View Full Version : Life expectancy of Lovebirds

05-26-2005, 04:07 PM
I'm just wondering how long lovebirds live? Some books & magazines I've read say their average lifespan is 12-15 years, others say 18-20 years.

05-26-2005, 04:54 PM
I've read varying estimates as well. The latest I saw estimated they could live to 30 years old. I would imagine it depends upon diet, environment, etc... A lovebird in the wild is certainly not going to have the same chance of making it to 20 years old as a spoiled, pampered lovie living inside, getting a great diet and vet care.
I believe Linda has a pair of lutinos that are 15 years old and both are going strong. I can only hope I get another 10-15 years with my beloved lutino, George. :)

05-26-2005, 06:43 PM
I have read they can live up to 25 years, but I don't think that is the average age if they are growing up in the wild or are living as caged pets with little exercise or on a non-varied diet.

It always surprises me that something that tiny can live so long. I don't know why that is, but I always thought of birds as being vulnerable and short lived. Probably because the Java Temple Birds I had as a kid never made it past a year or two.

Feed 'em right, and give 'em lots of exercise, and love 'em up real good and they may outlive you. :D

05-26-2005, 08:12 PM
I have no idea but my "adopted" bird is at least 10 and has had a terrible diet, mainly seed, and been subjected to all kinds of (dangerous) crap in his life. I'm thinkin' that maybe he's really a cat and he has nine lives. He never, ever saw a vet till two years ago. Sometimes I wonder if he built up immunities of some sort before I adopted him. I dunno. :rolleyes: