View Full Version : Does your lovebird have a birdie friend?

05-23-2006, 01:04 AM
Hi everyone!! I hope you all are doing well!!

I'm thinking about getting a birdie friend for Peaches. Soooo, what I was wondering....
1. How many other birds do you have?
2. Are they all lovebirds? If not, what kind of other bird/birdies do you have?
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along?
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you?

5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds?

Thanks in advance for you help!! Hugs, Lisa

05-23-2006, 05:19 AM
1. How many other birds do you have? All I have are 2 lovebirds now. I had budgies for awhile and lovebirds were not happy.

2. Are they all lovebirds? I have Whisper a Seagreen and Bandit a blue masked

3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? Right now it is up in the air. When I had Baggy and WHisper they got along great. But then again baggy was Whisper's mother.

4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? At the moment no. Whisper is tame and Bandit is not. You can have two tame bird just takes more work then a single lovie.

5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? Lovebirds as a rule should not be out with other types. They are aggressive towards other birds and do not care how big other bird is. My lovebirds would fly to top of budgies cage and try to get them from the outside. I have heard of rare cases where they like a bird from diffrent type. But not often.

Hope I helped alittle.


05-23-2006, 06:17 AM
1. How many other birds do you have? I now have 2. I rescued a pechface on April 11th
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? Amazingly, it was love at first site, or friendship at first site. They get along amazing well. They each have their own cage and are seperated during the day. When its time to come out, they are like two peas in a pod.
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? I was very concerned about that when Phoebe was added to our family but no. On the contrary, even though the two birds get along well, Blu demands to spend time one on one with me or my husband. I cannot scratch her head anymore, I guess Phoebe does a better job then me but she is more generous with the kisses and the cudlles.
5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? I can't help you with that answer. I just wanted to mention that Blu is a fisher and Phoebe is a peachface.

Hope that helps too,

05-23-2006, 07:12 AM
1. How many other birds do you have? I have 6 birds.
2. Are they all lovebirds? If not, what kind of other bird/birdies do you have? All my birds are lovebirds, and all of them are masks.
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? For the most part they do. I have only one female, three confirmed males, and two babies that are suspected males. Being the only hen does give my female a lot of power, but while the males sometimes bicker over her attention, I haven't had any serious attacks so far.
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? No, I don't think so. That said, not all my lovies are very tame. I have some that like to interact with my husband and me and some that are more bird's birdies. I do think a lot depends on how much time you dedicate to each of them. With six, it's not that easy to interact with all of them.

5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? I've read lovies are very aggresive and will attack both larger and smaller birds. They can even kill smaller birds such as budgies, but even less agressive but larger birds such as cockatiels could be at risk. As for larger birds, I've read that senegals and lovies tend to dislike each other on sight.

Hope this helps with your decision :) .


05-23-2006, 08:57 AM
I'm thinking about getting a birdie friend for Peaches. Soooo, what I was wondering....
1. How many other birds do you have? I have three, all peachface.
2. Are they all lovebirds? If not, what kind of other bird/birdies do you have?
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? Yes they do and I am still stunned that this odd number has worked out and especially since Oliver is around 10 and the kids are just 1 year old.
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? No, not at all. It has made Oliver a much happier bird and he isn't as glued to me as he was as a single bird but he still loves his "momma time".... unfortunately, so do the other two! I did not expect them to bond to me since they came to me as bonded brothers but all three are in lunge position (to get to me) when I walk into the bird room. I can't have all of them on me together, that does cause problems, but they get along very well when they're out of their cages together in their bird room. I did not leave them unsupervised (for Oliver's protection) for six months, till I was sure they liked him. Actually, they both adore him and sometimes he doesn't seem to know what to make of that! :D Oliver is also very laid back and these two are not but being around them has made him much more playful and really improved this eating and bathing habits. I got them because I really wanted another bird and felt that Oliver was too old to bond with one so I got two, thinking that they'd be a couple and Oliver would continue to see me as his mate. I never dreamed that having them would make him so much happier. I do NOT cage him with them at night, they have their cage and he has his but during the day, when I'm home, they are all out together. Everyone is fully flighted at this point so they can get off by themselves if they need some alone time. I really enjoyed Oliver as a single bird but I enjoy him even more, now. I never feel guilty leaving him since he has them to chatter with. They both try to feed him, he as not accepted it yet, :lol, but they also feed each other and preen each other. I often see one perched so close to Oliver that you couldn't get a feather between them and then I see them perched together and Oliver on another perch. Sometimes all three line up together and nap. :D

5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds?

05-23-2006, 09:22 AM
1. How many other birds do you have? I have four lovebirds. All Peachface.
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? I have two girls & two boys. The girls get along together & the boys get along together. My girls are VERY head strong and the boys keep their distance.
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? No. I too was afraid of this with Molly when I bought Daisy, Piper & Olivia, but Molly has stayed extremely bonded to me. He's my little buddy and my first :D I handfed Molly at 3-4 weeks old so I'm all he's ever known or remembers. I handfed Daisy for a short time and Piper & Olivia were older when I bought them. Each is bonded to me in their own way, but Molly the most. Olivia is pretty independent. They are my kids and I love them all differently too.They have great individual personalities.
5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? Not sure about other birds. Lovebirds can be very aggressive towards other birds. Can be a lot of toe biting.

Good Luck!

05-23-2006, 09:35 AM
1. How many other birds do you have? Eight

2. Are they all lovebirds? If not, what kind of other bird/birdies do you have? Yes, all peachies. :)

3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? They all get along with their cage mates reasonably well. Sam and Didjit aren't best buds, but they don't hurt each other either. Sam also gets along well with Bongo and Barney, but Didji is just too aggressive with them. Both hens, Gracie and Betty, tend to be aggressive and volatile toward other birds; it's a risk I prefer not to take.

4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? Nope! Gracie is less interested in coming out when she's nesty, but it's always been that way with her, even before she had a George.

5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers.... If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? Not that I know of. It depends on the personalities of both birds. Some lovies are more tolerant of other birds, while some can be quite aggressive.

Good luck in your decision. :)

05-23-2006, 10:11 AM
1. Only two, right now anyway.

2. Boarding a friend's Male Cockatiel while she's away.

3. They do get into little hissy fits, they don't groom each other... but they do eat together, and call to each other if one is outta sight. I guess it's a relationship based on tolerance??:confused:

4. Mikey ( male lovebird) has a huge cage now, he only comes out when the tiel is out of his cage. Mikey doesn't like to be taken from his cage, but much rather get out on his own. He's still the same ol Mikey, but I think sometimes he's abit too pushy with the laid back tiel.

5. If you get another lovie, they'll chatter more, but with birds of different species, the noise isn't too much more. Lovebirds are aggressive, and it's just in their nature to be bully-ish. If you get another parrot, no matter the species, don't leave them unattended while out of their cages.
Mikey likes to chew on the tiel's toes if he can get away with it...

05-23-2006, 12:35 PM
Hi Lisa!

I'm thinking about getting a birdie friend for Peaches. Soooo, what I was wondering....
1. How many other birds do you have? Ummm, 76
2. Are they all lovebirds? If not, what kind of other bird/birdies do you have? Besides the lovebirds, we currently hanve Quakers, cockatiels, a Gold Cap Conure, a Senegal and an Illigers Macaw.
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? We don't allow the lovebirds out with any other species except lovebirds. They are too aggressive toward even the biggest bird in our house.
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? Our pets all get their individual time for love and attention. In our case, I haven't seen any change in their actions towards us.
5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? Our lovebirds, even at the age of 2 months old, will chase and taunt the Cockatiels. I know there are cases of a lovebird bonding and being best pals with other species, but I wouldn't suggest it honestly.

05-23-2006, 12:44 PM

You're thinking about getting Peaches a friend huh? It is wonderful to see them with their own kind, I will admit, but of course, there is no guarantee that Peaches will bond to another bird, or vice-versa. Slow introduction is key, but be prepared to have two seperate cages, and possible always seperate.

I would stick with a peachface, as lovies tend to be aggressive, and are oft times too aggressive for another species. They are little chihuahuas in a dobermans body:lol

When I got Lacey for Bela, Bela not only got a friend, I got another sweetie also. They love to spend time together, Bela is still bonded to me, but not as clingy as he was before, and Lacey is just a sweetheart. It is a win-win situation for us:)

Let us know what you decide.

05-23-2006, 02:03 PM
there is no guarantee that Peaches will bond to another bird, or vice-versa. Slow introduction is key, but be prepared to have two seperate cages, and possible always seperate.
Oh boy is this the truth! All four of mine have separate cages. On occassion I can put Daisy & Olivia together, but I don't do it everyday. Daisy likes "her" cage to herself sometimes. Molly actually be-friended Piper back in February, but they are NOT bonded. They like to play together & in each others cages, but if Piper gets aggressive Molly comes running to me. They each have pretty large cages in "their" room. :2cents:

05-23-2006, 02:15 PM
1. How many other birds do you have? 4 Total
2. Are they all lovebirds? If not, what kind of other bird/birdies do you have? 2 lovebirds and 2 parrotlets
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? My parrotlets get along with each, and my lovebirds are bonded to each other....but the lovebirds and parrotlets DO NOT get along
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? They are all still very attached to me. My Roxy lovebird is not as attached but he's always been very independent, he's still fairly tamed.

5. Peaches is an easy going male lovebird.... I'm hoping to get another male bird. I've been looking at other lovebirds, Conures, Budgies, Quakers....
If I don't get another lovebird, is there another breed that is more compatible with lovebirds? Can't speak for other birds...just that my parrotlets and lovebirds do not seem like they like each other...both are very territorial of me.

Buy A Paper Doll
05-23-2006, 05:20 PM
1. How many other birds do you have? I have two total. Milo is my pet bird and Melody is Milo's pet bird. Seriously.
2. Are they all lovebirds? Yes, both peachface.
3. If you have multiple birdies, do they get along? Yes and no. We went through a phase earlier this year where they couldn't live with each other and couldn't live without each other. I have a spare cage for times when they don't get along.
4. Has it taken away the love/affection they show towards you? No, but it was an adjustment all the same. They still want to be ON my person 24 hours a day, but they are joined at the hip!

Good luck with your decision!

05-23-2006, 05:50 PM
Hi again!!

Thank you all so much for your replies!! I appreciate your input!!! :)

From your responses, I think it is in Peaches best interest to get another lovebird. I don't want him to hurt another bird or have that bird hurt him.

My biggest fear is that he won't want to hang out with us once we find a friend for him. But from most of you have said, it probably won't be a problem!
Like Janie said, I still want my "momma time!"

I would like to get another male. Are there breeders who will DNA test the birds before you buy them? I live in N. California.....Please let me know!!

Thanks again everybody!!
Sending hugs!! Lisa:happy:

05-23-2006, 06:03 PM
Lisa, most breeders will DNA for you, but you normally have to pay for it (it's only about $25). The policy I've seen from many breeders is you pay for the first two birds to be DNA'd and the breeder picks up the cost after that to find you just what you are looking for. Some include the DNA in the price of the bird, but usually that's with the rarer mutations that you are paying $150 + for.
Not sure what you are looking for mutation-wise, but I will have some babies available next month. If you are interested, PM me please.

05-23-2006, 06:36 PM
Lisa, YIPPEE! I was hoping you'd come to that decision. :D Not that I would ever try to talk someone into another bird (I usually try to talk them OUT of another one) but I can tell you from my experience, Oliver is so much happier with his buddies! I really got them for me because I just had to have a birdie like Jennifer's "Milo" but did not think he was young enough to accept a single bird. Now that I've watched him with them, I think he would have accepted either of them as a buddy. I'm almost sure that I could cage Big Boi with Oliver (Shy is more aggressive of the two) but it's all working as it is so I'm not going to rock that boat. :lol

I remember so well when you first got Peaches and for at least 3 weeks you were worried that he would never warm up to you! We kept telling you to be patience. Guess that all worked out! :rofl:

The breeder that I bought from, Rubygem on this forum, does DNA many of her birds. I paid her $25. to DNA the violet she had at the bird fair, the one who turned out to be a hen, but when she DNA'd the next clutch, she did not charge me again and after the results came back she called to tell me she had two males, Shy is the WF Violet, and I said, YES!!! I thought that was more than fair that she only charged me once to sex a bird and I would have paid to have both of them DNA'd. I really wanted males and spending the money for the testing was worth it for me.

