View Full Version : What does this sound mean?

05-10-2006, 04:09 AM
My lovebird makes a very cute series of different chirps, whenever she jumps from her cage to my shoulder, or if she hops when she's on me. It's always the same three or four short "notes." Is this something lovebirds do, or just mine? And what does it mean?

05-10-2006, 04:26 AM
Those are probably her happy calls. Mien make many diffrent types of sounds.lol.


05-10-2006, 07:27 AM
One of my birds makes little chirpy noises, usually when she's happy. When she's on me, she makes kissy noises. :) My three birds make different noises, but I've learned them. Some calls birds make are very similar, like the "danger" call and the "flock" call. I think much of their other chatter can vary - as they adjust to our reaction and their surroundings.
My :2cents:

05-10-2006, 10:36 AM
I think the different sounds lovies can make are probably endless. It depends very much on what sounds were made to them when they were young and learning to be vocal. Like Suzanne said, there are basic calls and chatter. My first pair made the cutiest noises; kissing, lip smacking and a kind of a farting noise. They also had a noise for when they were annoyed, it was kind of a doot-doot. And a noise for when they were objecting, booop-kind of like yelling. They even have a whistle that means come and get me for a ride on your shoulder, ree ooo reet. I thought these were regular lovebird noises until I got another pair that just chirp and shrill. When the new pair came the tame pair started chriping and shrilling and made less of the cute noises. When Sara died Jake quit making cute noises all together and I got Jake another mate, Hope. When I would take the babies out for socializing, Jake would do the "come get me" whistle every time they were out.

I have several lovies now and they all make different noises. I think it also depends on what other birds they were around while being raised. I have 2 female lovies that make a noise very much like a bull frog when they are sitting alone inside a coconut. It cracks me up every time. They came from different breeders so some of it may just be personality too.

If you get your lovie very young, you can teach them special noises or words. It is thought that the females are better speakers.

It's just another aspect that make lovebirds so much fun!:D

05-10-2006, 11:19 AM
Believe it or not, I think everyone of my 20 + lovies makes little chirps when they jump and land somewhere. It's too cute 8o 8o . I do have some that make the chirps you describe and it's usually a happy thing. It's even better when they do their little hop and wing flap along with the chirps:D :D .

05-10-2006, 12:32 PM
Echo makes the chirps when she jumps from her cage to my arm, or my arm back to the cage. I took it as being happy. She will also sometimes follow that up with a tail wag.

05-10-2006, 12:54 PM
Yep, I get all kind chirps from my babies. I even hear things that are VERY strange. Molly gets REAL excited when he's sitting on my shoulder and I open the pantry door. The sounds he makes (excited) I can't even discribe. Then there's the sound when I lift the cover on his cage in the morning. It's too funny! Wish I could tape it for you to hear. :)

05-10-2006, 06:27 PM
Believe it or not, I think everyone of my 20 + lovies makes little chirps when they jump and land somewhere. It's too cute 8o 8o . I do have some that make the chirps you describe and it's usually a happy thing. It's even better when they do their little hop and wing flap along with the chirps:D :D .

Ditto does that too. Sometimes he'll spend 15 minutes hopping/flying from my foot to the back of the couch and back to my foot. Chirping each time and occasionally pausing to do his little head nodding/tail wagging dance.

Then he gets tired and takes a nap in my hand. :cool: