View Full Version : I seem to have 2 new feathered friends.

05-11-2006, 06:37 PM
No I didn't get any more birds (yet). :D

I usually dump Ditto's leftovers out back for his friends to snack on. It used to be mostly sparrows but lately there have been a pair of doves hanging around back there. Normally they fly off if I go out but tonight I was standing on the porch when they walked over to eat. There wasn't much left so they looked around a bit and then surprised me by walking over to the sidewalk, hopping up on the step and looked right at me as if to say, "hey, where's the chow?". :rofl: Told them to come back tomorrow and they went off across the street.

I guess I'd better have something for them tomorrow. :rofl:

05-11-2006, 06:50 PM
Yes, you should have made sure there was food there....shame on you! :lol

05-11-2006, 06:59 PM
Well they need to tell Ditto not to be such a piggy and leave some scraps then. Avi cakes and nutriberries are a bit expensive to just toss outside. :whistle:

Apparently doves like them too. :cool:

05-11-2006, 07:56 PM

Toss them a millet spray. You will have friends for life:)

Seriously, I throw one out to my backyard doves periodically, and they love it. I do also have bird feeders in the back yard, so they always have some chow here:)

05-11-2006, 08:14 PM
My dad feeds the wild birds in his backyard and that includes the doves. They are mean and daring creatures. When I go over to visit, they stand in the driveway looking at me as if to say "I dare you to hit me with that big ole car". They just stand there until I get right up on them and then they fly away fussing at me. They also chase away all the other birds when they eat the seed my dad has thrown out into the yard. :evil: Mean ole birds :evil:

05-11-2006, 08:17 PM
They get Dittos millet scraps too. That usually winds up growing back there in the summer. It never seems to reach maturity though.

They don't seem to be fond of carrots though. The rabbits eat those. Even had one sit on my foot one evening. :)

Buy A Paper Doll
05-11-2006, 09:07 PM
Birdies and bunnies?

I had a bunny friend for a few days but he disappeared. :( These days all we get are frogs, lizards, snakes, and a big mean 3-legged snapper turtle that hissed and tried to attack me.

05-11-2006, 09:21 PM
Birdies and bunnies?

I had a bunny friend for a few days but he disappeared. :( These days all we get are frogs, lizards, snakes, and a big mean 3-legged snapper turtle that hissed and tried to attack me.

The rabbits run circles around me while they chase each other around.

There's also a squirrel that likes to throw peanut shells at me from the roof. :rofl:

There was a mockingbird hanging around last summer that I swear learned Ditto's contact call. I heard it coming from a tree across the street and paniced thinking Ditto got out. Then the mocker flew out of the tree and I heard Ditto from inside the house.

05-12-2006, 07:39 AM
Jackie honey, they aren't mean, just not the smartest kids on the block. :D I find an average of one hawk kill in my back yard every week and without exception it's a MoDo (Morning Dove). I've had rehabbers tell me they are the sweetest birds they've ever cared for and that they will follow you everywhere. Sweet but not bright....or fast on their feet which is why the hawks get them.

05-12-2006, 08:24 AM
:rofl: I think Janie is right on the MoDo!:rofl: I have one that was raised in my yard. His parents stopped coming back and he stayed. I can walk right past him (on my way to fill the feeder). I also have a redwinged blackbird, assorted chick-a-dees, wrens, and cardinals.

Every year I have a bunny, but this year I have a baby bunny. It's adorable, and comes out to chow on the leftover veggies.

I guess I'd better have something for them tomorrow. Dave, it could be like Trick or Treat... they might egg your house!

05-12-2006, 12:46 PM
:Dave, it could be like Trick or Treat... they might egg your house!

Can't be any worse than what they already do to my car! :eek:

05-12-2006, 12:53 PM
Can't be any worse than what they already do to my car!
Things could always be worse, Dave!
Thank goodness you live in the US instead of Australia. In Australia, there are birds that will literally take your car apart piece by piece! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

05-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Things could always be worse, Dave!
Thank goodness you live in the US instead of Australia. In Australia, there are birds that will literally take your car apart piece by piece! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I thought that was the Kea's in New Zeland? Saw them on animal planet once. Sneaky little devils they are.

05-12-2006, 01:05 PM
I could be wrong about location but either way, the situation could definitely be much worse! In fact, if you'd like, I can send you some of FL's Lovebugs that get all stuck to our cars twice/yr! They don't harm anything. In fact they don't do much at all except mess up our cars...... :rolleyes:

05-12-2006, 01:09 PM
I could be wrong about location but either way, the situation could definitely be much worse! In fact, if you'd like, I can send you some of FL's Lovebugs that get all stuck to our cars twice/yr! They don't harm anything. In fact they don't do much at all except mess up our cars...... :rolleyes:

New Zeland has Kea's: http://www.parrot.co.nz/Parrot.NZ.articles/article-kea.html Smart birds too.

And you can keep those huge bugs down there. I'll stick with sparrows. :p

05-12-2006, 06:52 PM
Well I didn't see them today yet (but they usually come around in the evening just before bedtime).

Today's visitor was a bluejay, He didn't eat the Ditto scraps though, he spied the peanuts that the lady next door puts out for the squirrels and swiped one, flew up to the fence and held it against the fence with his foot and pecked at it with his beak to break the shell. :cool: After that he swiped another one and took off into a pine tree across the street while the squirrel yelled at him. :rofl:

And it seems that the chimney swifts are back. I love watching them fly around.

05-12-2006, 07:31 PM
Dave, if I didn't have at least 5 blue jays a day and I mean several times a day, my lovies would go into withdrawal! :D I have more birds and species of birds in my back yard than I've ever seen anywhere. I sure do "dread" the thoughts of taking down my feeders if and when bird flu hits us. Just had 3 Carolina chickadees babies fledge today, 5 brown headed nuthatches went last week-end and my five bluebirds chicks are set to go on Mon. or Tue. Gosh, I love my back yard birds. I never would have taken Oliver had it not been for my initial interest in the wild birds.

BTW, I've never seen a Chimney Swift. A rehabber friend of mine had one and said they are wonderful but very, very noisy! :D She put that baby bird up to the phone and I heard it......and they say conures are loud!!! :lol

05-12-2006, 08:33 PM
Dave, if I didn't have at least 5 blue jays a day and I mean several times a day, my lovies would go into withdrawal! :D I have more birds and species of birds in my back yard than I've ever seen anywhere. I sure do "dread" the thoughts of taking down my feeders if and when bird flu hits us. Just had 3 Carolina chickadees babies fledge today, 5 brown headed nuthatches went last week-end and my five bluebirds chicks are set to go on Mon. or Tue. Gosh, I love my back yard birds. I never would have taken Oliver had it not been for my initial interest in the wild birds.

BTW, I've never seen a Chimney Swift. A rehabber friend of mine had one and said they are wonderful but very, very noisy! :D She put that baby bird up to the phone and I heard it......and they say conures are loud!!! :lol

I wish I had a backyard. :lol I paved the tiny one I had to make a driveway.

The chimney swifts aren't loud when they're flying. They just make quiet little chirps that I can barely hear because they're usually flying very fast and fairly high. They are quite acrobatic though. I would imagine if you're close to the nest they'd be rather loud. If you think they're loud you should hear Perigrines! One of them is usually sitting near the river every morning as I walk in to work and scares the bejeebus out of me when it lets out that blood curdling scream. :rofl:

My brother's bluebirds have just started building their nests but he does have a house finch nest in a bush next to his house. We're hoping the redwing blackbirds nest in his field again.

I don't often see bluejays around my house but I can hear them and Ditto does too.