View Full Version : Cage...

05-05-2006, 10:37 PM
The directions that came with my cage were so blasted vague...

(rubs shins) Why doens't anyone ever include WORDS with instructions anymore?

05-05-2006, 11:34 PM
LOL sorry for laughing but I feel your pain so well. My two large cages came with no directions just a picture. Heck I just found out today my second cage I put bottom together backwards..lol.


05-06-2006, 12:01 AM
ha...Mine had this thing that was basically a really small picture, while 3/4ths of the page was filled with warnings (sighs) Mostly about damaging yourself by closing your various body parts in the cage.

I think it took about an hour for my boyfriend and I to get it together. And then we argued about interior design. Lol

05-06-2006, 02:00 AM
I wish I could sympathize (not really:blush: :blush: ), but my husband is very good at putting things together so it's his "job" to put cages together.....I'm glad you and your boyfriend were able to get your babies new cage together. How does he/she like it???

:D :D :D :D

05-06-2006, 07:41 AM
we haven't goten the little birdie yet. So he's calling the man from the petshop today (who really should have called us back by now) to raise heck while I go to work for the next 12 hours or so (cries)

I hate weddings....I hate Maitwan, and I'm starting to hate those blasted little cars everyone is driving now...

05-06-2006, 08:06 AM
I've done my share of putting cages together so I can sympathize with your frustration! :lol Could be that the manufacturers aren't even sure how to do it.........

05-06-2006, 10:30 PM
I bought a Kings cage for my second two lovies and I cried, cussed and sweated for hours....trying to get it put together. I called Kings Cages TWICE and told them exactly what I though about their "picture" instructions. What a joke! I did get it together (after a trip to my local Ace Hardware) and when my handyman came by he admitted that he didn't think he could have done it any faster. I was awful. These cage manufactures should be ashamed.

05-06-2006, 11:24 PM
lol. I know! My boyfriend is normally so good with that kind of thing, and I had to restrain *him* from beting it with a wrench....

05-07-2006, 12:12 AM
I am one who put mine together..lol. My Poor husband can build a computer but when come to cages and furniture he is clueless.lol.


05-07-2006, 12:32 AM
oh, menfolk are so specialized...They can do about 5 things, and then they overload.

Mine's good at cooking, computers, people, scientific such and...yeah....nevermind...

But the point being, they do a few things really really well, and then everything else is poor to mediocre. (laughs) He's sitting here right now glaring at it.

05-07-2006, 07:21 AM

I never thought about it like that. I wonder if I could get my hubby to swap one of his specialized skills out to become specialized in using the vaccum????

Oh, but NOT the "nevermind skill";)

05-07-2006, 08:02 AM
I have to laugh, Lori!
My ex's specialization was watching me do everything! That got old after a while and I decided that he needed to change residences........

Buy A Paper Doll
05-07-2006, 10:07 AM
Actually I think it's a really smart way for cage manufacturers to cut costs. Half of the population (that would be men) don't bother to read the directions anyway, so why waste money developing and printing them? :lol

My birds' Kings cage took 2 days and 2 people to assemble. Hubby and I are both managers at our jobs so whenever we try to work on ANY project together, there's a battle over who's gonna be in charge. :roll: (And people wonder why we always hire contractors to do even the simplest of home improvement projects.) But somehow we managed to get the cage assembled without killing each other.

05-07-2006, 10:41 AM
Ooooh yes. Luckily, my man and I are good at different things and moderately good at recognizing when the other is better at something, so we manage.

AND he sweeps. Sometimes.....

Well, he's capable of it, at least.

05-07-2006, 12:06 PM
My birds' Kings cage took 2 days and 2 people to assemble.

Jennifer, putting things together in this house has always been my job because I do read directions and have the patience. My hubby felt so bad when he saw the mess I was in with the Kings cage (not to mention how heavy every piece is) he insisted on helping. :D I couldn't begin to hold up two sides of that sucker at the same time. Had I known how hard it would be, I would have paid someone to do it. Did I mention that the photos for the cage lock were for a DIFFERENT model? That was the 2nd phone call I made to them. And one of the screws for that lock had to be filed down at Ace Hardware. The "head" on that screw was too big. :mad:

I hope my cages last forever cause I don't think I can put another one together...ever! :lol

05-07-2006, 12:40 PM
Janie if you ever need cage building help just call me..lol. I actually liked putting mine together.


05-07-2006, 06:33 PM
Steph, if I ever get another one, you got a deal! :D Let me tell you that this King's cage out weighs Oliver's cage by over 100 pounds and they are almost the same size. It is hard to push, ON ROLLERS, out onto the back deck for cleaning. :whistle:

05-07-2006, 07:06 PM
Insrtuctions? Y'all got instructions? Ditto's cage didn't even have a box with a picture on it. Had it assembled in 20 minutes. :p

Of cours I had the luxury of having seen it in one piece in the bird store. Had to take it apart to get it in the car since there was no way it would fit otherwise. :p

Hey Linda, maybe your ex should meet my last girlfriend. Sounds like they're a perfect match! :evil: