View Full Version : lost

05-19-2006, 05:50 PM
daisy may and i were doing dishes when she flew down to the floor by the dog door and before i could pick her up, out she went:cry: :cry:
i went after her of course but by the time i crawled out the door she was gone.

i've put out her old cage with food and water in it and the door propped open.
i called the humane soc, they havent had a bird turned in.
any suggestions?
would it do any good to do a picture with - lost! if found please return to?

i had her wings cliped but my husband commented that she was flying away from me too easily so she probably needed another, wish i had done it right then rather than waiting till this weekend to do it!!!:(

05-19-2006, 06:06 PM
I'm so sorry about Daisy Mae :(. I think a picture would help definitely, and I was also thinking, if she was clipped, even if her flights had grown out a bit, she might not have had the power to fly that far away. So you could try going round your block and knocking on people's doors and asking if they have seen her. It could be she landed on some nearby yard or tree.

I hope you find her in the end. Lots of luck!


05-19-2006, 06:10 PM
I'm really sorry bout your loss. I hope u get the bird back.

05-19-2006, 06:14 PM
Cheryl, I am sorry! Will Daisy May answer your contact calls? I mean do you whistle to her when she whistles to you? That is the way I got my boy back when he flew. Same situation, he was in need of a wing clip but I had just noticed that a few days before. I had him in the garage with me (a no-no, I know) and something startled him, I made a quick move, and he took off. I'm sure he was more surprised than I was and I'm also sure that he had no idea how to get back to me. I was freaked, to say the least. He did answer me several times when I whistled to him but then I lost his sound because the outside birds were so loud. I did keep calling and searching and did find him 45 minutes later but I would have never "seen" him....he was so blended in with the green bush he perched on....if he had not continued to answer my calls. He is now fully flighted and is never, ever outside anymore.

I think putting out pictures is a good idea and also calling all the local vets in your area. If I found a bird I would look for signs and call my dog vets office and others in my area hoping that someone had called them. When did this happen? Leaving the cage out is a good thing. It's times like this that having a second bird to put in that cage would help but since you don't hopefully he'll hear your calls or land on someone's shoulder that will try to find you. A friend up the street from me did find a cockatiel in her yard. The owner found her a week later and that bird had come 20 miles to my neighborhood. The owner found her through her vets office. Good luck....I sure do hope you find her soon. Please keep us posted.

05-19-2006, 06:58 PM
Post "Lost" posters everywhere you can. Make sure to include "Reward for safe return". doesn't have to be a big fee, nor disclosed, but sadly, sometimes money talks. Call neighbors, or go house to house with a picture of Daisy. Call the Humane society and all local vets, you can also put flyers up at their office. Janie's is right about the contact calls, as well as any toy, like a loud clanging bell that she likes, ring it like crazy, keep calling and keep the faith. :) She's bright yellow, so she should be easier to spot than a green bird. Any neighbors that have bird feeders in their yard, ask them to keep an eye out for her.
I hope she comes back safe and sound very soon.

05-19-2006, 07:04 PM
Cheryl, I'm so sorry Daisy got out. I hope she finds her way home, whether by herself or with help.

In addition to contacting the Humane Society and putting up signs, you might put a notice on your local cable station, if they ever put scrolling ads up. Make sure you offer a reward; it can really be effective. And keep checking back with the Humane Society. It may take a few days for someone to turn Daisy in.

Good luck!

05-19-2006, 07:33 PM
thank you all for the ideas,

05-19-2006, 08:56 PM
cheryl, i have a feeling that daisy may will find her way home very soon.
i've read something about recording their calls if for any reason they got out you can play the recording calls when you are search for them. is that true??

05-19-2006, 09:51 PM
I hope you find her. :(

05-19-2006, 10:49 PM
We hope you find her too. Please let us know.


05-19-2006, 11:42 PM
Yup, pictures are good.

Also, most news papers will let you post lost or found pet ads for free. Post in the paper, and look for ads by people who may have found her. If she is captured by a person who genuinely cares about any animal's well-being, they will be trying as hard to get birdie home to her true momma as you are trying to find her.

Also, walk around the neighborhood tomorrow and see if you hear the chirps of a lovie. A lovebirds chirps can usually be heard a very long way, as they are used to making contact calls very far distances in the wild. Don't go walking during your birdie's normal nap time, which in this house is about noon to 2pm. I would think morning would be the best time, and if birdie is hungry, he may be easier to catch.