View Full Version : Whisper and Bandit meet

05-15-2006, 07:22 PM
Well since Whisper and Bandit have been sharing bird room I find them often at cage sides talking. So today I got them out of cage at same time. Whisper ran over to Bandit and did this sing and dance. She would sing then run to other side of bandit then sing again. Was rather funny to see. But Whisper let it be known that she is the top bird. Bandit went for some millet and Whisper decided that was not allowed. Also if Bandit edged near me to check me out Whisper ran to me and flew to my shoulder.:rofl: I told husband she has sibling jelousey. They did I guess you would call it Beak fencing a few times. But I watched them and when it got to much I seprated them. I do not expect them to be best friends right away if ever. I just hope to be able to have both out at same time and nobody be hurt. I will say this I need to clip Bandits wings before I try more outside cage time for him. It is hard try to get him out and back in cage. I will post pictures in a few after i fix the folder.


05-15-2006, 07:57 PM
Steph, I'm glad it went well. Whisper will calm down eventually. There has been a lot of emotions for that little birdie lately. And for Bandit too. It's all so new to him too.

I look forward to those pictures :)


Buy A Paper Doll
05-15-2006, 08:07 PM
Hey Steph,

It will be OK. :) Milo and Melody's introduction wasn't exactly love at first sight, either! I had to do the same thing you're doing - let them play together in a neutral territory for short periods, watch them like a hawk, and separate if it looks like they're fighting too seriously.

Even if they don't end up being the bestest of friends, I bet they still appreciate having a birdy to chat with from the cage next door. :)

05-16-2006, 09:33 AM
Awwwww, the first meeting out of the cage! :D Sounds like it was a good start, Steph! The first time I let Big Boi and Shy out with Oliver, I stood about 3 inches away....ready to grab if they got after Oliver! :D I did not leave the three of them alone for about 6 months and I still check on them often when all are out in their bird room but so far, so good.

I agree that even if they don't have a close bond, they'll still enjoy each others company, even in separate cages. Birdies do like birdies! :D Oliver is fully flighted now and will fly from me to get back to them a lot of the time. My velcro birdie is really loving being a bird and after 30 minutes with me, he's always anxious to get back to them to see what they're up to. :D I hung a boing from the ceiling and Oliver loves to fly to that thing and perch there......this from a bird who was scared to death of a boing just a few months ago. He's also climbing the leather strips I have hanging from the ceiling, another trick he learned from watching lovebirds who act like....lovebirds! :)

05-16-2006, 10:42 AM
When Molly finally decided Piper was "ok" to be friends with, I let them have more and more time out of cage together. Now, they love to be in each others cage and play with "new" toys. When Piper has decided he's played enough in Molly's cage, he'll come out and stand on top of his and pitch a fit cause Molly is in "his" cage. He's such a tattletale :lol It's too funny cause Piper thinks he's top bird until mommy sets him straight ;)

It will take some time, but they will be friends eventually. Wait until the regurgitate to each other. It's really sweet. Molly & Piper do this all the time. Molly is more taken with Piper, than Piper is with Molly, but they love having somebirdy to play with. :D

05-16-2006, 02:45 PM
LOL I can see I am in store for some fun. Whisper did explore Bandits cage yesterday also. But still like hers better. I can not wait til I can get them sexed so i know if I have to worry about if they get "too friendly" :rolleyes: Whisper seems to have made her intentiosn known today by spreading her tail feathers today. Bandit was clueless..lol.


05-16-2006, 04:18 PM
LOL I can see I am in store for some fun. Whisper did explore Bandits cage yesterday also. But still like hers better. I can not wait til I can get them sexed so i know if I have to worry about if they get "too friendly" :rolleyes: Whisper seems to have made her intentiosn known today by spreading her tail feathers today. Bandit was clueless..lol.


Mine explore each other's cage. The first thing they do when I open the cages is trade cage and eat each other's food. The interesting thing is when its bedtime, they each go to their own cage. They never tried to go to bed in the wrong cage. But they will nap together in the afternoon.