View Full Version : Please help- what can I do?

05-15-2006, 05:54 PM
Can anyone help me deal with our hen, Bugaboo? Bugaboo and her mate, Christina, have 1 hatchling that is 4 days old. I have read many threads regarding biting and nesting behavior on this site but what I want to know is when the biting will stop. Bugaboo has always been sweet and affectionate to especially my daughter and I. I thought the protective behavior would subside after the hatching, which it has to an extent. Sometimes I am changing food and water and Bugaboo charges at me with beak open. If I don't move quickly enough, I get a bite that smarts but doesn't break the skin. Other times, she's her old self. Frankly, I'm scared to be bit because I know the wrath of a "bad" bite and am happy to still have the skin on my knuckle! She has recently, without warning, bit my cheek while she had been sitting on my shoulder for a short while. I want to begin handling the baby (whenever I can?) or even be able to tend to the cage without fear. Can they sense the fear? Christina has never tried to bite me, he guards the nestbox. I try to give them their family time but I still sit near them and whistle, talk, make kissy noises, etc. I leave the cage open so they can play on their playground if they choose. We still try to give 1 on 1 time with them , if they let us. What are we doing wrong? What else can we do?
I appreciate any advice!


05-15-2006, 06:03 PM
The very best thing you can do for your lovies is let them take care of their baby. Females are fiercely protective of their cages/nests when they have young, just as you would be if you were to have a newborn. This is very natural and it's not something that will change. Put yourself in Bubgaboo's position and you should be able to understand her reactions. Once the baby has fledged, you should have your pets back but put that thought on the back burner for right now!

The main function of the parents now is to care for the baby. That means limited to no out of cage time until the baby gets older. If you want to handle the baby, you will have to shoo mom out of the box in order to handle it. Personally, I would wait until the baby is about 3 weeks old.

Hope this helps.

05-15-2006, 07:09 PM
Have faith mom will calm down. She is just being a mommy and protective to her baby. I did not really handle WHisper til she was 2-3weeks old. Baggy was always ready with a nip too if I kept Whisper out to long..lol.
