View Full Version : Bird, meet the new puppy.

05-10-2006, 08:11 PM
Hi all,

First, thank you for a great informational message board. It’s truly a goldmine of information. I have a female Dutch Blue lovebird named Butch. She’s close to two years old and very happy and healthy. I hope to keep her that way, but next month I will be getting a new puppy which is obviously a lifestyle change for both bird and owner.

I’m hoping to make the introduction and acclamation the least stressful and seamless as possible for Butch. I’m hoping you may be able to provide some insight on this as I’m sure many of you have other pets aside from birds.

Here’s a little back story on Butch: She was handfed as a baby and is very tame. She’s finger tamed and I’ve earned her complete trust, as she will lie on her back in my hand and let me pet her tummy with her little birdie feet sticking in the air. She rarely bites, but is very territorial if you give her anything resembling a box.

Thank you for your time and comments! :)


05-10-2006, 09:40 PM
Hi Mada,

The new puppy may be an adjustment for Butch, as your time with her will be less. The new puppy will have to learn to leave Butch alone, as dogs and cats have a bacteria in their saliva called pasturella in it, and it can be deadly to birds.

I would not let Butch and the new puppy out together in the same room, as puppies are very playful, and he may see Butch as a play toy, and vice-versa. Lovies are very territorial, and even though Butch is just a few grams, she very well may see new puppy as a threat for what she considers his(you), and may try to attack puppy. She may also see new puppy as a friend, and unfortunately, this just can not be. They can be friends from afar, but not snuggle buddies:(

They are capable of learning their boundaries, it will just take awhile. Butch has to learn that puppy is off limits, and puppy will have to be taught that Butch is definitely off limits. It just takes one little snap, so do be careful with Butch around puppy.

05-11-2006, 09:13 AM
Hi Mada,
I have two cats and three birds. My cats have learned to ignore the birds (I would squirt them with water), but I don't tempt their nature. The birds would gladly bite the cats noses, as they would protect their cages/territory. So, like Lori said, I don't have them out together. When I have the birds out of their cages, I have them in the bedroom.

You'll have some adjustments, but you're thinking that through now - which is great. With some extra TLC, you're sweet lovie will learn to share some of your attention.

05-11-2006, 11:18 AM
Bringing in a puppy will be a huge adjustment and please do be very, very careful. It only takes a second for a disaster to happen with something as small as a lovebird. The best advice really is what Lori and Suzanne have given.

I am lucky that my dog (she was 9 when I got my first lovie and a real mommas girl) is not in the least bit interested in my birds. Maybe because she spent so much time with me in our back yard, watching our wild birds, I don't know. I do know that it's my responsibility to remember that if something should happen and one of the birds got hurt or killed, it would be my fault, not hers. I don't ever leave her in the same room with them, unsupervised. Her only interest in them is hoping that they'll drop her a piece of birdie bread. :D