I'll bet MJ has some beautiful birdies! :D If you can buy from someone you know from the forum, I think that's a real plus. I speak to my lovies breeder two or three times a week (she's local) and she's been so helpful.

Keep us posted! :D:D:D

05-24-2006, 04:16 AM
I was reading all the responses regarding the possible change in behavior with a new bird brought in. It is great that you all have had such good experiences. Any advice for me? Finny and I were like two peas in a pod before Evie came and now he is "all in love" and rarely wants to hang out with me anymore. (if this sounds like I am jealous it is only because I AM).

I have tried spending time with just one at a time and all they do is yell for each other. Evie and Finny have lived in same cage now for about a month or so and are very bonded. They bonded from day one. She still is not crazy about people (meaning me). She will occationally land on my head and peck at me, I am not convinced this is affection as I usually end up with poop on my head.

I miss Finny being my little velcro birdie and wish Evie would get like that too but it seems as though he is taking her stance on not liking me. It breaks my heart and I dont know what to do.

Any suggestions???


05-24-2006, 12:19 PM
Hi Cindy,

I wondered what happened to you, glad to see you. :)

Unfortunately, sometimes the birds do bond to each other so much that they don't want all of your attention all the time anymore. George was very much interested in only Weesy when they first got together, but after a couple of months, I think he missed his alone time with us and we'd let him out of the cage alone and he'd get his spoiling/loving then. Once Weesy got nesty and nasty :lol , George enjoyed more time away from her!!! Keep trying with Finny. He does still love you and if you have anywhere you can take him as far away from your little Violet girlie, maybe put a radio on so he can't hear her, and play with him there. You might also try taking them both out and bringing them into an unfamiliar room for bonding with you. Do they both have wing clips?

05-24-2006, 01:08 PM
Just like with people, each bird has their own personalities, and depending on that, will be the determining factor on if your birds get along.

I have never had problems with any of my animals getting along….we have 2 dogs, 3 cats, (last count) 1 green wing macaw, 64 lovebirds, 4 sun conures, 6 green cheek conures, 1 dusky conure, 15 baby lovies, and 5 baby green cheeks. (I have to do a count on my birds monthly for the state of GA). Most of the pet birds do get along. The dusky conure loves all the lovebirds, but my daughter’s lovebird is his best bud. The Sun’s don’t have any problems with any of the other birds, as long as they stay away from their cages. :D The babies are normally loved by all the family. Ruby, my Greenwing macaw, doesn’t mind the other birds as long as they don’t dive bomb her. All of our pet birds stay manageable. We just have to keep up with who likes what when. Some of my birds are scared of hands, while the babies that we have raised don’t mind the hands. I do not let the baby lovebirds out of their cages while the sun conures are out, but I will allow the macaw and the dusky to stay out when we are having lovebird flying time.

What it really comes down too, is knowing your birds, and their personalities, and being a responsible pet owner. I can handle some of my breeders (mainly the ones that I have raised since they hatched), but there are a few I wouldn’t stick my hand in their cage unless it was an emergency. All the birds upstairs are loved on, and get cuddle time, and plenty of interaction with different members in my family. As long as we keep them as part of our family, they keep us as part of their flock.

I hope all goes well for you adding a new addition to the flock.

05-27-2006, 11:53 PM
Ty for your advice I will certainly try it. I had a computer crash and that is why I was gone for a while, that and just being busy working on my websites.
I missed everyone and all the great advice, I will be back on more now.
