View Full Version : Happy Mothers Day

05-12-2006, 06:17 PM
I'm leaving for the weekend now, so just a quick note to wish all you mothers (of kids, fids and immature spouses) as well as you "muthas' as I call my brother every year to wish him a Happy Muthas Day, so HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!

05-12-2006, 06:30 PM

Hope everyone has a wonderful day with their mother and family. I'll be spending mine with my "Mommy Dearest" and cleaning her kitchen after my dad cooks dinner :p

05-13-2006, 11:15 AM
Happy Mothers day to humans and fid mommys too!!!

I am going to in-laws today for a celebration. My daughter gave me a gift this morning. A flower pot with a beautiful purple flower(my favorite color) and a cute card. Tomarrow I am order pizza and staying in Pj's all day.


05-13-2006, 04:58 PM
Happy Mothers Day!!

to the mothers with fids or kids! (and anyone dealing with their own Mom)

My favorite mothers day memory was about 7 years ago. My kids were 6 and 8 years old. It was about 8am and I was in bed and heard the sound of glasses tinking together, being carried. My kids came tottering into my bedroom with a tray of breakfast for me that they carried from down stairs! They were so cute! There was a tall glass of milk filled to the brim, bread with jam, and a bowl of cereal - also filled to the brim. They were very proud of themselves.

Now they're 15 & 13... and life is very different.

I hope everyone has a nice day!

05-13-2006, 05:33 PM
Now they're 15 & 13... and life is very different.

Suzanne, isn't it amazing how they go from such sweet innocents to "people" that you would never spend time with if you didn't have to? :D There is no doubt that my fids and dog appreciate me more than my kids. :roll:

Yep, Happy Mother's day to all us "muthers!" ;)

05-13-2006, 07:55 PM

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother's Day. I got mine a little early. Hubby and Son got me the digital video camera that also takes still shots. You all know what that means, right???? Yep, birdy videos:D Well, as soon as I read the instructions:rolleyes:

05-14-2006, 12:07 PM
For some reason I thought Mother's Day was next Sunday...

Anyhow, Happy Mother's Day everyone. I think I'll bake supper and maybe a cake for my mom. :cool: