View Full Version : hey guys and gals

05-17-2006, 07:58 AM
I'm still around. Been reading the board when I can.
I just moved into my own apartment a few weeks ago and I just brought my four lovies over on the weekend. They are driving me CRAZY. lol. I'ts a one bedroom so they have to be in my room because Gunther (quaker parakeet) is going to be in the living room when I get him THIS weekend. They wake me up at 6 a.m. and scream until I leave. I'm just waiting for the complaint from my downstairs neighbor. Augh.

Anyway, things are going fairly well. Just thought I'd stop in and say hi to all of you and your flocks. :)

05-17-2006, 08:57 AM
Hey Jessie,

Glad to hear all is well, and the move went smoothly. Check in as you can.

05-18-2006, 02:00 PM
Hello Jessie,

I hope Gunther and the lovie gang settle in nicely. Glad to hear that things are going well.


05-18-2006, 03:51 PM
Thanks for checking in and letting us know that everything is ok. Always fun moving not only yourself, but the birds. :eek: Hopefully they'll settle right in and won't make too much noise. Take care!

05-19-2006, 12:31 PM
I just moved them into the living room last night because I didn't want to be woken up by birdy chatter at 5:30 a.m. I think they are doing a BIT better. I hope they continue to improve. I'm pretty sure my living room is not over my downstairs neighbors' bedroom so hopefully I'm right and they aren't bugging anyone in the morning.

They all flew around the house last night and then had a nice cool shower so hopefully that tuckered them out a little. :)

I'm moving Gunther in this weekend most likely. Should be interesting. ;)