, to remove the millet and only give it as a treat a couple of times a week.
I'm so glad to hear that Tuna is adjusting to a one-birdie situation. Sounds like your hubby is gonna be a pushover to 50 grams of feathers !!!


05-07-2006, 08:15 PM

I'm glad the millet lure worked. We have all been known to use millet spray as a little bribe at times. Hey, you use what you can, to achieve what you want. It's all good:D

Yep, sounds like your lovie is smitten with your hubby and vice-versa:)

05-07-2006, 08:45 PM
I must say that the millet just seemed to be a lure, not a treat.. she's harldy touched the millet, but is devouring her seeds, so will leave it there for her to have when she feels like it.