View Full Version : noise reaction?

05-17-2006, 09:11 PM
I had Indio out with me today sitting on my shoulder, and I made a kissy noise at my boyfriend and Indio went nuts! His wings went everywhere and he shreiked and then he dove into the collar of the shirt I wear to handle him (so the poop doesn't get on my clothes) and sat there squaking indignantly for about a minute before getting back out again and nibbling my ear.

Please tell me this is normal...I won't do it again if I can help it, but it really worried me

05-17-2006, 09:22 PM
Hmmm...There are some sounds my birds don't like and then there are sounds they are too curious about and they try to find out where it came from. Sounds like Indio was a little freaked, but a kissy noise I do to my birds all the time. Maybe when he's in his cage (a safe place for him) you could make this sound for a while until he gets use to it, which probably won't take long. You might could add "Kissy, kissy Indio" when you do it too. Some noises like this I think my birds relate to the sound of a snake. I know it sounds weird, but birds can be weird too :rolleyes:

05-17-2006, 09:23 PM
Indy probably reacted to an unusual sound when you "kissied" the boyfriend...I bet he was all comfy and cozy, ready to fall asleep..then along came the sound...and surprised him. As long as you reassure Indy that kissies are ok...everything should be fine. Repeat the noise gently when Indy is alert, and eventually he'll calm down I bet :)

Buy A Paper Doll
05-17-2006, 10:12 PM
Once I tried to mimic Melody's clucking noise. Milo ran up and bit me on the face. I guess that means he doesn't like it.

I told hubby about this and of course he had to try it to see what Milo would do. Milo turned, STARED hubby down, then charged him and bit him on the chin.

Yep. He definitely does NOT like that particular noise. I have no idea why. But you can be darned sure I don't do it anymore!

Kissy noises, though, he LOVES kissy noises. I guess it depends on the bird and the situation. :)

05-18-2006, 12:48 AM
oh, those are hilarious.

I'm hoping I just startled him, the reaction was....a bit much, I think. I guess I'll try being a little softer when he's awake next time. I know he loves whistling and singing. (I swear I heard him trying to figure out "Lux Eterna" yesterday)