View Full Version : Facial expressions?

05-15-2006, 11:05 AM
Do you find that sometimes it seems like your bird actually has facial expressions? I find that sometimes when Echo is with me or sitting in her cage I can sometimes detect a slight expression of contentment, curiosity, playfullness, etc.

I may be reading too much into this. It is probably just the fact that I am getting used to her body language and have started to read some of her forms of communication (feather position, body movements, etc).

So do I need to get some serious help? Or am I not the only one that can see this in their pet birds?

05-15-2006, 02:53 PM
I wondered the same thing this morning. I peaked under the cage cover and discovered my two lovebirds snuggled together in the same hut. Bernie had encroached upon Aster's hut, and Aster had a glint in his eye. I think that's what makes me think he was smiling. Sometimes that glint will be missing, but when I think he's smiling, his jaw muscles must be lifted or his eyes must have a special sparkle. It's hard to imagine a bird actually smiling like a human. Any thoughts?:)


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05-15-2006, 04:47 PM
Yes, I think they do have facial expressions. I can totally tell when my little hen is stirring up trouble in her little birdy brain. :roll: You can see it all over her face.

My boy bird has distinct facial expressions for "content" and "curious" - as in, "Hey, what are you eating and may I have a taste?"

05-15-2006, 07:08 PM
Yes, I think they do have facial expressions. I can totally tell when my little hen is stirring up trouble in her little birdy brain. :roll: You can see it all over her face.

Jennifer and I have had this conversation before and determined our hens must be related somehow >o I know that look VERY well on Daisy's face and it usually means trouble. Then there's her look of sweetness and it would make you melt. All my birds have different expressions and they fit the little personalities of each one. So, no, you do not need professional help. You just think of your lovies as human like the rest of us :cool:

05-16-2006, 10:45 AM
My 3 birds have their facial expressions. The funniest one I think is: on the rare occassion I wear a long skirt that hides my legs to the floor Peter is completely mystified and apprehensive. He'll stand and look with his little black head cocked - as if he's thinking "Where did your legs go??!!" "YIKES!!"