View Full Version : Update on Whisper and a few questions

05-07-2006, 12:52 PM
I just wanted to give everyone a update on Whisper after yesterday. Was not sure were to put it so will post here. Whisper is quieter then normal right now. But she is chirping some if Bandit does. She is eating and drinking like normal too.I kicked the cat out of the house for the day. That is so Whisper can be out with me safely as much as possible. While Whisper is tame she was never a snuggle bunny. But that has changed for now. I am watching her close because she and Baggy were very bonded. The question is how to best make sure she recovers from this. I know she is very upset and I want to do the best I can for her. Her poops are normal and she is not fluffed up. But she is quiet and taking naps. She is kind of acting like i do when my depression hits.


05-07-2006, 01:19 PM
Hi Steph,
The only thing that will help Whisper right now is time. She needs time to work through her grief at losing her very bonded companion. TLC from you will help, as she still needs the closeness that she isn't getting from Baggy anymore. I'm not sure if Bandit is out of quarantine but once he/she is, putting their cages close together may help, not sure. The other option is to get Whisper another companion, although I wouldn't do it immediately. What you are seeing is very normal, even though I know it's painful to watch.

05-07-2006, 10:23 PM
Thank you. Whisper is doing much better right now. Bandit can out of quarintine and Whisper seems to enjoy teasing him.lol. I am keeping a good eye on them. I am hoping now that Bandit sees I am not gonna eat Whisper that I cna get trust with him. We will use finding another as last resort. Since another quarintine right now would drive me batty..lol.


05-07-2006, 10:31 PM
Steph: As you know I am going through something very similiar with Zimber who lost his mate of five years, Squeaker. He is being a trooper but is still mourning:( . My husband and I have been spending extra time with him whenever possible and he is seeking out us a lot more than usual. The funniest thing is he is totally NOT handtame, but very loving and attached to me and my husband. He has taken to sitting on my keyboard downstairs and looking up at me waiting for Zimbi kisses and is forever flying on our heads and shoulders whenever we are home 8o 8o .We actually have Olive who is a young slate masked lovie around if Zimber was interested but he is NOT. I think, like Zimber, Whisper just needs time and extra love from his human flock. As Zimber, I'm sure Whisper is closer to you than any other bird you could brind into the family at this point and that's who she needs to get through this tough time.

Good Luck

05-10-2006, 01:46 PM
Well Whisper and Bandit seem to like each other..lol. I was cleaning and moved their cages face to face. Bandit was over there making sweet chirps to Whisper.:whistle: Now if Whisper can just convince Bandit I am not gonna eat him.


05-10-2006, 06:35 PM
Now if Whisper can just convince Bandit I am not gonna eat him.

She's not gonna do that. She want's to keep you all to herself. :lol